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from 2019
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Interesting New Wildlife Film Book Out: BBC Wildlife Documentaries in the Age of Attenborough
by Jean-Baptiste Gouyon
This book explores the history of wildlife television in post-war Britain. It revolves around the role of David Attenborough, whose career as a broadcaster and natural history filmmaker has shaped British wildlife television.
The book discusses aspects of Attenborough's professional biography and also explores elements of the institutional history of the BBC-from the early 1960s, when it was at its most powerful, to the 2000s, when its future is uncertain. It focuses primarily on the wildlife 'making-of' documentary genre, which is used to trace how television progressively became a participant in the production of knowledge about nature. With the inclusion of analysis of television programmes, first-hand accounts, BBC archival material and, most notably, interviews with David Attenborough, this volume follows the development of the professional culture of wildlife broadcasting as it has been portrayed in public.
It will be of interest to wildlife television amateurs, historians of British television and students in science communication.
Jackson Wild World Wildlife Day Film Showcase 2020 Call for Entry from Jackson Wild
26 November 2019
Wildlife films to animate the “biodiversity super year”
World Wildlife Day 2020 Film Showcase announced
The Secretariats of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Jackson Wild announced today that they are teaming up to organize an international film showcase highlighting wildlife as an important component of biological diversity and how its conservation and sustainable use will help reduce the risk of unprecedented extinctions from overexploitation.
The Film Showcase will be one of the global events that will anchor next year’s UN World Wildlife Day (3 March) celebrated under the theme Sustaining all life on earth. The theme encompasses all wild animal and plant species as a component of biodiversity as well as the livelihoods of people, especially those who live closest to the nature. It also underlines the importance of sustainable use of natural resources in support of the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Winners and finalist films entered into the competition will be shown throughout 2020, known as “biodiversity super year” around the world and at various major events.
CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero said: “World Wildlife Day 2020 and the film showcase will embrace the ‘biodiversity super year’. This gives us a unique opportunity to celebrate wildlife as a component of biodiversity in its many beautiful and varied forms, raise awareness of the multitude of benefits of wildlife to people, the threats they are facing and the conservation success stories through motion pictures and story-telling. We urgently need to bend the curve of species and biodiversity loss before we reach the tipping points from which we may not recover, with dramatic consequences for all life on the planet.”
The CITES Secretariat is designated by the United Nations General Assembly as the global facilitator for the celebration of the World Wildlife Day each year in collaboration with organizations in the United Nations system.
As noted by Midori Paxton, Head of Biodiversity for UNDP: “Wildlife and biodiversity underpin the well-being, safety, and resilience of all societies. The World Wildlife Day 2020 film showcase will raise awareness of the importance of investing in nature in ways that help accelerate progress across the Sustainable Development Goals. The theme of World Wildlife Day is particularly timely as the UN System, countries, and all partners are preparing for the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework to be launched in October 2020 in Kunming, China at CBD COP15.”.
“The science tells us that a million species could go extinct if we don’t change the way we live on the planet. Storytelling reconnects people and nature. We hope this event will build the groundswell of support needed to drive the transformation and courage that our leaders need to demonstrate in 2020 to secure a prosperous future for people and nature,” said Susan Gardner, Director for Ecosystems for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
"Rich biodiversity is essential to the health of our planet. The various threats facing wildlife escalate every day. As growing numbers of species edge toward extinction we must act quickly and decisively," agreed Lisa Samford, Executive Director of Jackson Wild. “We believe in the power of story to inspire awe at the wonders of our natural world and ignite the critical changes that will be required to restore and protect it.”
“By protecting animals and plants, we protect the ecosystems that underlie our economies, our social and cultural traditions and human well-being,” said Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Officer in Charge of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). “Wildlife is instrumental to global forestry, fishery and tourism livelihoods. Biodiversity in turn keeps ecosystems functional, providing the ecosystem services that allow us to survive. The conservation and sustainable use of wildlife is therefore a critical component of sustainable development, and part of a comprehensive approach to achieving poverty eradication, food security and sustainable livelihoods.”
The call for entry will close on 3 January 2020 and finalists will be announced in early February 2020.
Winners will be presented at a high-level event to coincide with the global celebration of UN World Wildlife Day at UN Headquarters in New York on 3 March 2020.
Winning and finalist films will be subsequently showcased extensively throughout the world, through World Wildlife Day screening events as well as at the Jackson Wild Summit and through Jackson Wild On Tour.
Award categories include:
Science, Innovation and Exploration
Awarded to the film that most effectively conveys the values of wildlife as a component of biodiversity, and tells stories about scientific explorations, research and the discovery of species of wild animals and plants in the various ecosystems.
Issues and Solutions
Awarded to the film that most effectively explains the current threats and challenges facing wildlife, the environment, socio-economic consequences and the solutions to ensure their conservation and sustainable use.
People and the Wild
Awarded to the film that best demonstrates the relationship between wildlife and people, especially those who live alongside wild animals and plants.
Stories of Hope
Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the work of individuals or groups committed to the restoration and conservation of wildlife and their habitats.
Global Voices
Awarded to a film created by people local to the area or subject of focus addressed by the film.
Awarded to the best film less than 15 minutes in length.
Awarded to the best film less than 5 minutes in length.
There is no entry fee for submission. Films entered must be completed since 1 January 2017. Both entries that have not yet premiered and entries that have been broadcast or presented prior to submission are welcome. Submissions in all languages are welcomed. Programs in a language other than English must be subtitled in English for presentation to the judges and for the World Wildlife Day Film Showcase: Biodiversity. Eligible entries must complete an online submission form via www.jacksonwild.org. Entries will be uploaded to a private and secure Vimeo channel for judging.
Interested in being a preliminary judge for the World Wildlife Day Film Showcase? The commitment is approximately 10-20 hours. You will be invited to the awards celebration at UNHQ and other WWD events planned in NYC, Geneva, Vienna, Washington, DC and other locations. Click here to apply!
With 183 Parties (182 countries + the European Union), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) remains one of the world's most powerful tools for wildlife conservation through the regulation of trade. Thousands of species are internationally traded and used by people in their daily lives for food, health care, housing, furniture, handicrafts, tourist souvenirs, cosmetics or fashion. CITES regulates international trade in over 36,000 species of plants and animals, including their products and derivatives, to ensure their survival in the wild with benefits for the livelihoods of local people, the global environment and sustainable development in general. The CITES permit system seeks to ensure that international trade in listed species is sustainable, legal and traceable. CITES was signed in Washington D.C. on 3 March 1973 and entered into force on 1 July 1975.
About CBD
Opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and entering into force in December 1993, the Convention on Biological Diversity is an international treaty for the
conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of the components of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits derived from the use of genetic resources. With 196 Parties, the Convention has near universal participation among countries. The Convention seeks to address all threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services, including threats from climate change, through scientific assessments, the development of tools, incentives and processes, the transfer of technologies and good practices and the full and active involvement of relevant stakeholders including indigenous and local communities, youth, NGOs, women and the business community.
About UNDP
UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.
About Jackson Wild
Jackson Wild’s programs promote public awareness and stewardship of wildlife and wildlife habitat through the innovative use of media. For over 28 years, the Jackson Wild Summit has grown a reputation for hosting an extraordinary convening of scientists, conservationists, innovators and media where collaboration and innovation thrive, ideas are launched, and strategic partnerships are forged as participants work together to address critical conservation and environmental challenges facing our planet. The 2020 Jackson Wild Summit will be hosted in Austria: 28 Sept-2 Oct. in the famous Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
About the United Nations World Wildlife Day
On 20 December 2013, the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 3 March as World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora. The date is the day of the signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. World Wildlife Day has quickly become the most prominent global annual event dedicated to wildlife. It is an opportunity to celebrate the many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora and to raise awareness of the various challenges faced by these species. The day also reminds us of the urgent need to step up the fight against wildlife crime, which has wide-ranging economic, environmental and social impacts.
Sir David Attenborough and the BBC Studios Natural History Unit awarded Chatham House Prize 2019 for ocean advocacy 20 November 2019
The 2019 Chatham House Prize is awarded to Sir David Attenborough and Julian Hector, head of BBC Studios Natural History Unit, for the galvanizing impact of the Blue Planet II series on tackling ocean plastic pollution.
The Chatham House Prize is awarded to the person, persons or organization who is deemed to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year. The presentation ceremony and panel discussion with the winners was livestreamed on Wednesday.
The Blue Planet II series highlighted the damage caused by discarded plastics to the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. It is estimated that there are more than 150 million tonnes of plastic in the world’s oceans; resulting in the deaths of 1 million birds and 100,000 sea mammals each year.
Dr Robin Niblett, director of Chatham House said: ‘Plastic pollution is one of the gravest challenges facing the world’s oceans, and undoubtedly an international issue. Sir David and the BBC Studios Natural History Unit played an instrumental role in helping to put this issue at the forefront of the public agenda. Blue Planet II spurred a passionate global response and generated clear behavioural and policy change.’
This year the G20 agreed on an international framework to address marine plastic litter, acknowledging the increasing urgency of the issue and the need for an international solution. This follows action from the UK government, including a plan to ban common plastic items and investment in global research.
Discussing RT.com Op-ed Article: You’ve been lied to: Walrus suicide NOT caused by climate change as Attenborough story quietly revised. What else is a lie? by Helen Buyniski, RT and reactions to us sharing it.
Article published: 6 November – Shared 19 November 2019
"Footage of walruses driven to suicide by climate change broke the world’s heart last year, only for the story to be quietly revised. But if media lied about walrus suicides, what else are they lying about?
Renowned nature documentarian David Attenborough probably converted a few climate skeptics with his heartrending footage of walruses, their habitat decimated by climate change, throwing themselves off cliffs in despair in the 2018 Netflix documentary Our Planet.
Unfortunately, the story was untrue. Walruses regularly take to the water as part of their seasonal migration, and some plummet to their doom in their hurry to escape predators like polar bears, which sometimes hunt their prey by triggering a stampede off a precipice."
NB. Wildlife-film.com does not endorse this article nor its' theories. We've shared it because there are various unsubstantiated claims made online in the same vein and we wanted to open it up for discussion. We apologise if it has been seen otherwise.
After seeing various similar stories on the internet, we tweeted the above headline, indicating that it was an "RT Op-ed", thinking that it warranted a discussion perhaps. Some days later we got heavily criticised by some of the film-makers involved, suggesting that we were endorsing the article and giving credence to climate change deniers. We definitely were not and it was not our intention to offend the excellent film-makers involved with the production of Our Planet and Seven Worlds, One Planet ... Two series that we've heavily promoted, essentially for free!
Our tweet below, further replies found if you follow the various threads:
Really?! The only people being lied to are those reading your ridiculous tweet or the articles by ‘scientists’ on the payroll of climate change denying organisations. Get a grip.
One film-maker gave some reasoned and helpful clarifications in response, although complained to us privately, whilst another just decided to publicly attack us for the tweet, accusing us of promoting climate change deniers etc. Hence this response.
Both sequences are factually accruate and both sequences if you listen to the commentary make the same fundamental point that the walrus are hauled out in the first place because sea ice is disappearing. Satellite data proves this empirically. Especially in the Chuckhi Sea region
As a news resource, we share member and the wider industry news as a service to our members, subscribers/followers etc. We rarely give an opinion, merely curating the news for those that care to look. The news is largely positive, very often gushingly so, and we don't say whether we agree with it or not, i.e. we try to remain impartial. We are definitely more likely to share only positive news about our members, so could be accused of bias is that regard, but we share negative stuff too, or articles that might criticise productions, if we think they are interesting or newsworthy or warrant clarification. We then hope that they will be discussed by members, viewers and give the film-makers a chance to defend themselves where appropriate.
We understand that film-makers work on blue-chip, landmark series for several years and so are, of course, heavily invested in these productions and we've no wish or reason to devalue these efforts ... We largely just want to say bravo!
However, we don't check the truth behind every wildlife film-related news story that we share, because we don't have the time or the resources, plus we are aware that most articles online will have at least some inaccuracies. We leave it up to the reader to make decisions on whether the author/publisher has got it right, or those involved to send us a correction. We are not intentionally sharing fake news but know that not all news is accurate, be it positive or negative, and that we should all make sure that we look at different news outlets to get a balanced view. We try to share a balanced view ourselves, i.e. praise and criticism, sharing articles that reflect opposing views on the same subject/production. What we share is overwhelmingly positive and supportive however. Film-makers are always welcome to contact us with their news or their rebuttal to any inaccurate/fake news involving them and we will happily publish it for them. That goes for the article in question here too.
We are sorry that this tweet upset some people but wonder if the criticism is entirely fair.
So, we'd really like to hear what you think about this. Shoud we ignore negative stories or are they all fair game? By sharing them are we complicit? Should we not have sent this tweet? Should an opinion be given on every news item shared? Which would mean that we'd have to indicate that we agree or disagree with the positive stuff too? Would you like more editorial content? Are we potentially spreading fake news? Were the film-makers correct to berate us or should they have rather put their energies into refuting the author of the article's claims? Would you rather see us curate all wildlife film-related news or just the postive stuff? Do you think that Wildlife-film.com is a trustworthy news resource? Worthy even? Email us with your thoughts please: news@wildlife-film.com Or leave your comments in the box below. Thank you.
I’m freelance. This is entirely freelance ‘vitriol’ as you put it. But keep up the good work. It’s important that climate change deniers are given a voice.
PS. The replies recieved in response to this tweet genuinely upset me, the editor, as I spend an awful lot of my time working on this resource for very little financial reward and barely any thanks. I am constantly sharing positive wildlife/environmental/vegan film news articles, am clearly very much for film-making that is trying to make a difference in terms of climate change, environmental degradation and species extinctions etc whilst promoting the amazing work of the very talented individuals and organisations working in the wildlife film-making industry but I am not shy to share opposing views or something that is controversial now and then because sometimes it's necessary for balance. False balance and sensationalism never intended. Just ignoring prevalent wildlife film news, even if it is misinformed just because it's uncomfortable to address seems lacking somehow... I'd much rather have those that are misinfomed or publishing incorrect info/sensationalist/fake news put right. Or if wildlife film-makers are getting it wrong, have them called out. Anyway, this tweet was one amongst many social media postings last month, overwhelmingly positive ones they were too. A thank you instead of grumbles now and then wouldn't go amiss. Neither would some respect. Jason
6th November 2019
As members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the world’s largest palm oil certification system, meet in Bangkok for their 17th annual meeting, the world is in the midst of a climate, biodiversity and human rights emergency.
Global citizens have watched in horror and outrage over the past months as some of the largest remaining forested areas on the planet – from the Amazon to Indonesia – have been on fire.
And the role of palm oil companies and consumer brands — including many RSPO members — in this crisis is no secret.
Last year, RSPO members approved a new set of Principles and Criteria that align with the global ‘No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation’ policies of many of its members.
But the RSPO’s new standard will only be meaningful if it is upheld in a thorough, comprehensive and competent way. The new report Who Watches the Watchmen? 2’, released by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) and Grassroots this week, exposes the RSPO’s inability to assure consumers and the public that its members can uphold its standard.
A coalition of 15 NGOs released the following statement as the RSPO meeting entered its final day:
“As the world faces a climate, deforestation and human rights crisis, we call on the RSPO and its members to fulfill their promise of sustainability and commitment to ending deforestation, peatland destruction and violation of human rights in the production and procurement of palm oil among its member companies.
“Violations of the RSPO’s standard and procedures remain systemic and widespread and there is little evidence that RSPO members are truly implementing the Principles & Criteria. To the contrary, research has shown no significant difference between certified and non-certified plantations and fire, peatland loss and human and labour rights violations have been repeatedly exposed on RSPO-certified plantations.
“The planet, affected communities, workers and global citizens can no longer afford to wait for the RSPO to slowly nudge member companies in the right direction, while allowing them to do continual harm both to the environment and people.
“To remain relevant in today’s world, the RSPO must urgently strengthen its assurance systems and make the entire process – certification, monitoring, audits, complaints and enforcement – credible and robust.
“We call on all RSPO members to take up this call to action with the necessary urgency.”
Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA),
Friends of the Earth Japan,
HUTAN Group,
IAR Indonesia Foundation (YIARI),
Japan Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN),
Kaoem Telapak,
Organisasi Penguatan dan Pengembangan Usaha-Usaha Kerakyatan (OPPUK),
Rainforest Action Network,
Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA),
Verité Southeast Asia &
Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat.
A short film to accompany the new Environmental Investigation Agency report Who Watches the Watchmen 2, a hard-hitting expose of major failures in the sustainability guarantee of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
Submissions Open: October 15, 2019
Regular Deadline: December 6, 2019
Late Deadline: January 10, 2020
Extended Deadline: February 1, 2020
Festival Dates: April 18-25, 2020
IWFF 2020 New Categories
Films eligible for the International Wildlife Film Festival's juried competition must have a central focus on non-domesticated wildlife species, natural habitats, or conservation. The jury’s chief concerns are scientific accuracy, ethical decisions made during production, and demonstrated efforts toward the betterment of our natural world. IWFF’s judging process prioritizes a robust representation of perspectives in every category. IWFF highlights both the best of this long-lasting genre as well as alternative approaches to storytelling.
Short Short - A short film under 10 minutes in length.
Short - A short film under 40 minutes in length.
Feature - A program 45 minutes or longer in length made for reaching audiences through theaters, the internet, or television.
Student - Any program made while the filmmaker was enrolled in an academic institution - finalists must verify enrollment.
Children’s - Any program that engages a deeper understanding of the natural world and wildlife in younger viewers.
New Vision - Any program that displays an innovative, forward-thinking approach to filmmaking within this traditional genre offering a new vision of what wildlife filmmaking can be and how these stories are told.
Living with Wildlife - Any program that focuses on the complex and interdependent relationship between humans, animals, and the environment.
Animal Behavior - Any program that includes especially notable footage of animal behavior that is rare, impactful in terms of our understanding of the natural world or was captured using innovative techniques.
Wildlife Conservation - A program with a strong conservation message that follows the future of a species, highlights newfound biological research, represents the scientific process accurately and presents solutions for the betterment of wildlife sustainability.
Sustainable Planet - A program with a strong conservation message that features inspiring activism in response to our changing planet. Films may address growing public awareness and education, experimenting with innovative solutions or profiling activism toward a more sustainable planet.
IWFF 2020 theme: IGNITE - This category changes year to year with the festival’s annual theme. This can mean to set ideas in motion, metaphorically igniting minds or submissions may focus on the more obvious theme of how fire impacts our natural world.
These are the winners of the 2019 Flamingo Awards at WFFR
by Bryan van Putten
3 November 2019
Wildlife Film Festival (WFFR) closes jubilee edition successfully with again more visitors. Festival director Raymond Lagerwaard and his team can look back on a beautiful anniversary edition.
The Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam has successfully completed its fifth edition on Sunday 3 November. For five days this year, more than 10,000 nature lovers enjoyed a hundred screenings of the most extraordinary, high-profile and beautiful nature films from home and abroad.
With 2,500 more visitors than last year, the festival proves once again that the interest in wildlife films continues to grow. At the festive presentation of the Flamingo Awards on 2 November, the German nature film Norway's Magical Fjords by Jan Haft was declared Best Film 2019. Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan (UK) by Rowan Musgrave was most appreciated by the public.
Raymond Lagerwaard, festival director WFFR: "It was a great anniversary and I think it's fantastic that more and more nature lovers come to visit the festival every year. Once again it becomes clear that there is a need for nature documentaries on the big screen."
Van Lawick Conservation Award: The Serengeti Rules
PZH People & Nature Award: Tigerland
Children's Award: Wild Canada - Great Bear Rainforest
Newcomer Award: The Last Male on Earth
Virtual Reality Award: Cat Flight
Red Ape: Saving the Orangutan
Realm of the Robber - Christmas Island
Sharkwater Extinction
About WFFR
The Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam (WFFR) is the only film festival for nature documentaries in the Netherlands and shows the most recent films from home and abroad. Since its first edition in 2015, WFFR has been taking place in the Rotterdam film theatre Cinerama, which was also the vibrant heart of the festival this year. The programme consists of beautiful documentaries showing the beauty of nature, as well as films showing the relationship between man and nature. During WFFR, visitors can talk to the many filmmakers present, attend special lectures and take part in interesting activities related to nature conservation.
Save the date!
WFFR 2020 will be held in Cinerama from Tuesday 27 October to Sunday 1 November 2020.
We are so sad to report the untimely death of supremely skilled underwater cameraman Andy Jackson By Jason Peters
1 November 2019
Very sad to share the news that long-time member Andy Jackson past away last month, 14th of October.
Andy's wide, Jackie Daly, said this: "Andy died suddenly while out riding his bicycle on a regular training ride. His high level of fitness masked a heart condition which proved fatal on 14th October. We are all shocked and devastated at losing our hero."
Andy’s funeral was held on Tuesday 29th October 2019, 12:45pm at Woodlands Crematorium, Scarborough, North Yorkshire with a reception held afterwards at the Scarborough Sub Aqua Club.
"Devoted husband to Jackie, inspirational dad to Ellie and Fred, loving brother to Sue, uncle, great uncle, and wonderful friend and colleague to so many people. He is gone far too soon.
A talented underwater cameraman, Andy’s films captivated millions of people through much-loved shows like BBC Springwatch and Blue Planet II. His work has helped increase protection for threatened marine habitats and animals.
Prior to his wildlife filmmaking career, Andy was a pioneer of North Sea shipwrecks, discovering and charting their locations, often returning with barnacle-encrusted artefacts.
Throughout his life, Andy has always loved intrepid adventure, the natural world, and creating beautiful things – from treehouses to boats to homes to highly-specialised filming equipment. Always ready to lend a hand, his generous spirit has built great friendships from the Highlands to the South Coast to his native Yorkshire.
We are devastated to lose Andy, our hero, such a bright light in our lives, and invited his family and friends to join us at a service to commemorate his magnificent achievements in life and the brilliance of his soul."
At the end of the second episode of Autumnwatch on Wednesday, October 30th, a tribute was made to Andy Jackson ... An article about it with some background info was published here: realitytitbit.com
In a tribute entitled Andy Jackson – Just Add Light To Water", written by Sara Nason for Sea Change, she says "When George Brown, Andy’s trusted dive buddy called to say Andy had died unexpectedly, it was not just a shock, it was incomprehensible. It is hard to come to terms with the loss of such a dedicated, talented, generous and big hearted storyteller of the underwater world – and grasp the fact that he is no longer with us. He was in his prime and had so much still to give. Andy and his wife Jackie were an unusually talented team. Our hearts go out to her, his family and children." More here: seachangewesterross.co.uk/andy-jackson-just-add-light-water
Little Green Island Films produced the lovely video tribute:
They say: 'Andy's untimely death is a tragic loss for the whole dive and conservation community. Sea Change in particular owe him a huge debt as our surveys were predominantly his work. Sea Change, SCFF and SubSea.TV made up the early survey partnership which Andy called the "A Team" from 2016-when we began surveyed Wester Ross MPA and then set up maerl transects together. Soon realising his storytelling talent was better placed elsewhere...This A Team was Ali Hughson and Andy working together. Next year he planned to film the squid at Reiff in June and return to tell the story of herring and of course his beloved Bobtail squid in Loch Carron working with George Brown as his buddy on occasion. We will all miss the sheer joy it was to see his stories as they developed as well as sharing his enthusiasm over the small things of the seabed. He will be very much missed. Our hearts go out to Jackie and his children and family."
In 2015, Andy was the winner of the British Wildlife Photography Awards for his film in the Wildlife in HD Video category:
"We’re thrilled to share that our film The Last Seahorse in Studland? has won the Wildlife in HD Video category of the British Wildlife Photography Awards 2015.
Every year, we’re inspired by the beautiful photographs and films that tell dynamic, breathtaking, and intimate stories of Britain’s wildlife across all categories of the BWPAwards. It’s a great honour to have our work recognised amongst such talented company. Big congratulations to all the other category winners and commended entries.
We’re hopeful that winning the competition will bring more attention to the plight of British seahorses and help to protect one of our most iconic marine animals." www.subseatv.net
Sit down with ANTARCTICA: INTO THE UNKNOWN’s Supervising Producer, Myles Connolly and discover what goes into creating a spectacular Giant Screen film. Learn about the challenges and obstacles the filmmaking team faced while working in one of the most isolated places on the planet – capturing stunning landscapes and astounding animal behaviors for the world’s largest screens.
Meet Fredi Devas, the Director of ANTARCTICA: INTO THE UNKNOWN, as he recounts his favorite on-location moments and unique interactions with animals completely unafraid of humans. Fredi shares his excitement for working in the Giant Screen medium and passion to inspire audiences to help protect this incredible and fragile ecosystem.
14th October 2019
A law designed to protect elephants, passed with overwhelming popular support and cross-party Parliamentary backing in 2018, could be struck off the statute books because of resistance from the antiques trade.
The UK Ivory Act – which introduces tough regulations on the buying and selling of ivory from, to and within the UK – received Royal Assent in December 2018 but will now be subject to Judicial Review at the High Court on 16 October.
“To lose this law before it has even taken effect would be a tragedy for Africa’s elephants,” said John Stephenson, CEO of Stop Ivory. “The UK is one of the world’s leading exporters of antique ivory and sends more to China and Hong Kong than any other country.
“Any legal trade in ivory provides cover for the illegal trade because it is difficult to distinguish between antique and newly carved ivory. Moreover, it fuels a continued demand for ivory by perpetuating its perceived value in the eyes of consumers and making it a socially acceptable commodity.”
The antiques lobby group, a company of antiques dealers and collectors called the Friends of Antique Cultural Treasures Ltd (FACT), argues that the Ivory Act is incompatible with EU law, which allows trade in pre-1947 ‘antique’ ivory. The group also claims the act infringes antiques dealers’ human rights by not letting them buy or sell ivory.
However, the European Commission is currently considering new restrictions on ivory trade across Europe which are based in part on the UK Ivory Act and even use similar language. Other countries, such as Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, have introduced, or are in the process of introducing, similar legislation also based on the Act.
Mary Rice, Executive Director of the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), which has campaigned against the ivory trade for decades, said: “The UK Ivory Act has been welcomed globally as an important step in stifling a demand for ivory which threatens elephants in the wild. So we’re extremely concerned about attempts by British antiques dealers to have the UK ban quashed.”
While the antiques trade claims the UK Ivory Act will result in “substantial economic damage” to the industry, ivory accounts for less than one per cent of annual sales in many UK auction houses.
The Act does not prevent individuals from owning ivory, from passing items on as family heirlooms or donating it to museums and includes a number of carefully crafted exemptions.
The UK Ivory Act also has the support of many African countries with significant elephant populations, which are calling for stricter controls on the sale of ivory abroad as they struggle to control poaching at home.
Thirteen African governments belonging to the Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI) signed a statement hailing the passing of the Act in 2018: “We believe the UK’s new law will … support and encourage enforcement efforts and initiatives to reduce ivory trafficking in Africa, and around the world.”
Approximately 55 African elephants are poached every day, an unsustainable rate of loss.
According to a 2017 survey, 85 per cent of the British public are in favour of the UK Ivory Act.
A decision from the High Court is expected before the end of the year.
Wilderland Wildlife Film Festival Announces Dates Around UK and Ireland! From Wilderland Festival
3rd October 2019
A brand new film festival showcasing incredible wildlife stories from around the world.
Wilderland Film Festival promises to share important, breathtaking stories from the natural world as it announces 26 dates in theatres around the UK for Autumn 2019. The UK’s first-ever touring wildlife film festival, Wilderland will shine a light on some astonishing and thought-provoking stories - filmed by a host of independent international filmmakers. Tickets are available from www.wilderlandfestival.com
Wilderland Film Festival is the brainchild of zoologist filmmakers Dan O’Neill and Isaac Rice, who recruited some of the most acclaimed wildlife filmmakers to whittle down a shortlist of over 50 short films to the chosen 9 films that will be seen during the tour. Judges, including award-winning cameraman Doug Allan (The Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Frozen Planet), naturalist and author Stephen Moss (Britain’s Big Wildlife Revival, Springwatch), and producer/director Louise Heren (Big Cat Diaries) have chosen films that will take audiences on a journey through the world’s most enigmatic wildlife; from a film exploring how the mercurial Snow Leopard and Himalayan communities co-exist, to the diminishing Orangutan population of Orangutans in Borneo, to the impact of noise-pollution in our seas on the majestic humpback whale and many more.
Dan O’Neill and Isaac Rice said "Wilderland is a platform for the new era of independent wildlife filmmakers. It will inspire everyone to think more about the natural world in our daily lives. Wilderland's ethos is that anyone can be a conservationist, and everyone has a part to play in the future of our planet.”
Wilderland brings these films to UK theatre audiences for the very first time. The touring festival is sure to attract the attention of all wildlife fans and lovers of travel, conservation and adventure.
Doug Allan, panel member and cameraman says, "Anyone with a fascination for the natural world and conservation should make sure they book their ticket to Wilderland. It’s inspirational.”
Steve Backshall, BAFTA-winning English naturalist, writer and TV presenter says "It’s so exciting to see these breathtaking films on the big screen for the first time
Gordon Buchanan, wildlife TV presenter and cameraman says “Wilderland is special because it gives audiences unparalleled insight into some of the world’s most incredible wildlife”
Audiences will also have the opportunity to support the effort to save some of our planet's most endangered species. At each show, the audience will be invited to vote for one of five endangered species identified by the Wilderland Vote. Votes will be counted each night and, at the end of the tour, the Wilerland team will embark on a journey to make a film about the most voted-for species, raising awareness of its plight and encouraging support for grassroots charities working to help them. The resulting film will be premiered at the next Wilderland Film Festival, and funded by a percentage of profits from the festival.
The selected short films programmed are as follows:
A PLACE FOR PENGUINS A Place For Penguins follows an unlikely duo as they team up and take on an ambitious, novel and entirely unique project - creating the world’s first artificially induced African penguin colony.
PERSON OF THE FOREST Renowned National Geographic photographer Tim Laman, researcher Cheryl Knott, and young explorer Robert Suro shed new light on the similarities between our ancient ancestors and ourselves before it's too late.
FLAMBOYANT Flamboyant follows the story of one young cuttlefish as she learns to hunt in a new home after a life-changing encounter with a diver.
BLOOD ISLAND Gripping to the core, Blood Island tells the powerful story of a group of abandoned ex-lab chimpanzees, their captors and the people still fighting to save them.
BIG BOOOM! The history of humanity and of our planet in four minutes. An eco-friendly statement developed in a single shot that has it all: humour, action and tragedy.
KEEPER OF THE CALL Keeper of the Call follows farmer Wynford as he works alongside conservationists to save a precious family of endangered curlews. But with the modern countryside so full of dangers, will Wynford see his chicks fly?
A VOICE ABOVE NATURE A Voice Above Nature explores the surface of the seas and the intimate calls of whales in a way never seen before to reveal a not-so-silent-killer.
LIVING WITH SNOW LEOPARDS Living With Snow Leopards examines the principal issues in conserving the world’s most enigmatic cat. Delving into the lives of farmers in Northern India, a new method is fighting to save this iconic animal’s future.
SPIRIT OF THE MOUNTAINS The dramatic story of young man who risks everything to save an iconic animal from the hands of an insatiable and cruel collector.
Films are suitable for all ages.
Wilderland founders Isaac Rice and Dan O’Neill will host and introduce each film live on stage.
National World Safaris
Bespoke travel outfitter Natural World Safaris (www.naturalworldsafaris.com) specialises in putting guests in the right place at the right time to maximise the safari experience in destinations across Africa and the Indian Ocean, the Indian Subcontinent, the Far East, Polar Regions and Latin America. This is possible due to the experience and expertise of the team, whom have usually either lived, guided or worked in each destination they sell. From gorillas to grizzlies, whales to wildebeest, each bespoke or specialist led safari puts guests up close and personal with some of the world’s most spectacular or elusive wildlife, whilst promoting conscientious travel and supporting local and international conservation projects.
The Wildlife Trusts – wildlifetrusts.org
There are 46 individual Wildlife Trusts covering the whole of the UK. All are working for an environment rich in wildlife for everyone. We have more than 850,000 members including 150,000 members of our junior branch Wildlife Watch. Our vision is to create A Living Landscape and secure Living Seas. We care for around 2,300 nature reserves and every year we advise thousands of landowners and organisations on how to manage their land for wildlife. We also run marine conservation projects around the UK, collecting vital data on the state of our seas and celebrating our amazing marine wildlife. Every year we work with thousands of schools and our nature reserves welcome millions of visitors.
Wabbani – www.wabbani.com
Wabbani is a décor company with a social mission to connect remote artisans with customers. Our products are handmade, culturally-authentic add-ons that fit the exact specifications of IKEA furnishings. We preserve threatened cultures and habitats, support artisan livelihoods, and share revenue with the maker communities that share their arts with us.
Rohan – www.rohan.co.uk
Rohan is dedicated to the idea that you should be able to travel the world unencumbered and free. Our clothing is packed full with clever features so you can do just that. It’s protective, lightweight, packable, easycare and versatile.
Rohan. For Every Journey. rohan.co.uk. For more information, contact media@rohan.co.uk.
Jackson Wild Media Awards 2019 Winners Announced! From Jackson Wild
27th September 2019
Jackson Wild is delighted to announce the complete list of winners selected for the 2019 Media Awards. Known as Nature film’s equivalent to the Oscars®, the Jackson Wild Media Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in nature, science and conservation storytelling.
Winners were announced at a gala celebration at the Center for the Arts in the heart of Jackson, Wyoming. The Jackson Wild Media Awards celebration culminates the seven-day Jackson Wild Summit hosted at Jackson Lake Lodge in Grand Teton National Park.
More than 850 innovative filmmakers, conservationists, photographers, scientists, journalists and visionaries convened from across the globe to discuss the changing role of media as our planet faces urgent issues associated with climate change.
This year’s submissions in the prestigious competition included over 1,000 category entries from over 30 countries competing for more than 30 awards. Some 150 preliminary judges screened more than 3500 to select the finalists under consideration.
Congratulations to the 2019 Jackson Wild Media Awards Winners!
Congratulations to our Grand Teton (Best of Festival):
The Biggest Little Farm NEON and LD Entertainment present a FarmLore Films production in association with Diamond Docs and Impact Partners & Artemis Rising
Animal Behavior:
Long Form (Sponsored by Disneynature) Awarded to the program that most effectively explores animal behavior in a new, fresh, imaginative or authoritative way.
Dynasties: Painted Wolves BBC Studios Natural History Unit, BBC America, Tencent, France Télévisions, CCTV9
Short Form (Sponsored by Animal Planet) Awarded to the program that most effectively explores animal behavior in a new, fresh, imaginative or authoritative way.
The Great Pretender A film by Nardine Groch, Produced as part of the UWE Masters of Wildlife Filmmaking course.
Ecosystem (Sponsored by Terra Mater) Awarded to the program that most effectively explores a unique habitat and its wildlife.
Earth & Sky (Sponsored by WGBH) Awarded to the film that best explores the science of planet earth and the cosmos beyond. Relevant disciplines include Geology, Paleontology, Oceanography, Astronomy and Meteorology.
Space's Deepest Secrets: Cassini's Grand Finale BBC Worldwide and Science Channel
Long Form (Sponsored by International Fund for Animal Welfare) Awarded to the program that most effectively contributes to an awareness of timely and relevant conservation issues and/or solutions.
Vs. Goliath Visual, Ragtag Tribe Films
Short Form (Sponsored by Conservation International)
Awarded to the program that most effectively contributes to an awareness of timely and relevant conservation issues and/or solutions.
Nigerians fight to protect the world’s most trafficked mammal Katie Schuler, Mike Olcott, Dan Steinmetz, National Geographic Partners
People & Nature:
Long Form (Sponsored by The Nature Conservancy) Awarded to the program that most effectively explores the interdependent relationship between humans and animals or the environment.
The Biggest Little Farm NEON and LD Entertainment present a FarmLore Films production in association with Diamond Docs and Impact Partners & Artemis Rising
Short Form (Sponsored by BBC Studios) Awarded to the program that most effectively explores the interdependent relationship between humans and animals or the environment.
Where Life Begins Coral & Oak Studios
Changing Planet:
Long Form (Sponsored by Love Nature) Awarded for the best examination of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability and climate change.
Our Planet: Frozen Worlds A Silverback Films Production for Netflix
Short Form (Sponsored by Smithsonian Channel) Awarded for the best examination of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability and climate change.
Long Form (Sponsored by Marco Polo Film AG) Awarded to the program that most effectively incorporates science, the scientific method and scientific discovery into an understanding of some aspect of the natural world.
The Serengeti Rules Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Short Form (Sponsored by National Geographic Society) Awarded to the program that most effectively incorporates science, the scientific method and scientific discovery into an understanding of some aspect of the natural world.
The Anomalies: Venom Race Day's Edge Productions for BioGraphic
Long Form (Sponsored by ORF) Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the impact of individuals, groups, organizations or movements committed to the protection, awareness or understanding of a species, ecosystem or some other aspect of the natural world.
The Serengeti Rules Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Short Form (Sponsored by Netflix) Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the impact of individuals, groups, organizations or movements committed to the protection, awareness or understanding of a species, ecosystem or some other aspect of the natural world.
Blood Island Lindsey Parietti in association with the University of the West of England
Educational/Institutional (Sponsored by PBS) Awarded to the non-broadcast or commercially distributed program that most successfully educates its audience on some aspect of the natural world. This includes projects created by government agencies, NGOs, universities and other institutions.
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating Elisabeth Tova Bailey
Limited Series - Long (Sponsored by RED Digital Cinema) Awarded to the mini-series with episodes longer than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme.
Blue Planet II BBC Studios Natural History Unit
Limited Series - Short (Sponsored by ARRI) Awarded to the mini-series with episodes shorter than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme.
Engaging Youth (Sponsored by Discovery) Awarded to the program that most effectively inspires an appreciation of the natural world, or issues associated with animals and the environment to young people 6-12 years of age.
Great Bear Rainforest Spirit Bear Entertainment
Host/Presenter-Led (Sponsored by Vulcan Productions) Awarded to the program that makes the most effective use of a host or presenter in communicating an appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
Wild_Life : Resurrection Island The Front for National Geographic, Host: Bertie Gregory
Micro-Movie (Sponsored by Seeker) Awarded to the most effective and compelling project under five minutes in length (including PSAs, music videos, and campaigns), that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world.
Finding Captain Nemo Popular Science
Theatrical (Sponsored by Off the Fence) Awarded to the program created for commercial distribution that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world. This category includes programs distributed in theaters, BluRay/DVD or streamed via the internet.
Sea of Shadows Terra Mater Factual Studios in association with Appian Way, Malaika Pictures, The Wild Lens Collective for National Geographic Documentary Films
Student & Emerging (Sponsored by HHMI Tangled Bank Studios) Presented in recognition of the best program produced by either a first-time filmmaker in the field of natural history production, or a student currently enrolled or no more than 2 years out of an academic program.
A Voice Above Nature Annie Moir in association with the University of the West of England
360° Storytelling (Sponsored by USC Cinematic Arts) Awarded to the best natural history program created for the immersive platform of Virtual Reality.
Polar Obsession Black Dot Films VR for National Geographic
Visualization (Sponsored by Fujifilm and Fujinon Lenses)
Awarded for the cinematography or computer generated visual storytelling that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Blue Planet II: The Deep BBC Studios Natural History Unit
Editing (Sponsored by Sony Electronics)
Awarded for the editing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
The Biggest Little Farm NEON and LD Entertainment present a FarmLore Films production in association with Diamond Docs and Impact Partners & Artemis Rising, Editor: Amy Overbeck
Writing (Sponsored by National Geographic)
Awarded for the writing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part through the union of imagery, story line, dialog and narration.
Sex, Lies and Butterflies A Production of TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS and CONEFLOWER PRODUCTIONS in co-production with THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS LLC for WNET, Writer: Janet Hess
Audioscape (Sponsored by Television Academy Sound Peer Group)
Awarded for the combined contribution of sound editing, musical score, production mixing and post-production mixing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Cuba’s Wild Revolution A Crossing the Line Film for ORF Universum, PBS Nature, France Télévisions, BBC, SVT, RTÉ, ORF-Enterprise and WNET/Thirteen Productions LLC Sound Mixer: Paul Finan, Original Music: Badhands
Special Jury
Special Jury Nominations honor programs that stood out to our preliminary judges as worthy of special recognition for some aspect or strength outside of the standard category criteria.
The River and the Wall Rio Grande Film
Our Gorongosa Gorongosa Media and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Special Jury: Foreign Language
Special Jury Nominations honor programs that stood out to our preliminary judges as worthy of special recognition for some aspect or strength outside of the standard category criteria — Produced by people local to the area of focus addressed by the film for a local audience in the local language.
Breathing Room
Daphne Wong
The Fisherman and the Forest
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
The River Gives
Liberty NPO, Untitled Entertainment
The Southern Right Whale
Lyra Films
Alchimie Productions, Sébastien Pins
Special Jury: Conservation Hero
Andrea Crosta
Wildlife-film.com congratulates all of the finalsists, especially those of our members that made it (in bold above). It's likely other members have worked on some of these productions... Let us know if you have!
The final jury for 2019 was made up of the following qualified professionals:
Aneeta Akhurst - Aneeta Akhurst is the Director of Programming at Seeker, an award-winning science digital media brand, delivering over 2 billion annual video views and ranking #1 in scale and engagement on social. In her role, Aneeta oversees all original programming and production, spanning best-in-class documentaries, science news and hosted explainer series that air across YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Amazon and linear.
Lynn Hirshfield - Lynn Hirshfield is Participant Media’s Senior Vice President of Strategic Alliances. She joined Participant Media in September 2005 and is responsible for leading the development of ancillary content and strategic partnerships for the company’s social impact campaigns. Lynn also launched Participant’s publishing division to complement the company’s films and social action campaigns.
David Martin - David Martin is a nature lover and conservationist who serves as the Director of Partnerships for Mongabay, a popular online environmental science and conservation news platform with 30 million readers worldwide. At Mongabay, he helped his team strategize and ultimately launch a video program focused on short form content, with the goal of inspiring new audiences to love nature and to get involved in conservation.
Kathleen McInnis - As programmer/curator, creative producer and strategic publicist, Kathleen McInnis provides strategic collaboration with emerging World Cinema filmmakers to merge their creative and business development. Kathleen helps to expand filmmaker networks, broaden and cultivate audience and raise
profile for both the films and filmmakers, starting in development, continuing through production and on to the world premieres at festivals such as Toronto, Sundance, Berlin, Rotterdam, and Karlovy Vary.
Pragna Parsotam-Kok - Pragna Parsotam-Kok is a film and television producer. She has a passion for the documentary genre with a focus on conservation, natural history, social justice and call to action filmmaking. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science (majoring in Culture, Communication & Media Studies as well as Drama & Performance Studies), her business skills include strategic planning and management. Pragna focuses her time on the research and development phase of filmmaking as well as budgeting, financing and producing.
The Jackson Wild Media Awards Gala was slated during a week of critical importance in the industry: the Jackson Wild Summit and the Living Oceans Summit. Jackson Wild events attract participation from key influencers in the conservation, science and media communities. For more information about the Jackson Wild Summit programming, sponsorship, or conference attendance, please call 307-200-3286 or visit www.jacksonwild.org?.
About Jackson Wild: A renowned international conference for over 25 years as the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, Jackson Wild has expanded its reach and impact around the globe. Leveraging the power of media to inspire wonder for our living planet and ignite action to restore and protect it through high-impact collaboration, Jackson Wild creates impact through four pillars of engagement: Summits, Awards, New Frontiers and Global Impact. The Jackson Wild Media & Conservation Summit is an unparalleled annual industry gathering, held annually in Grand Teton National Park with over 800 international delegates. Summit attendees participate in an exceptional slate of leading-edge equipment presentations, seminars and state-of-the-art screenings. The Jackson Wild Media Awards are announced during the Summit at its awards gala celebration.
The Festival’s international board members include: Animal Planet, BBC Studios Natural History Unit, Blue Ant Media/Love Nature, Discovery Channel, Disneynature, FujiFilm Optical Devices/Fujinon Lenses, Gorongosa Restoration Project, HHMI/Tangled Bank Studios, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Media Alliance, National Geographic Partners, National Geographic Society, The Nature Conservancy, Thirteen Productions/WNET, Netflix, Off the Fence Productions, PBS, Sony Electronics, Terra Mater Factual Studios/Cinemater, The Science Channel, Smithsonian Channel, Swedish Television, UNIVERSUM/ORF, Vulcan Productions, WGBH, and World Wildlife Fund.
To mark its tenth anniversary and help raise awareness about our coast; its incredible biodiversity and the threats it is facing BWPA have expanded the Coast and Marine category to include British and Irish Coastlines within four separate categories; Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland & the Coast of Ireland.
The awards celebrate both the work of amateur and professional photographers and the beauty and diversity of British wildlife. Winning images are chosen from thousands of entries in fifteen separate categories including a category for film and two junior categories to encourage young people to connect with nature through photography.
The Overall Winning Image: DANIEL TRIMM – Behind Bars (Grey heron), London
Grey herons thrive around London’s wilder waterways, but they also do well in more urban settings such as the smaller parks and canals, despite the litter and large numbers of people walking by. This individual was hunting in the cover of a bridge – presumably the fish were taking shelter among the fallen leaves and plastic bottles. The morning light shining through a grill gives the impression that the bird is trapped as it gazes out through the mesh.
Mark Carwardine comments “Who needs penguins or polar bears when we have puffins and badgers?
"With so many photographers scouring the globe for exotic megafauna, it’s easy to forget how much wildlife we have in our own small and densely populated backyard. Just look up – from behind your desk, the kitchen sink or inside your car – and the chances are you will see a wild creature of one kind or another. A red fox running across a field, a blue tit on the bird table, or a red kite over the motorway. We are very fortunate in having an outstanding biodiversity in this country – so it’s not surprising that British Wildlife Photography Awards has become one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the wildlife photography calendar.
"This year, BWPA celebrates its tenth anniversary and I am delighted that it is marking the occasion by focusing on British coasts. The Coast and Marine category has now been expanded to include four separate categories.
"Our island nation has an impressive 31,368 kilometres of coastline. We are surrounded by some of the richest seas in the world, teeming with an astonishing abundance and diversity of marine wildlife. We provide a home for about eight million breeding seabirds, a wide variety of cetaceans and everything from otters and grey seals to basking sharks and white-tailed eagles. Indeed, there are estimated to be 15,000 marine species living in UK seas altogether.
"But we do a shockingly bad job of looking after them. We take out far too many fish and shellfish, often catching them in destructive ways that have devastating impacts on other wildlife, and we use the seas as a dumping ground for an insidious tide of plastic waste and all sorts of other pollution. Add to that threats from rising sea temperatures, oil and gas exploration and extraction, and coastal development, and it’s not really surprising that we are losing our marine wildlife like never before.
The Category Winners:
For 2019 the Coast and Marine category includes British and Irish Coastlines within four separate categories; Wales, Scotland, England, and Northern Ireland & the Coast of Ireland.
“Seal in Seaweed Garden” (Grey seal)
Isle of Coll, Inner Hebrides Argyll and Bute
ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR: ROBIN CHITTENDEN – Common Swift Skimming the Water
Norwich, Norfolk
ANIMAL PORTRAITS: MARK KIRKLAND – Peering Through the Darkness (Small-spotted catshark)
Loch Fyne, Argyll and Bute
URBAN WILDLIFE: DANIEL TRIM – Behind Bars (Grey heron)
WILD WOODS: DAVE FIELDHOUSE – Welcome to Narnia (European larch,)
The Roaches, Upper Hulme, Staffordshire
HABITAT: RICH BUNCE – Brighter Skies on the Horizon (Rock dove or feral pigeon)
Burley in Wharfedale, West Yorkshire
BLACK AND WHITE: NICHOLAS COURT – Marbled White in Grass (Marbled white)
Darley Bridge, Derbyshire
HIDDEN BRITAIN: ALAN SMITH – Garden Spider, Back garden
Reading, Berkshire
ENGLAND: PAUL PETTITT – Stalked Jellyfish and Rissoa Snail
Kimmeridge Bay, Dorset
WALES: MARK THOMAS – Plaice Face (Plaice) Criccieth Beach, Gwynedd
NORTHERN IRELAND AND COAST OF IRELAND: TREVOR REES – Mauve stinger jellyfish (Pelagia noctiluca)
Malin Beg, Donegal, County Donegal, Ireland
SCOTLAND: ALEX MUSTARD – Seal in Seaweed Garden (Grey seal)
Isle of Coll, Inner Hebrides, Argyll and Bute
View all the winning Images, including the video winner and a selection of highly commended entries here: www.bwpawards.org
The Prizes
First prize: £5,000
The winning pictures and best entries will be included in a touring exhibition across the UK and a stunning coffee table book.
The title of British Wildlife Photographer is given to the photographer whose single image is judged to be the most striking and memorable of all the entries. The photographer of the overall winning image is awarded a first prize of £5,000.
Adult Category winners
The four Coast and Marine Category Winners will receive a cash prize of £500.
The overall Coast and Marine Category winner will also receive a Canon EOS M50 with the EF-M 55 - 200 mm lens.
Other category winners (except British Seasons, Habitat and Behaviour) will receive a Canon EOS M50 with the EF-M 15-45mm and EF-M 55-200mm lens. Tell unforgettable stories in rich colour and detail with the compact and connected 4K EOS M50. Its sleek design is packed with innovative technologies including cinematic 4K and 5-axis image stabilisation, with DSLR image quality in a lightweight mirrorless body. This modern camera combines a 24.1 Megapixel DSLR sized CMOS sensor with powerful DIGIC 8 processing for outstanding low light performance and depth of field control. A large central electronic viewfinder provides an intuitive shooting experience, with a 7.5cm vari- angle touchscreen to shoot from every perspective.
The Behaviour category winner will receive a £1,000 voucher from category sponsor Shetland Nature - to be used against any Shetland Nature tour, subject to availability.
The winner of the Habitat category will win a single place on Wildlife Worldwide’s Skomer’s Perfect Puffin photography tour. Staying on the island for two nights, you can enjoy the wildlife without the crowds and build up an impressive portfolio of puffin images. Other species include short-eared owls, razorbills, guillemots and even grey seals. Accompanied throughout by award-winning photographers, this 3-day trip is the perfect way to get up close and photograph Skomer Island’s puffins.
Wildlife in HD Video category winner
The prize in the Wildlife in HD Video category is a Canon XA11 Full HD Camcorder. The XA11 is a Full HD camcorder which feature stunning 20x 26.8mm-576mm optical zoom lenses to flexibly capture a variety of scenes with superb image quality. A Hi-UD lens supports the reduction of chromatic aberration and drives vivid imaging. Canon’s HD CMOS Sensor and the powerful DIGIC DV4 image processing platform deliver great performance in low light and the ability to capture superb Full HD images in 50P at 35Mbps. The XA11 offers a range of various interfaces including HDMI, XLR professional audio terminals, headphone jack and optional GPS support.. Comprising compact and lightweight bodies, the XA11 is ideal for high-action shoots when both speed and mobility are essential. Dynamic Mode provides 5-Axis image stabilization - roll axis, horizontal roll, vertical roll, up-down and left-right - to ensure smooth image capture in various styles of fast-paced shoots.
Wildpix Categories
There are two special awards to encourage participation by young people. These are free to enter.
Young British Wildlife Photographer (Up to 11): £300
Over 100 images including the winning and commended entries launches at the Mall Galleries, London, commencing Tuesday 6th November and is open until 1pm Sunday 11th November. A full list of exhibiting galleries is at the end of this press release or alternatively please visit the website for more information about the venues: www.bwpawards.org/c/galleries/exhibitions
Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the British Wildlife Photography Awards, this stunning collection showcases 150 of the winning and shortlisted images from the 2019 competition. Curating the year's finest work from world-leading professionals and inspired amateurs, it celebrates the extraordinary diversity of British wildlife while inspiring readers of all ages to engage with nature and conservation. Every photograph is beautifully reproduced in a large format, with detailed technical information alongside the photographer s personal account. Featuring a fresh new design, and supported by a touring exhibition and major media campaign, this is both an essential reference and an irresistible gift. It will bring every reader closer to the often unseen and always surprising world of British nature.
Mark Carwardine, zoologist, conservationist, wildlife photographer, TV/radio presenter and bestselling author comments;
"I hope you enjoy this remarkable book (how can you not?). Maybe you’ll be encouraged to enter the competition yourself next year? But, most of all, I hope it will inspire you to get involved, to take an active part in protecting our precious wildlife. It really does need all the help it can get.".
Published by Ammonite Press • 16th September 2019 • RRP £25.00 - Free P&P
The book is available here: www.bwpawards.org/competition/book
Exhibition Tour. (Check with the venues for their opening times)
Mall Galleries – (open from 17th September (Tuesday 10am) until 22nd September (Sunday 1pm)
Astley Hall – 28th September to 3rd November 2019
Nature in Art – 22nd October to 22nd December 2019
Bodiam Castle – 5th October 2019 to 5th January 2020
Stockwood Discovery Centre – 20th January to 22nd March 2020
Nunnington Hall – 16th May to 5th July 2020
Further tour dates to be added
The Sponsors
Canon, Manfrotto, WWF, RSPB, Wildlife Explorers, The Wildlife Trusts, Shetland Nature, Countryside Jobs Service, Buglife, The British Deer Society, BBC Wildlife Magazine and Outdoor Photography Magazine.
Supported by
Ammonite Press, Kristal Digital Imaging Centre and Wildlife-film.com
Paul Colley
– Wildlife Photographer and Conservationist
Rob Cook
– Segment Manager, Canon
Richard Edwards
– Head of Content WWF-UK
Sheena Harvey
– Editor, BBC Wildlife magazine
Victoria Hillman
– Wildlife Researcher and Photographer
Ross Hoddinott
– Nature Photographer and Author
Lucy McRobert
– Campaigns Manager, The Wildlife Trusts
Brydon Thomason
– Naturalist and Wildlife Photographer
Jason Peters
– Naturalist, Editor and Producer of Wildlife-film.com
Mark Ward
– RSPB Nature's Home magazine
Steve Watkins
– Editor, Outdoor Photography Magazine
Abbeville Bird and Nature Festival has been celebrated in the Bay of Somme for 30 years! Enter your newest productions to the 30th edition of the Bird and Nature Festival (April, 11th - 19th, 2020).
Professionals filmmakers will be awarded 4 Prizes by a Professional Jury, from €2,000 to €4,000 .
An amateur film will be awarded the €2,000 Public Prize.
Each entrant can submit up to 10 photos.
Entry fees: €2/ photo.
6 categories including one dedicated to 15-17 years-old (5 photos max, no entry fee)
Over €6,000 € in money and material dotation
Deadline: December 2nd, midnight
About 160 photos from the competition will be exhibited in Le Crotoy, Bay of Somme, April 11th - 19th, 2020.
Wildscreen Festival Organizer Unveils New Leadership, 2020 Festival Dates
19th September 2019
Wildscreen, the British conservation organization known especially for its biennial film festival, has undergone a revamp, appointing new leadership and acquiring the industry group Natural History Network. The organization has also set the dates for its 20th anniversary festival, to take place in October 2020.
Laura Marshall, CEO of Icon Films, has been named the new chair of Wildscreen’s board, taking over from former BBC Worldwide director Peter Phippen. Current trustees Keith Scholey and Lynn Barlow will continue to serve, and will be joined by newcomers Julian Hector, head of the BBC Natural History Unit, and Jessica Sweidan, founder of Synchronicity Earth. Other new board members include digital entrepreneur Andrew Doe, accountant and trustee Nicholas Rogers, and lawyer Con Alexander.
The new board takes charge following what sources say has been a difficult period financially for Wildscreen, which is a nonprofit organization. Last December, amid rumors that the organization was in trouble, Phippen acknowledged to Variety that Wildscreen’s trustees were “reviewing the strategy of the charity as a whole” but said that it remained committed to putting on the 2020 film festival.
Marshall said the new board comprised “some of the industry’s most influential and experienced creatives.” She told Variety she felt “very privileged” to take over as chair and that she and the board were “deeply committed” to bringing “new focus and energy” to Wildscreen.
“It is an interesting time for natural history filmmaking,” Marshall said. “There has never been more interest in it, and it has arguably never been more important.”
Renowned naturalist David Attenborough is Wildscreen’s patron. “Never has communicating the threats facing our natural world and the bold solutions required to protect and restore it been so vital,” he said. “Wildscreen, with its convening power is uniquely placed to support and challenge those who can tell the stories the world needs to hear and see.”
The Wildscreen Festival will return Oct. 19-23, 2020, for its 20th anniversary.
Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot make short film on the climate crisis, directed by Tom Mustill
Greta Thunberg: ‘We are ignoring natural climate solutions’ – Film by Swedish activist and Guardian journalist George Monbiot says nature must be used to repair broken climate.
The protection and restoration of living ecosystems such as forests, mangroves and seagrass meadows can repair the planet’s broken climate but are being overlooked, Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot have warned in a new short film.
Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot have helped produce a short film highlighting the need to protect, restore and use nature to tackle the climate crisis. Living ecosystems like forests, mangroves, swamps and seabeds can pull enormous quantities of carbon from the air and store them safely, but natural climate solutions currently receive only 2% of the funding spent on cutting emissions. The film’s director, Tom Mustill of Gripping Films, said: 'We tried to make the film have the tiniest environmental impact possible. We took trains to Sweden to interview Greta, charged our hybrid car at George’s house, used green energy to power the edit and recycled archive footage rather than shooting new.'
The Inaugural Ireland Wildlife Film Festival Winners Announced! Via Ireland Wildlife Film Festival
By Jason Peters
15th September 2019
The first Ireland Wildlife Film Festival was held at University College Cork yesterday, 14th of September 2019. 56 submissions came from 21 countries resulting in a great collection of films in three categories, Feature Film, Short Film and International Student Short Film, and I was asked to be a judge!
The Ireland Wildlife Film Festival was the first of its kind in Ireland and seeks to bring stories of conservation and species preservation to the big screen while also striving to create a community of filmmakers and audience members who care deeply about environmental issues.
The best Feature Film will receive 500 Euro and laurels.
The best International Student Film will receive 200 Euro and laurels.
The best Short Film will receive 300 Euro and Laurels.
The best film of the festival will receive the "Best of Fest" award and can come from any category. The "Best of Fest" will receive a trophy and laurel in addition to the prizes associated with their respected category of submission.
Winner: Our Oceans: A Journey of Discovery Wild Oceans/Off The Fence, South Africa
Charlie Luckock,
Lauren van Nijkerk,
Sherene Kingma,
Moses Tau,
George Kirkinis,
Jason Boswell,
Viki Van Den Barselaar,
Our Oceans are in a state of crisis, and we’re the ones responsible for it. A team of scientists, divers and photographers set out on a journey of discovery along one of the longest, and richest, coastlines in the world. Along the way they unveil three incredible natural events to the world, whilst highlighting the impending threats, and all the while promoting the protection of our oceans.
"Our Oceans has been a rollercoaster ride. I've met incredible people, travelled to breathtaking locations and I've been lucky enough to work with a group of really talented young South African filmmakers who are passionate about their natural heritage. It's been a great adventure but it's also has been a wakeup call, a warning that our oceans are in desperate need of our attention, they cannot sustain the pressure we as humans continue to exert on them. I'm excited about sharing this film with audiences around the world and I hope it inspires action." Charlie Luckock
Birth of a Pride
Wildlife Films/National Geographic, South Africa/Botswana
Dereck Joubert,
Beverly Joubert,
In Selinda, Botswana, lions had been hunted to near extinction but, thanks to conservation, the number of lions has grown from two to over sixty. Witness an incredible and heartwarming story of survival through the eyes of the lions that beat the odds. Follow six cubs as they navigate the world and learn to hunt, socialise and survive in the now flourishing wilderness.
Elephants up close - Dangerous neighbours
Zorilla Film/NDR Naturfilm/Doclights, Germany
Jens Westphalen,
Thoralf Grospitz,
Director/Producer/Camera; Britta Kiesewetter,
Elephants are the largest mammals that migrate across our earth. On the savannahs of Botswana there are still thousands of them. Their extraordinary sensitivity and social ties are the basis of their survival. But Africa's elephants are heading for an uncertain future. Where their paths cross with those of humans, worlds collide and conflicts are not uncommon.
What do we really know about them? And is there a common future for elephants and humans?
For more than two years, the award-winning wildlife filmmakers Thoralf Grospitz and Jens Westphalen travelled through southern Africa, ever/always on the heels of the pachyderms. With their two-part series "Elephants up close", they draw a complex picture of this 'icon of Africa' and give intimate insights into the life of the largest land mammals on earth.
One in a Thousand nautilusfilm, Germany
Jan Haft, Director Biography/Writer; Melanie Haft,
Intact ecosystems provide the best defence against climate change! The ecosystem of a small creek is complex and divers - the shocking reality is that in Central Europe only "ONE IN A THOUSAND" is still intact, today.
Save The Bucardo
Palocha Productions, Spain
Pablo Lozano, Director Biography/Writer/Producer
"Save the Bucardo" is the story of scientists who fought to save an emblematic animal of the Pyrenees, the Bucardo, from extinction. They took a historic step in science, the first de-extinction in the world, the first real “Jurassic Park”."
Save the bucardo" took four years of work and tells the amazing struggle of some people to avoid the extinction of an emblematic animal, the bucardo. This effort led to a new step in science, the first des-extinction in history. We hope this story will be the memory of a lesson not to be forgotten." Pablo Lozano
White Wolves - Ghosts of the Arctic Gulo Film/Doclights/NDR Naturfilm, Germany.
Oliver Goetzl,
Director/Writer/Producer; Ivo Nörenberg,
Producer; Alain Lusignan,
Writer/Assistant Producer
At the very northern edge of Canada is Ellesmere Island, where the unforgiving Arctic winds tear through the tundra, dipping temperatures to 40 below zero. Running through this shifting sea of snow and ice is one of the most hardened predators on the planet, the Arctic Wolf. But as the spring melt approaches, these roaming hunters must adapt to being tethered parents as new additions to the pack have just been born.
With never-before-seen footage of wolf family life, Ghosts of the Arctic is a dramatic and touching story of loyalty, companionship and devotion. It’s an epic true tale that reveals the struggles and triumphs of a family working to survive in one of the last great wildernesses on Earth.
"White Wolves - Ghosts of the Arctic" is the first full length Natural History documentary on arctic wolves, which shows in detail their astonishing cooperation and dedication to raise their pups in this harsh arctic environment on Ellesmere Island.
It was important to me to show the full behaviour of wolves out there - also some hard to watch sequences - not to shock and disturb, but to get a clear and true picture of the hardships wolves have to face up in the North and through this I hope our film will be able to create respect and admiration for those wolves and wolves in general.
Winner: Stolen Apes Woodgrain Media, USA
Colin Sytsma, Director/Producer/Writer.
After a sting operation in Bangkok for two trafficked Orangutans leave those accountable with no consequence Daniel Stiles, a detective in the illegal wildlife trade, thinks of new ways to combat illegal great ape trafficking.
A short doc exploring the controversy around community efforts to protect the seal pups who have made a home at the Children's Pool, a public beach area in San Diego.
Roadkill – The overlooked slaughter
Marco Tessaro
Comunità Montana Valli del Verbano,
By excluding natural elements from our everyday lives, we have dissolved our emotional bonds with non-human animals, plants, and the habitats they live in. We have alienated ourselves from biodiversity. An example? Millions of sentient beings killed every year by vehicles along our roads. Deer, toads, blackbirds.... This phenomenon is known in the scientific world as ‘roadkill’, and it is of global significance.
The Last Herd
Joseph Flannery
Kyle Lancaster,
Ryan Fitzhenry,
In the contiguous United States, wild bison are no longer free-roaming. With low natural mortality rates, the few wild herds that do exist are annually culled, or fenced in to control their population. Others, such as those is Yellowstone National Park, are rounded up when they leave Park boundaries due to brucellosis a disease that may be transmitted to cattle.
The Henry Mountains bison represent the last genetically pure and brucellosis-free herd that roams over a large area –over 385,000 acres without fences, culling, or roundups.
Despite all this space, Henry Mountains Bison are caught within a complex web of public lands, grass, ranching, and government agencies. The Last Herd, an independent conservation film, documents this delicate balance and provides an example of how free-roaming bison and private interests can co-exist.
Winner: The Grind Message Nolsoy Productions, Denmark
Niels Christian Askholm,
Sara Nedergaard Askholm,
Production Assistant
Pilot whale hunting has been a practiced tradition for at least half a millennium in the Faroe Islands. Up until the second half of the 20th century the hunts have been a vital part in the survival of the Faroese people, and are today the source of up to one third of the nations meat consumption. However the long-lasting tradition is subject to criticism from all over the world due to several reasons and opinions. This documentary follows the arguments of six locals on the matter.
Now or Never
MS Productions/National Film and Television School (NFTS), UK
Matt Senior
Director, Producer and Cinematographer; Patrick Aryee,
Mirjam Jegorov,
Kevin Langhamer,
Sound Designer; Adam Price,
Now Or Never tells the story of the Batang Toru Forest, which lies in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It is a forest like no other, and remains largely unexplored. Batang Toru is also the one and only home for the most endangered great ape species in the world – the newly identified Tapanuli Orangutans.
For thousands of years these orangutans have experienced a tranquil existence in this rich rainforest, alongside countless other fascinating species. The local people living adjacent to Batang Toru have also lived comfortably for generations, surviving from the precious water created by the forest. But now, everything is changing…
The global population is growing, and the natural world is suffering, including Batang Toru. Plans have been put in place for a human development to be built in the heart of Batang Toru, where the highest number of Tapanuli Orangutans reside. If it is built, it will affect countless human lives who rely on the forest, as well as push this newly identified orangutan species closer towards extinction.
The time to act and save Batang Toru is Now, Or Never again will we be living in a world with a third orangutan species.
"When I first read an article declaring a new species of orangutan, I was amazed that in the 21st Century new species of great apes were still being identified. It just goes to show that there is so much out there in the natural world left to be discovered, a lot of which we will never come to know about.
But there are two sides to every coin, and as incredible as it is that these apes have been recognised as a new species, the article also pointed out that they could soon vanish due to a human development being built in their only home – The Batang Toru Forest in Indonesia.
The story behind Now Or Never does not simply revolve around the orangutans, but rather, all of the people of the Tapanuli region that rely so heavily on the Batang Toru Forest. Like all rainforests, Batang Toru is a key component in the prevention of climate change, but it is also valuable for its role in producing water, and countless lives in all shapes and forms depend on this one forest.
The Now Or Never journey began by contacting the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP), who are the only organisation conducting research within the Batang Toru Forest. The people at SOCP were quite incredible in the support they showed me and the belief they had in me to allow me to visit Batang Toru and make Now Or Never a reality.
Shot over 6 weeks, and produced throughout 2018, this production would not have been possible without the approval and support of the National Film and Television School and collaborative spirit of every member from the Now Or Never team. With the long hours and weekends that Mirjam (editor), Adam (composer), Kevin (sound designer), and Alex (marketing) spent working on the film, showing their never-ending commitment and enthusiasm throughout, it is safe to say there would not be a Now Or Never without this amazing team forming such a close relationship.
The dedication, belief, and generosity shown by the entire SOCP team in Sumatra is also what brought this film to life. Whilst on location, every request or question was never too much. They were always happy to help, and I left Sumatra in July having made friends for life.
Everyone’s tireless commitment created this film, and I will always be immensely grateful to each and every one of those people."
The Coral Keepers
Fat Panda Productions, USA
Eilish M. Nobes,
Director/Producer; Darlien Morales
Director/Producer/Cinematographer; Kyle Maddux-Lawrence, Cinematographer; Liz Kraiser, Editor
How can ordinary people appreciate the life-sustaining force of the oceans when most of us don’t
dive beneath the surface? A nonprofit in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has taken
on this question by training youth to become scientific divers. The students in Dive-N2-Life have
a passion for conservation born from assisting with research on everything from the ecological
role of sharks to a devastating coral disease that has broken out in the Keys.
Winner: The Grind Message Nolsoy Productions, Denmark
Niels Christian Askholm,
Sara Nedergaard Askholm,
Production Assistant
A special congratulations to Niels Christian Askholm whose film had the best score overall and was the winner of the 'Best of Fest' Award as well as the 'Best Student Short Film'. His film, "The Grind Message", raises crucial awareness to the inhumane treatment and slaughter of Pilot Whales in the Faroe Islands. This is a must watch short film for anyone that lives in the Faroe Islands, and has a message that resounds globally about our harsh treatment of the animals we share this amazing planet with.
Wildlife-film.com congratulates all of the finalsists and winners.
A special mention for White Wolves - Ghosts of the Arctic by Gulo Film/Oliver Goetzl ... It is a fabulous film and was highly praised by the judges for it's cinematography and fascinating first-filmed behaviours!
Major Vegan Film Festival Announces Nominees – OIVFF
'We have a powerful mix of films from around the world that cover all aspects of veganism'
The Ottawa International Vegan Film Festival (OIVFF) has announced its 2019 lineup.
Last year, director Alex Lockwood was titled the overall winner for his documentary 73 Cows - which later went on to win a BAFTA for Best Short Film.
Now in its second year, the festival has selected 26 films out of 40 submissions from 14 different countries around the world. 60 percent of which have been directed by women.
The Lineup
Lifestyle Category:
Apollo: Rise of the Poly-Vegan Soldier (New Zealand)
A Strange Trial (Switzerland)
Gold Doesn't Rust: Animal Testing and its 21st Century Alternatives (USA)
Let us be Heroes - The True Cost of our Food Choices (Singapore)
Pig Man (New Zealand)
The Hunter and the Girl with Pokemon (Belgium)
Bad Vegan: The Original Recipe (Canada)
Double Decade Vegan (Australia)
Health and Nutrition Category:
H.O.P.E. What You Eat Matters (Austria)
Code Blue: Redefining the Practice of Medicine (USA)
Multiple Seasons (USA)
Animal Welfare Category:
Casa de Carne (USA)
Reclaim (Canada)
Cow's Milk? (Germany)
Cows Come Home (USA)
Bucking Tradition (USA)
Coming Closer (USA)
The Cube of Truth (New Zealand)
Why Not Me (USA)
The Door (Denmark)
Hami Shelter (Iran)
Environmental Protection Category:
Diet Change Not Climate Change (Germany)
The Farm in My Backyard (Canada)
The Man of the Trees (Italy)
#Powerplant (Netherlands)
Planet Vegan: Episode One (USA)
'A powerful mix'
"I am very excited for the audience to see the outstanding films in this year's festival," Founder of the festival, Shawn Stratton, told Plant Based News.
"We have a powerful mix of films from around the world that cover all aspects of veganism. Topics range from mink farming in Nova Scotia to an elite vegan soldier from New Zealand to the animal testing for medical research to a film that explores one of America's most iconic competitions-the rodeo and much more."
The awards will be announced at the Festival's Premier event on October 6 at The Chamber Theatre in Ben Franklin Place in Ottawa, Canada.
iLCP Event: WiLD about Conservation with member Sandesh Kadur!
The International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) in partnership with Summit Photography Workshops is putting on WiLD about Conservation.
WiLD about Conservation is a one night, public event about the passion, perseverance, and patience required in conservation photography.
Our three speakers are Sandesh Kadur, Doug Gimesy, and Katie Schuler - all award-winning photographers and filmmakers.
Sandesh is a filmmaker, photographer, and National Geographic Explorer. His most recent work includes filming for Netfilx’s Our Planet.
Doug is an Australian photographer focusing on animal welfare. He has been a finalist in the Wildlife Photographer of the Year and the Big Picture Natural World competitions, has won the Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year ‘Our Impact’ category, and most recently, won the inaugural Wildscreen Panda PhotoStory Award.
Katie is a filmmaker based in Washington, D.C. who is most known for her award-winning film on pangolins, the world’s most illegally trafficked mammal.
Not a Tall Tale: Giraffe Conservation Documentary – Agatha Jackson – Please support her!
'Not a Tall Tale' is a documentary aiming to highlight issues of the conservation state of giraffes, species silently vanishing from our planet. The film is done in a reality-TV style in hope to captivate the attention of audiences not typically interested in purely environmental matters. It showcases images of giraffes from Schotia Private Game Reserve in South Africa with a commentary from one of the reserve's rangers, Kurt von Maltitz, as well as a discussion with the conservationist Osiris Doumbe about his work with 'critically endangered' Kordofan giraffes in Cameroon and Bristol's local conservation initiative - Wild Place Project.
'The conservation status of seven of the currently IUCN-recognised nine giraffe subspecies has been assessed –five of these subspecies for the first time ever. For many, it comes as a shock that three of the giraffe subspecies are now listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ (Kordofan and Nubian giraffe) and ‘Endangered’ (Reticulated giraffe), while others range from ‘Vulnerable’ (Thornicroft’s and West African giraffe) to ‘Near Threatened’ (Rothschild’s giraffe). Only Angolan giraffe – with their stronghold in Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe – seem to be out of trouble and are listed as ‘Least Concern’. Only the South African and Masai giraffe are yet to be assessed. While South African giraffe appear to be doing well, Masai giraffe have plummeted and will most likely be placed within one of the threatened categories of the IUCN Red List.'
ECOSTREAMZ — Introducing the first documentary subscription service for the global activist community - by Kate on Conservation
There are so many incredible documentaries out there that have genuinely changed my perception of life. Whether causing me to seriously re-evaluate my lifestyle (I turned vegetarian in 2016 after watching Racing Extinction and switched to a plant-based lifestyle after seeing Earthlings the following year), or spurring me into action to join the fight against an injustice (I attended my first protest march against Taiji Cove’s dolphin slaughter after watching The Cove), there have been a fair few films in recent years that have had an immediate impact.
My regular readers will be aware of the passionate blog posts shared on this blog to raise awareness of wildlife-related issues after watching films like Black Fish and Sides of a Horn.
Helping to spread a message
One thing I’ve always found challenging, however, is that the accessibility of these important films can end up being a barrier to spreading their vital awareness.
Remembering how and where to reach these great films in order to pass them onto friends or fellow advocates can present an obstacle: for example, I watched The Cove via its official website, Racing Extinction on DVD, JANE when it aired on National Geographic Channel, Virunga on Netflix, Earthlings on YouTube, etc.
This has also meant that most of the environmental films I’ve watched have been directly recommended to me. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a wealth of these types of documentaries and thought-provoking fictional narrative films in one place? To know exactly where to go to discover more for yourself, to be able to instantly follow up with more information on the issue at hand, and discover ways to immediately get involved?
Enter ECOSTREAMZ; a documentary subscription service with a difference. I spoke to Jim Branchflower, Founder and CEO of ECOSTREAMZ to find out more….
The concept behind ECOSTREAMZ
Hi Jim, nice to chat to you. Can you tell us a bit about what ECOSTREAMZ actually is?
Wow. Where to begin? Well, there are lots of different digital streaming services out there. But the one thing I’ve noticed over the last several years is that not one of them has directly focused on the global activist community.
ECOSTREAMZ is changing that. We are creating an ever-evolving platform providing concerned citizens of the world with a variety of media, not just film, covering issues from wildlife conservation to human rights to the environment — all of which are important to the world today.
Our sincere hope is that over time, ECOSTREAMZ, will become THE preeminent online community and media resource for global impact activism.
Wow, I’m super excited! What charities/ projects / film makers does ECOSTREAMZ currently support?
While our site visitors are the ones who support these wonderful organisations, filmmakers and projects by subscribing to ECOSTREAMZ and/or donating to a participating cause, we facilitate their philanthropy through our easy to use platform.
In terms of who we’ve partnered with, the list is constantly growing, but currently includes WildAid, In Defense of Animals, Ape Alliance, UNICEF, The Borneo Project, Wild and Scenic Film Festival and the International Wildlife Film Festival. Some of the films on our site include award-winning, festival favourites such as Angel Azul, Blood Lions, Gods in Shackles and Sides of a Horn.
While Phase 1 of ECOSTREAMZ, the film streaming service, is live, we have been working behind the scenes on Phase 2* which is due to launch Mid October 2019. To create a truly interactive, community-based website we are adding the following sections to roll out on a monthly basis starting in September.
Jackson Wild Media Awards 2019 Finalists Announced! From Jackson Wild
5th August 2019
Updated: 21st August 2019
Congratulations to this incredible lineup of finalists! This year's submissions included over 1,000 category entries - a record number - competing for more than 30 awards. We are deeply grateful to our more than 250 international preliminary judges who together reviewed over 5,000 hours of media.
Stay tuned —Audioscape finalists and Special Consideration nominees will be announced mid-August.
See below for a full list of finalists:
Congratulations to the 2019 Finalists!
Best Animal Behavior Film - Long Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores animal behavior in a new, fresh, imaginative or authoritative way.
Sponsored by Disneynature
Blue Planet II: One Ocean
BBC Studios Natural History Unit
Dynasties: Painted Wolves BBC Studios Natural History Unit, BBC America, Tencent, France Télévisions, CCTV9
Best Animal Behavior Film - Short Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores animal behavior in a new, fresh, imaginative or authoritative way.
The Great Pretender
A film by Nardine Groch, Produced as part of the UWE Masters of Wildlife Filmmaking course.
Unraveling the Monarch Butterfly Migration Mystery | It's Okay to be Smart
PBS Digital Studios, Spotzen
Whales and SETI
A Rebel Media Productions film, made in partnership with Long Story Short Media, in association with The Templeton World Charity Foundation.
Best Ecosystem Film
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores a unique habitat and its wildlife.
Sponsored by Terra Mater
Backyard Wilderness
Archipelago Films, Arise Media, HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, SK Films and Reconsider
Kingdoms of the Sky: Himalaya
PBS, BBC Earth
Mighty Rivers: The Ganges
Icon Films for Animal Planet
Best Earth & Sky Film
Awarded to the film that best explores the science of planet earth and the cosmos beyond. Relevant disciplines include Geology, Paleontology, Oceanography, Astronomy and Meteorology.
Sponsored by: WGBH
Above and Beyond: NASA's Journey To Tomorrow
Discovery presents a Moxie Firecracker Films Production
Living Universe: The Explorers
Essential Media Entertainment, ZED, CuriosityStream, ARTE France
Space's Deepest Secrets: Cassini's Grand Finale
BBC Worldwide and Science Channel
Best Conservation Film - Long Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively contributes to an awareness of timely and relevant conservation issues and/or solutions.
Sponsored by International Fund for Animal Welfare
Blue Planet II: Our Blue Planet
BBC Studios Natural History Unit
Vs. Goliath
Visual, Ragtag Tribe Films
Sea of Shadows
Terra Mater Factual Studios in association with Appian Way, Malaika Pictures, The Wild Lens Collective for National Geographic Documentary Films
Best Conservation Film - Short Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively contributes to an awareness of timely and relevant conservation issues and/or solutions.
From Asia to Antarctica
Nigerians fight to protect the world's most trafficked mammal
Katie Schuler, Mike Olcott, Dan Steinmetz, National Geographic Partners
Sides of a Horn
Whirlow Park Pictures, Broad River Productions, YKMD Productions, The Televisionaries, Frame 48
Best People & Nature Film - Long Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores the interdependent relationship between humans and animals or the environment. ??
?Sponsored by: The Nature Conservancy
Sea of Shadows
Terra Mater Factual Studios in association with Appian Way, Malaika Pictures, The Wild Lens Collective for National Geographic Documentary Films
The Biggest Little Farm
NEON and LD Entertainment present a FarmLore Films production in association with Diamond Docs and Impact Partners & Artemis Rising
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Best People & Nature Film - Short Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores the interdependent relationship between humans and animals or the environment. ??
Last Wild Places: Gorongosa
National Geographic Society
Nigerians fight to protect the world's most trafficked mammal
Katie Schuler, Mike Olcott, Dan Steinmetz, National Geographic Partners
Where Life Begins
Katie Schuler, Coral & Oak Studios, The Wilderness Society
Best Changing Planet Film - Long Form
Awarded for the best examination of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability and climate change.
Sponsored by Love Nature
Our Planet: Frozen Worlds
A Silverback Films Production for Netflix
The Human Element
Earth Vision Film
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Best Changing Planet Film - Short Form
Awarded for the best examination of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability and climate change.
Cowboys & Scientists
Grizzly Creek Films, Archbold Biological Station
The Last Green Thread
Grizzly Creek Films, Danny Schmidt Films
Best Science in Nature Film - Long Form Awarded to the program that most effectively incorporates science, the scientific method and scientific discovery into an understanding of some aspect of the natural world. ?
Sponsored by Marco Polo Film AG
ARTE France, Le cinquième rêve, Andromède Océanologie, Les gens bien productions, Filmin'Tahiti, CNRS Images, with the participation of FranceTélévisions, National Geographic Wild, Ushuaia TV, Ici Explora, ARTE Distribution, Le CNC, La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, La Polynésie française.
The Kingdom: How Fungi Made Our World
Smith & Nasht, Real to Reel Productions In association with CuriosityStream, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, ZDF/ARTE, SVT Sweden
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Best Science in Nature Film - Short Form
Awarded to the program that most effectively incorporates science, the scientific method and scientific discovery into an understanding of some aspect of the natural world. ?
Second Genesis
HHMI Tangled Bank Studios and Market Road Films for PBS
Sounds of Survival
Katie Garrett and bioGraphic
The Anomalies: Venom Race
Day's Edge Productions for bioGraphic
The Lizard's Tale: Anoles
In The City
Day's Edge Productions for Smithsonian Network
Best Impact Film - Long Form
Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the impact of individuals, groups, organizations or movements committed to the protection, awareness or understanding of a species, ecosystem or some other aspect of the natural world.
Sponsored by ORF
Vs. Goliath
Visual, Ragtag Tribe Films
Ghost Fleet
Vulcan Productions, Seahorse Productions
STROOP - journey into the rhino horn wars SDBFilms
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Best Impact Film - Short Form Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the impact of individuals, groups, organizations or movements committed to the protection, awareness or understanding of a species, ecosystem or some other aspect of the natural world.
Mainspring Media, PREL
Blood Island
Lindsey Parietti in association with the University of the West of England
Last Wild Places: Gorongosa
National Geographic Society
Saving Grayling
Pioneer Studios, USFW, NFWF
Best Educational/Institutional Film
Awarded to the non-broadcast or commercially distributed program that most successfully educates its audience on some aspect of the natural world. This includes projects created by government agencies, NGOs, universities and other institutions.
Sponsored by: PBS
Hidden Rivers of Southern Appalachia
Freshwaters Illustrated
Eline Helena Film in association with the University of the West of England
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating
Elisabeth Tova Bailey
Best Limited Series Film - Long Form
Awarded to the mini-series with episodes longer than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme.
Sponsored by: RED Digital Cinema
Blue Planet II
BBC Studios Natural History Unit
Okavango - River of Dreams
A TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS / WILDLIFE FILMS production in co-production with THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS LLC, DOCLIGHTS/NDR NATURFILM in association with PBS, CPB, ARTE FRANCE / Unité Découverte et Connaissance and SVT
Best Limited Series Film - Short Form
Awarded to the mini-series with episodes shorter than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme.
Sponsored by: ARRI
Wild_Life: Resurrection Island
The Front and Bertie Gregory for National Geographic
Best Engaging Youth Film
Awarded to the program that most effectively inspires an appreciation of the natural world, or issues associated with animals and the environment to young people 6-12 years of age.
Sponsored by: Discovery
Backyard Wilderness
Archipelago Films, Arise Media, HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, SK Films and Reconsider
Great Bear Rainforest
Spirit Bear Entertainment
Superpower Dogs
IMAX & Cosmic
Best Host/Presenter Led Film
Awarded to the program that makes the most effective use of a host or presenter in communicating an appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
Sponsored by: Vulcan Productions
Judi Dench: My Passion for Trees
Atlantic Productions, Host: Judi Dench
Mighty Rivers: The Ganges
Icon Films for Animal Planet, Host: Jeremy Wade
Wild_Life : Resurrection Island
The Front for National Geographic, Host: Bertie Gregory
Best Micro-Movie Film
Awarded to the most effective and compelling project under five minutes in length (including PSAs, music videos, and campaigns), that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world.
Sponsored by: Seeker
Best Theatrical Film
Awarded to the program created for commercial distribution that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world. This category includes programs distributed in theaters, BluRay/DVD or streamed via the internet.
Sponsored by: Off the Fence
Free Solo
National Geographic Documentary Films Presents A Little Monster Films Production, an Itinerant Media Production and a Parkes+MacDonald/Image Nation Production
Human Nature
Wonder Collaborative, News & Guts Films, Sandbox Films
Sea of Shadows
Terra Mater Factual Studios in association with Appian Way, Malaika Pictures, The Wild Lens Collective for National Geographic Documentary Films
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Best Student and Emerging Film
Presented in recognition of the best program produced by either a first-time filmmaker in the field of natural history production, or a student currently enrolled or no more than 2 years out of an academic program.
Sponsored by: HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
A Voice Above Nature
Annie Moir in association with the ?University of the West of England
Bears of Durango
?Test Area North
Blood Island
Lindsey Parietti in association with the University of the West of England ?
Best 360° Storytelling
Awarded to the best natural history program created for the immersive platform of Virtual Reality.
Sponsored by: USC Cinematic Arts
Everest VR: The Movie Experience
Jonathan Griffith Productions, Legend 3D, Vulcan Productions
My Africa
A Passion Planet Production in association with Vision 3 for Conservation International
Polar Obsession
Black Dot Films VR for National Geographic
Best Visualization Film
Awarded for the cinematography or computer generated visual storytelling that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Sponsored by: Fujifilm and Fujinon Lenses
Blue Planet II: The Deep
BBC Studios Natural History Unit, Cinematographer: Gavin Thurston
Dynasties: Chimpanzee
BBC Studios Natural History Unit, BBC America, Tencent, France Télévisions, CCTV9, Cinematographers: John Brown, Mark MacEwen
Our Planet: One Planet
A Silverback Films Production for Netflix
The Serengeti Rules
Passion Planet/HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, Cinematographer: Tim Cragg
Best Editing Film
Awarded for the editing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Sponsored by: Sony Electronics
Blue Planet II: One Ocean
BBC Studios Natural History Unit, Editor: Matthew Meech
Dynasties: Chimpanzee
BBC Studios Natural History Unit, BBC America, Tencent, France Télévisions, CCTV9, Editor: Nigel Buck
Vs. Goliath
Visual, Ragtag Tribe Films, Editor: Andrew Harrison Brown
The Biggest Little Farm
NEON and LD Entertainment present a FarmLore Films production in association with Diamond Docs and Impact Partners & Artemis Rising, Editor: Amy Overbeck
Best Writing Film
Awarded for the writing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part through the union of imagery, story line, dialog and narration.
Sponsored by: National Geographic
Attenborough´s Ant Mountain
A production of TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS in association with BBC and ABC Australia produced by AMMONITE LTD., Writers: Martin Dohrn, Joe Loncraine
Cute little Killers
A TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS production, Writer: Ruth Berry
Sex, Lies and Butterflies A Production of TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS and CONEFLOWER PRODUCTIONS in co-production with THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS LLC for WNET, Writer: Janet Hess
Best Audioscape Awarded for the combined contribution of sound editing, musical score, production mixing and post-production mixing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Sponsored by: Television Academy Sound Peer Group
Cuba's Wild Revolution
A Crossing the Line Film for ORF Universum, PBS Nature, France Télévisions, BBC, SVT, RTÉ, ORF-Enterprise and WNET/Thirteen Productions LLC., Sound Mixer: Paul Finan, Original Music: Badhands
Epic Yellowstone: Life on the Wing
Grizzly Creek Films for Smithsonian Channel, Composer: David Majzlin, Sound Design: Brian Eimer
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating
Elisabeth Tova Bailey Sound Recordists: JT Bullitt, Col Anderson, Lang Elliott, Steve Wilkes, The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and their individual recordists Sound Design: Luke Dunn Gielmuda Sound Editors: Caleb Townsend, Rachel Wardell Sound Mixer: Skip Lievsay, Warner Bros-NY
Wild Shetland: Scotland's Viking Frontier
Maramedia, Sound Editors: Kate Hopkins, Owen Shirley, Mitch Dorf, Original Music: Fraser Purdie
Special Jury Special Jury Nominations honor programs that stood out to our preliminary judges as worthy of special recognition for some aspect or strength outside of the standard category criteria.
Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy
The Film Crew, Inc.
Hostile Planet: Oceans
Plimsoll Productions for National Geographic Channels
Inventing Tomorrow
A Fishbowl Films Production in association with Motto Pictures, 19340 Productions, Shark Island Institute, HHMI | Tangled Bank Studios.
Our Gorongosa
Gorongosa Media and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
The Most Unknown
Sandbox Films, VICE Media, Wicked Delicate
The River and The Wall
Rio Grande Film
2019 Legacy Award Recipient:
Paul Hawken
The Jackson Wild Legacy Awards recognize visionary filmmakers, conservationists, scientists and thought leaders. This year's 2019 Legacy Award Recipient is Paul Hawken. Paul Hawken starts ecological businesses, writes about nature and commerce, and consults with heads of state and CEOs on climatic, economic and ecological regeneration. Business he has started include Erewhon, Smith & Hawken, and OneSun Solar (now called Energy Everywhere). He has written eight books including five national and NYT bestsellers: The Next Economy, Growing a Business, The Ecology of Commerce, Blessed Unrest, and Drawdown (2017). He is the founder of Project Drawdown, which works with over two hundred scholars, students, scientists, researchers, and activists to map, measure, and model the one hundred most substantive solutions that can cumulatively reverse global warming by reducing and sequestering greenhouse gases.
Paul's Keynote conversation will be on Sunday, September 22, 7:30 - 8:30pm.
Wildlife-film.com congratulates all of the finalsists, especially those of our members that have made the list (in bold above). It's likely other members have worked on some of these productions... Let us know if you have!
Founded in 1991, the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival has become Jackson Wild, expanding our reach and impact around the globe.
Jackson Wild believes in the power of media to inspire wonder for our living planet and ignite action to restore and protect it through high-impact collaboration.?
Jackson Wild creates impact through four pillars of engagement: Summits, Awards, New Frontiers and Global Impact. See: www.jacksonwild.org/about.html
The Summit Programming & Schedule is Live!
More than ever before, we are inspired by the urgency of our times, and we are committed to creating a convening that will move the dial to restore and protect the world's ecosystems, species and cultures. With this in mind, we have an extensive lineup focusing on impact, innovation and collaboration through the power of storytelling.
The Jackson Wild Media Awards Gala is slated during a week of critical importance in the industry: the Jackson Wild Summit and the Living Oceans Summit. Jackson Wild events attract participation from key influencers in the conservation, science and media communities. For more information about the Summit programming, sponsorship, or conference attendance, please call 307-200-3286 or visit www.jacksonwild.org.
National Geographic Announces New Natural History Special The Hidden Kingdoms of China, produced by Brian Leith Productions
Nat Geo and Nat Geo WILD announced today the new two-hour wildlife special The Hidden Kingdoms of China, which premieres this winter in 172 countries and 43 languages. Spanning from China’s highest of mountains and plateaus to its thickest jungles and bamboo forests, The Hidden Kingdoms of China reveals the mysteries of the country’s wildlife, some of which rarely have been captured on film, until now.
With unique access to sites throughout the world’s most populous country, The Hidden Kingdoms of China transports audiences to five very different worlds – the high mountains, tropical jungles, bamboo forests, great plains and temperate forests. “Stars” of these kingdoms include iconic and charismatic animals – the snow leopard, the giant panda, the Tibetan fox, the golden snub-nosed monkey and a stunning kaleidoscope of jungle creatures.
“National Geographic has long encouraged a spirit of exploration, and China’s vast landscape and great variety of wildlife offer many hidden treasures,” says Geoff Daniels, executive vice president of global unscripted entertainment for National Geographic Global Networks. “In The Hidden Kingdoms of China, we unveil the wonder, mystery and myth surrounding these creatures.”
Using high-specification drones, camera traps and the latest 4K camera technology to engage with these special animals, TheHidden Kingdoms of China brings China’s magical realms to life in the most dramatic ways possible. Both sweeping in scale and touchingly intimate in its depictions of wildlife, the special takes a closer look at a wild paradise that is like no other on Earth.
The Hidden Kingdoms of China is produced by Brian Leith Productions in association with CWCA and BiliBili. Ashley Hoppin is executive producer for National Geographic, and Janet Han Vissering is senior vice president of development and production. Geoff Daniels is executive vice president of global unscripted entertainment for National Geographic Global Networks.
How Attenborough nature documentaries inspired new 'Lion King'
Disney's new 3D "Lion King" was inspired by the majestic scope of David Attenborough's natural world documentaries - although the talking animals did cause some problems, its creators have revealed.
The film tells the classic tale of young lion cub Simba seeking to avenge his father Mufasa's death and save his kingdom, rendered in photo-realistic visuals using cutting-edge effects.
From the very opening scene, the remake - which emulates the 1994 original's "Circle of Life" theme - treats viewers to breathtaking "shots" of antelope, zebras and wildebeest galloping across the African savannah.
Its producers took safari tours of real-life locations from Kenya's huge Masai Mara reserve to the desert sand dunes of Namibia for inspiration, before artists and technicians sketched and modelled details for the final film.
The movie also featured the musical talents of celebrated German composer Hans Zimmer, who provided the soundtrack for the Attenborough series "Planet Earth II" produced by the BBC.
Attenborough, a veteran British environmentalist, has narrated dozens of wildlife documentaries over six decades, opening the eyes of millions of television viewers around the globe to the wonders of the natural world.
It was important the film have "the illusion of it being a naturalistic documentary," director Jon Favreau told journalists in Beverly Hills this week.
"We looked at a lot of the work that Hans had done like Planet Earth II, all of those Attenborough BBC documentaries, and how much emotion can be expressed without human performance, just through music and editorial and storytelling," said Favreau.
Conservationists sound alarm about declining lion population ahead of ‘Lion King’ remake
The live-action remake of ‘The Lion King’ is expected to smash box office records. And as Tammie Sutherland reports, some Canadian wildlife conservationists are hoping the film will draw attention to the declining lion population around the world.
Registration Now Open for Wild Shots, Saturday 2nd Nov 2019, Cape Town – with Michael Poliza!
Wild Shots say: We are thrilled to announce that renowned German photographer Michael Poliza is giving this year’s keynote at Wild Shots!
Once again we have a packed programme of speakers including Chris Fallows, Villiers Steyn, Janine Krayer (Germany), Ian Michler, Jay Roode, Isaac Kalio (Zambia), Mike Kendrick and Aubrey Tseleng (Botswana) – see more details of speakers here.
To book your place at this year’s Wild Shots wildlife photography conference, register here for Saturday November 2nd, 2019 at the Nedbank Auditorium, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town.
The fee includes a day long programme of more than 10 presentations from some of the world’s best wildlife photographers as well as an Exhibition Space, lunch, refreshments and finishing with a wine reception.
It is a day of inspirational story-telling, stunning images and tales from the bush. Come and learn from the best! The conference is open to amateurs and anyone who loves nature and photography.
Sides of a Horn film release: Special interview with Director Toby Wosskow – Kate on Conservation
26 June 2019
Sides of a Horn is the first film to tell the story of Africa’s poaching war from both sides of the fence. From Director Toby Wosskow and Executive Producer Sir Richard Branson, the dramatic short film is based on actual events, and filmed in one of the communities most directly impacted by wildlife crime.
Following the journey of two brothers-in-law fighting on opposite sides of Africa’s poaching war, it offers an unbiased portrait of a modern war that is tearing communities apart and driving a prehistoric species to the verge of extinction.
Sides of a Horn Director, Toby Wosskow
spent considerable time in the field with the men and women at the heart of Africa’s poaching crisis.
This has allowed him to develop every character, story, and line of dialogue from a direct level of truth. It also made it possible to film in the townships impacted by the crisis and in the game reserves that combat poaching on a daily basis.
Watch the film: From Executive Producer Sir Richard Branson and Writer-Director Toby Wosskow, Sides of a Horn is the first film to tell the story of Africa’s poaching war from both sides of the fence. Based on actual events, and filmed in the townships and game reserves most directly impacted by wildlife crime, this dramatic short film paints an unbiased portrait of a modern war that is tearing communities apart and driving a prehistoric species to the verge of extinction.
New 3-Way Co-Pro Deal Brings Global Audience to Animals at Play
25 June 2019
Bristol-based production company Offspring Films brings the new natural history series ANIMALS AT PLAY (2 x 60’) to global screens this summer thanks to the first co-production deal to involve Love Nature 4K, BBC in the UK, and Germany’s public service broadcaster ZDF.
Offspring’s two-part ANIMALS AT PLAY series, narrated by Gordon Buchannan, is currently due to premiere on BBC Two in the UK in July before airing on ZDF, in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, in September and in 60+ other countries via Love Nature’s SVOD and linear platforms in addition to the Smithsonian Channel in the US later this year.
Carlyn Staudt, Love Nature’s EVP of Programming and Production, says: “Co-producing with top tier broadcast partners means Love Nature can realize our creative and storytelling ambitions and deliver visually outstanding content that fosters a deeper knowledge of the natural world for viewers around the globe.''
She adds: “I’m thrilled to be working with the incredibly talented team at Offspring whose ability to produce superior 4K wildlife content in an eye-opening and entertaining way is demonstrated once again with ANIMALS AT PLAY.”
Production of the series took series producer Laura Whitley and her team around the world to film animals including dolphins, chimpanzees, bears and wolves - uncovering the surprising reasons animals play and discovering new research that reveals it’s not all just for fun.
Offspring’s executive producer Alex Williamson says, “Play is so much more than just fun and games. It’s fundamental to an animal’s development and in some cases its survival. We’re only just beginning to understand it’s astonishing powers.”
At Love Nature, the collaboration is being overseen by Alison Barrat, VP of development and production. Emeka Onono is the commissioning editor for the BBC and the executive producers for ZDF are Michael Leja and Tina Weimer. Blue Ant International oversees the licensing for ANIMALS AT PLAY.
Inside the Frame – A close look at key footage from EIA investigations 24 June 2019
Documenting environmental crimes on camera, such as illegal timber trade and wildlife trafficking, has been a cornerstone of EIA’s work from the very beginning in 1984.
All last week in Inside the Frame, Chris Milnes, EIA Visual Communications Editor, presents a series of key sequences from the archive and chats to undercover investigators and campaigners about the stories behind the clips, their significance and the impacts they made..
Jackson Wild Announces Final Cohort for the Jackson Wild Media Lab to be Held this Fall in the Grand Teton National Park from Jackson Wild
20 June 2019
Jackson Wild, in collaboration with Day's Edge Productions and HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, is proud to announce the distinguished Fellows of the 2019 Jackson Wild Media Lab, which will be held this fall, September 18-27, in the Grand Teton National Park. The selection committee was blown away by the quality and passion of applicants. From over 650 global applicants, 17 fellows were accepted into this rigorous filmmaking fellowship, which covers all expenses associated with registration, travel, food, and lodging during the workshop and the 2019 Jackson Wild Summit (Sept. 21-27, 2019). The full list of these talented fellows can be found here.
Stories connect us to the planet and to each other. As our planet changes, it’s critical to bring new voices that bear witness to the world through unique and authentic stories. Core to Jackson Wild’s mission, the Media Lab will train and mentor emerging conservation and science storytellers in unique programs that directly engage them with the most influential content creators from around the globe.
The 2019 Fellows - a globally diverse group of 17 young scientists and media creators - will convene for this immersive, cross-disciplinary science film making workshop to learn the science of science communication from industry-leading mentors. They will gain hands-on intensive filmmaking experience using professional grade equipment from RED, Fujinon, Rhino, and others, while expanding their professional networks with peers and industry professionals.
For ten days, Fellows will be consumed with lessons, lectures and hands-on activities from the best in the industry. Throughout the week, they will also work in collaboration with four community research and conservation NGOs to create short films about science, nature and conservation. These mini-docs will premiere at a special event during the Jackson Wild Summit on Tuesday, September 24 at Jackson Lake Lodge. There will be another round of community Wild Fest screenings hosted by the Center of Wonder on September 27 and 28 at the Center for the Arts in Jackson, WY.
Lab of Ornithology debuts its first feature film 14 June 2019
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s debut feature film, the award-winning documentary, “Bird of Prey,” is now available for rent or purchase on iTunes, Amazon and Vimeo.
“Bird of Prey” weaves stunning natural history footage of the critically endangered great Philippine eagle with the remarkable story of wildlife cinematographer Neil Rettig and a small group of conservationists from the Philippine Eagle Foundation, who work tirelessly to save the bird from extinction.
The film follows Rettig’s return to the Philippines 36 years after he and his crew captured the first-ever recorded images of the eagle in the wild. Decades later, Rettig returns to the Philippine jungle on a grueling expedition to find the reclusive raptor and once again film a pair of eagles as they attempt to raise a newborn chick.
Have you seen enough of rather long "save-nature shows"? ... usually an hour, and series that show, predictably, major habitats like mountains, oceans, grasslands, deserts, jungles, the poles and how the wildlife survives there? For example (all not free) Our Planet (Netflix), Planet Earth (BBC), Hostile Planet (National Geographic, Sky). They're important in these Extinction Rebellion days with David Attenborough telling us how it all is – and may well become. Made over several years, some of them are bound to be partly out of date by now.
In the last fifty years we've witnessed the extinction of an average sixty per cent of all vertebrate animal populations. And the UN has just reported that one milllion species are now at risk on our unique, and broken, planet. Watch my series and see how you and others can share some solutions to urgent problems.
As David Attenborough said recently "I don't think we are as scared as we need to be". But maybe we can fix it. Maybe?
About Anegada Land of the Iguanas: With an ancestral lineage that goes back to the dinosaurs, the Anegada rock iguana once had a homeland that stretched for thousands of miles but today it is perilously close to extinction. Threatened by invasive species, climate change and land grabbing, the last 300 rock iguanas survive on just 28 square kilometres of coral and limestone rock. Protecting them is an immense challenge but Michael Young, a conservationist from the National Parks Trust of Virgin Islands and Kelly Bradley, scientist at Fort Worth Zoo have taken it on.
The challenge: Madelaine said: “Anegada Land of the Iguanas was not a straight forward film to make. I had to be sensitive to the politics of the local partners ensuring that each was equally represented whilst keeping editorial control and a balanced story. The location set in the Caribbean sounds wonderful and it was certainly beautiful but the reality was challenging. At just ten miles long and two miles wide, the tiny island we filmed on was pierced by lakes whose base was full of deep slimy quicksand mud and came up to our waists. It took around 45 minutes each way to cross the lake carrying all our kit on our heads to keep it out of the hot water.”
“The stars waiting on the other side were rock iguanas, certainly not the prettiest of creatures so making an audience care about them and their fate needed the addition of human presence. I chose the most non-political engaging contributor I could find, an 8-year-old girl Anjuliena who we auditioned from the only school on the island. We also needed to film baby iguanas. as they are the most vulnerable to the feral cats which are decimating the population. The scientists usually find around 20-30 each year, but this year they couldn’t find any.”
“It was only half way through our filming schedule that they found one baby who fortunately turned out to be quite content to appear in a number of nesting 'sets' with no stress, before he joined older iguanas in the conservation centre. At 3 years old the iguanas are big enough to avoid being cat food and we filmed Anjuliena and her schoolmates nervously releasing the iguanas into the wild and with a final drone shot around the children we could see the iguanas running off to a new life in the wild. But one highlight remained, the main crew of Alex Wickens and myself were treated to an iguana release of our own. On our last morning the scientist, Kelly Bradley took us out to the release site and as we released and said goodbye to 6 juvenile iguanas it was time to thank everyone involved. We had learned a lot!”
On her film being selected for NaturVision, Madelaine said: “Having my first film as a director chosen for NaturVision Wildlife Film Festival is amazing. The rock iguanas provided a good story but the team who made it deserve every accolade I can give to them. Fellow NFTS students, Alex Wickens, Matt Senior, Sarah Boughton and Ruth Knight were a formidable creative team who gave the conservation partners a film which has already been valuable. The partners are using the film as the core of an international conference on invasive species in the Caribbean. Fort Worth Zoo are using it in their education centre and outreach programme for over 200 schools across the world and clips of iguana behaviour will shortly be featured on their websites. Having actual conservation results plus film festival selection , what more could we ask for?”
If you would like to follow in Madeaine’s footsteps, please visit www.nfts.co.uk/naturalhistory to find out more. Applications are open until 7th July 2019 to start in January 2020.
National Geographic Announces QUEENS, the First-Ever Natural History Docuseries Where Female Animals Reign Supreme
Six-part Series Breaks a Gender Barrier, Marking the First Women-led Production Team to Capture A New Perspective on Nature
Never before has a women-led production team set out to capture the wondrous beauty of the natural world, and never before has natural history storytelling focused solely on matriarchal societies… until now.
National Geographic, world renowned for its rich tradition in natural history storytelling and cinematic craft, announces QUEENS, an epic, six-part natural history docuseries that follows six powerful sisterhoods within the animal kingdom where females rule. The all-women visionaries behind the series draw on their female intuitions to shine a fresh light on the natural world, revealing unique feminine behaviors in six distinct animal communities: hyenas, elephants, ring-tailed lemurs, insects, primates and orcas.
QUEENS, which began production this spring will air globally in 172 countries and 43 languages, is a mammoth undertaking; crews are estimated to spend at least 300 days filming each of the six episodes in order to paint intimate portraits of each queen and the sisterhood she leads.
“QUEENS is a wild departure from anything you’ve ever experienced with natural history storytelling,” says Vanessa Berlowitz, series executive producer, Wildstar Films. “We’re accustomed to a narrative where the male animal voice often outshines that of the misperceived ‘gentler’ sex. In QUEENS, females drive the story: the most accomplished women in the industry get behind the camera to turn things on their heads, revealing surprising insights into how females rise to power, often relying on cooperation and wisdom over brute strength to get ahead.”
“With QUEENS, National Geographic challenges a historical bias in wildlife storytelling that favors masculine societies,” says Janet Han Vissering, senior vice president of development and production, National Geographic. “The assembly of first-ever women-led production team will bring a new perspective to telling these intimate narratives. Scientifically, women score higher for emotional and social intelligence, so it will be fascinating to see how the team will read relationships to underscore the nuances of how female-bonded societies operate.”
Each episode devotes itself to discovering just why the title of queen is so coveted and tenuous. While getting to the top signifies power, holding rank is far from easy. Every day brings challenges – and challengers – to a queen’s rule. How she remains dominant depends on individual personality, loyalty, cooperation, politics, strength and fate.
Despite major behavioral differences among each society – for example, bees, wasps and ants are slaves to a single dictatorial queen, while elephants choose the oldest and wisest of their matriarch – there’s at least one thing that each queen has in common: family comes first. In QUEENS, nothing outmatches the powerful bonds of sisterhood.
The production team is led by Berlowitz, CEO of Wildstar Films and series executive producer, and also boasts some of the world’s most renowned, accomplished cinematographers, including Sophie Darlington (“Our Planet,” “Dynasties,” Disneynature’s “Penguins”) andJustine Evans (“Planet Earth,” “Frozen Planet,” “Life”).
“This series is full of possibilities and will offer a contemporary perspective on nature with the ambition to build industry legacy through diversity, collaboration and inclusiveness,” says Darlington. “It’s so exciting to create a project with such a talented team; we share a strong commitment to the environment and believe that engaging women is key to saving the planet.”
QUEENS features state-of-the-art technology, including remote camera systems, the latest drones, cameras that operate in virtual darkness and gyrostabilized cameras for close-up, immersive filming. All the equipment used throughout each episode aims to give the viewer a profound understanding of the secret relationships within each queen’s sisterhood.
QUEENS is produced by Wildstar Films for National Geographic. For Wildstar Films, Vanessa Berlowitz is executive producer. Janet Han Vissering is senior vice president of development and production, National Geographic.
The Harry Percy Award for Young Wildlife Filmmakers launched in collaboration with the Born Free Foundation by Jason Peters
30 April 2019
The Harry Percy Award for young wildlife filmmakers is a new annual competition for young film industry amateurs and professionals, looking to break into the world of wildlife conservation.
It is a chance to produce exciting new work and win a career-boosting cash prize, whilst helping to support Born Free’s mission to Keep Wildlife in the Wild.
Acclaimed wildlife filmmaker and presenter, Gordon Buchannan, is supporting this award and will be part of the judging panel to select the winning film. Gordon says:
"This is a unique new opportunity to support young people starting out in the wildlife film industry and I am very much looking forward to seeing the exciting work being produced.
Money raised through this campaign will enable us to launch this important award and raise awareness of Born Free’s vital conservation work.
It is a fitting tribute for a remarkable and talented young man who had a promising career in filmmaking ahead of him."
Watch this short film, created using Harry Percy's incredible wildlife video footage and still images, edited by Harry's good friend Matt Couldwell:
Matt says of his friend: "Harry Percy was one of most selfless, positive and generous people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. We bonded over our passion for wildlife conservation and visual storytelling where our focal point was to produce content that would make a difference. My aim is to continue the journey he started."
In October 2018, freelance filmmaker and keen conservationist, Harry Percy, attended a Born Free event at the Royal Geographical Society in London.
There he met Born Free’s CEO Howard Jones and enthusiastically spoke of his ambitions to visit Africa to film the work of the international wildlife charity.
Just days later, Harry tragically passed away unexpectedly.
He was only 22 years old.
Aware of their son’s desire to become more involved with wildlife conservation, Harry’s parents Tim Percy and Dominique de Bellefroid contacted Born Free with the idea of launching the Harry Percy Award for young wildlife filmmakers, to honour Harry’s memory.
The Harry Percy Award will be made to an individual who is judged to have employed the medium of film, to best effect for public understanding, whilst inspiring others to engage with the spirit and message of the film, to make positive changes towards co-existence.
The theme for the inaugural award will be Wildlife: Welfare and Captivity
First prize is £5,000. An additional amount of up to £5,000 will be made available to develop and create a Born Free film made by the award winner. There are also three runners-up prizes of £1,000 each.
Entries will be accepted between 3rd June and 31st August 2019.
Full terms and conditions, including technical information, how to enter and details about the judging process, can be found here.
Life Support a video series about why the global nature crisis matters for our lives from Greenpeace Unearthed
Episode 1: A growing number of scientists believe that the collapse of nature is as big a threat to humans as climate change – but it gets three times less media coverage.
Lord Ashcroft Exclusively Reveals the Horrors of Lion Farming in South Africa From Lord Ashcroft KCMG PC
28 April 2019
Lord Ashcroft, the former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party, has made a series of major revelations about the captive-bred lion industry in South Africa.
In the light of his exclusive disclosures, Lord Ashcroft called on the South African Government to halt the "horrific and abusive" activity of "lion farming" and urged the UK Government to bring in new import laws to discourage the practice.
Lord Ashcroft has written a series of newspaper articles on "lion farming", in which thousands of Africa's most iconic animals are bred to be killed for their bones or as hunting trophies. His disclosures were made in today's Mail on Sunday newspaper.
Lord Ashcroft, a businessman, philanthropist, author and pollster, commissioned a year-long undercover investigation – codenamed Operation Simba – involving former Special Forces and security operatives. The result was a disturbing insight into the full horrors and illegal practices linked to "lion farming".
The booming trade in lion skeletons is worth tens of millions of pounds a year and meets an insatiable desire in South East Asia and China for "traditional" medicines, including aphrodisiacs.
Lord Ashcroft's disclosures today include:
Wealthy clients are sent brochures with photographs of captive male lions via WhatsApp, so they can choose which one to kill. Prices range from £10,000 to £42,300 per lion and depend on the size and quality of the mane.
One British hunter was filmed shooting an exhausted lion with tranquiliser darts on an illegal so-called "green hunt". The lion had been chased by a 4x4 vehicle around a fenced hunting enclosure before the grinning City worker shot the terrified creature from just ten yards away.
The UK representative of a South African safari company advised an undercover investigator posing as a hunter how he could bypass a US ban on importing captive-bred lion trophies. He suggested first importing it to the UK - where such imports are not banned - before hiding the lion's skin inside the skin of a dead red deer and moving it on to America.
More than 50 lions were slaughtered for their bones at a so-called "eco-farm" in South Africa's Free State province in just two days.
Lions were kept in tiny cages and suffered appalling conditions in this farm's blood-stained slaughterhouse before their deaths. Horrific pictures showed lion skeletons and innards littering the floor, while discarded internal body parts were piled high in overflowing black plastic bags on a trailer outside.
In what is believed to be an obscene bid to maximise profits, breeders in South Africa are thought to be cross-breeding lions with tigers and creating hybrid offspring. The abusive process, which can lead to birth defects and the early death of cubs, boosts bone weight, earning the breeders more money.
British tourists are unwittingly helping to encourage the horrific trade by paying to play with cubs or to go walking with adolescent lions: animals that are invariably destined to be slaughtered or hunted.
According to well-informed sources, there are now an estimated 12,000 captive-bred lions in South Africa – far more than previously thought and approaching four times the number of wild lions in the country.
South Africa is the only country that permits large-scale, captive-lion farming and that has an annual quota for the legal export of lion bones. Many more lion bones are illegally smuggled to the Far East.
Lord Ashcroft has called on the South Africa Government to make captive-bred lion farming illegal as it has no conservation value. He said: "The captive-bred lion industry shames South Africa – indeed it shames us all.
"By allowing such a barbaric practice, the South African Government is harming the reputation of a country that treasures its position on the international stage in the aftermath of apartheid. Captive-bred lion farming in abusive and horrific."
Lord Ashcroft added: "I also call on the UK Government to follow the lead of other nations, notably the US, in banning the importation of captive lion trophies. We must do our bit to stamp out lion farming and show that we are not in any way complicit with it."
Wildscreen partners with Golden Tree International Documentary Festival
Wildscreen Festival is proud to announce a new partnership with the Golden Tree International Documentary Festival to strengthen and nurture opportunities between our international community of wildlife and environmental documentary makers and China.
Now in its fourth year, the Golden Tree Festival which takes place in Frankfurt from 10-13 October 2019, will feature film screenings, awards, forums, pitching and a marketplace. The vision of the Festival is to build a bridge for exchange, trade and communication in the documentary film industry between East and West.
As part of the new partnership, Wildscreen Festival 2018 delegates can benefit from a 50% discount on entries to the Golden Tree Film Festival Awards. The awards feature eight categories, including ‘Best Cinematographer’ and ‘Best Medium Length Documentary’ and ‘Best Editor’, with prizes ranging from 1,500-5,000 EUR.
Use the code ‘Wildscreen2018’ when submitting your film (if you were a delegate!).
Wildscreen will also be hosting a forum at the Festival, featuring leading wildlife filmmakers, exploring the question, “Can documentary save the planet?”
42nd Annual International Wildlife Film Festival Award Winners Announced from IWFF
20 April 2019
Congratulations to the IWFF 42 award winning films.
We are pleased to announce the Award Winners for the 2019 International Wildlife FIlm Festival. The 42nd IWFF Awards took place on Friday, April 19th at The Wilma.
Best Human-Wildlife Interaction Film
Whale Wisdom
Director: Rick Rosenthal,
Producer: Katya Shirokow
Whales live in a world so removed from our own that we can barely imagine their lives. Marine biologist and filmmaker Rick Rosenthal has filmed whales for much of his long career. Now he is on a quest to probe deeper into their lives, to compare scientists’ observations against his own experience, and just maybe, to get a glimpse of the world as it must seem to these ocean giants.
Best Children’s Film
Backyard Wilderness Directors & Producers: Susan Todd, Andrew Young
BACKYARD WILDERNESS will surprise and entertain viewers with the unexpected wonders of nature that are right under our noses: literally in our own backyards. Spanning four seasons, the film captures unique wildlife images and behavior in rare and breathtaking intimacy. Wi-Fi is not the only connection that matters and that in ordinary places, we can discover extraordinary things – if we just step outside.
Best Young Adult Film
Take Back the Harbor
Directors: Kristi Jacobson, Roger Ross Williams
Producers: Christopher Clements, Julie Goldman, Carolyn Hepburn, Kristi Jacobson
On New York’s Governor’s Island there is an ambitious goal: to restore oysters to New York Harbor. The foot soldiers of this environmental movement are an unlikely group–high school students at a public school which teaches waterways stewardship alongside math and English. TAKE BACK THE HARBOR highlights these students and their teachers as they persevere to turn the tide on decades of neglect and bring back the health of their city’s waterways.
Best Newcomer Film
Fox Chaser
Director: Rio Mitchell
& Producer: Chris Hsiung
In the deep freeze of Northern Alberta, a young man finds freedom and his livelihood on the trapline. But with increasing family obligations, and with industrial development encroaching upon the area’s wildlife, this may be his last chance to live his passion for the wilderness.
Best Independent Feature Film
Stroop: A Journey Into the Rhino Horn War
Director: Susan Scott & Producer: Bonné de Bod
In this roller coaster ride between Africa and Asia, two first-time filmmakers embed themselves on the front-lines of the rhinoceros genocide. Carving out six months for the project, the women quickly find themselves immersed in a world far larger and more dangerous than they had imagined, emerging from their odyssey four years later.
Best Broadcast Feature Film
Epic Yellowstone: Return of the Predators Directors: Thomas Winston, Jeff Reed, Shasta Winston
& Producers: Thomas Winston, Tria Thalman, Eric Bendick, Avela Grenier, Jeff Reed, Shasta Winston, Smithsonian Channel
It’s a bird’s eye view of a iconic place, Yellowstone National Park. Soaring above the erupting Old Faithful Geyser, the cascading Lower Falls, and the brilliant Grand Prismatic Springs, Yellowstone’s winged creatures survey an extraordinary landscape. But a bird’s life in the extremes of the world’s first national park is anything but an easy glide.
Best Short Film
Sides of a Horn
Director: Toby Wosskow
& Producers: Toby Wosskow, Emmanuel Castis, Charlie Hicks, Erika Klopper
From executive producer Sir Richard Branson, SIDES OF A HORN is the first film to tell the story of Africa’s war on poaching from both sides of the fence. Based on actual events, and filmed in one of the communities most directly impacted by wildlife crime, we follow the journey of two brothers-in-law fighting on opposite sides of Africa’s poaching war. This dramatic short film paints an unbiased portrait of a modern conflict that is tearing communities apart and driving a prehistoric species–the rhinoceros–to the verge of extinction.
Best Student Film
The Great Pretender
Director & Producer: Nardine Grotch After the loss of an important display feather a famous lyrebird named “The Pretender” struggles to win a mate during the most competitive song-and-dance competition in Australia.
Best Environmental Film
Takayna Director: Alex Lowther
& Producer: Emily Grant
Takayna in northwestern Tasmania is home to one of the last tracts of old-growth rainforest in the world, yet it’s currently at the mercy of destructive extraction industries, including logging and mining. This documentary, presented by Patagonia Films, unpacks the complexities of modern conservation and challenges us to consider the importance of our last wild places.
Best Conservation Film
Director: David Hambridge
& Producers: Andrew Harrison Brown, David Hambridge
KIFARU (Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award, Slamdance 2019) follows the lives of two young Kenyan recruits that join Ol Pejeta Conservancy’s rhino caretaker unit, a small group of rangers that care for and protect Sudan, the last male northern white rhino or, in Swahili, “kifaru.” Spanning the caretakers’ first four years on the job, KIFARU allows viewers to experience the joys and pitfalls of conservation firsthand through the eyes of these men.
Serengeti Rules Director: Nicolas Brown
& Producer: David Allen
In the 1960s, a band of young scientists headed out into the wilderness, driven by an insatiable curiosity about how nature works. Immersed in some of the most remote places on Earth—the Serengeti to the Arctic Ocean and through the Amazon jungle—they discovered a single set of rules that govern all life. Now in their twilight, these five unsung heroes of modern ecology share the stories of their adventures and reveal how their pioneering work flipped our view of nature on its head.
Droppin' this trailer right here + Happy Birthday Hayduke!
"That which evolves doesn't persist unless the same forces that created it also continue." - Doug Peacock
Climate Change: The Facts review – our greatest threat, laid bare
David Attenborough’s rousing, horrifying call to arms should do for climate change denial what Blue Planet did for plastic
Once, a night in with David Attenborough promised the TV equivalent of a warm blanket. It was a chance to watch spectacular creatures revelling in the beauty of their natural habitats, as the man with a voice as soothing as ice-cream described what we could see, from the violent to the serene. Those days are gone. Attenborough’s recent move to Netflix, for Our Planet, was deceptive: a seemingly gorgeous nature documentary that doubled up as animal kingdom snuff movies in which the beauty of those natural habitats was revealed as a crumbling paradise, ruined by people and particularly by greed. One of the main points of praise for Our Planet, which was well received, suggested that Attenborough was no longer tiptoeing around the issue of climate change, the implication being that he had done so before.
You sense that Our Planet was unfortunately timed for the BBC. In Climate Change: The Facts, the gloves are now not so much off as thrown to the floor in a certain rage. It’s right there in the title, bold and stark. This hour-long documentary, part of the Our Planet Matters season, is wide-ranging yet concise, easy to understand, not blighted by the ego of, say, An Inconvenient Truth, and it is designed to do for climate change denial what 2017’s Blue Planet did for single-use plastic.
That’s not to say it should be Attenborough’s responsibility to get the wider public to pay attention, nor that it is down to the BBC. It isn’t. But Climate Change: The Facts is a rousing call to arms. It is an alarm clock set at a horrifying volume. The first 40 minutes are given over to what Attenborough calls, without hyperbole, “our greatest threat in thousands of years”. Expert after expert explains the consequences of rising CO2 levels, on the ice caps, on coastal regions, on weather and wildlife and society itself. The most powerful moments are in footage shot not by expert crews who have spent years on location, but on shaky cameras, capturing the very moment at which the reality of our warming planet struck the person holding the phone. In Cairns, Australia, flying foxes are unable to survive the extreme temperatures; rescuers survey the terrible massacre, and we learn that while 350 were saved, 11,000 died. A man and his son talk through their escape from raging wildfires, over the film they took while attempting to drive through a cavern of blazing red trees. These are horror movies playing out in miniature. It is difficult to watch even five minutes of this and remain somehow neutral, or unconvinced. More here: theguardian.com
Climate Change: The Facts — David Attenborough shows that the truth hurts: ft.com
A Victorian era naturalist discovers a butterfly that reinforces Charles Darwin's theory of evolution in this spectacular Imax offering.
With a title like “Amazon Adventure,” director Mike Slee’s latest large-screen triumph suggests a pulse-quickening tropical thrill ride, complete with raging rapids, cannibal confrontations, and run-ins with swarms of teeth-gnashing piranhas. If audiences want that kind of Amazon adventure, they need look no farther than James Gray’s “The Lost City of Z,” now in theaters, or Simon McBurney’s mind-bending one-man show “The Encounter,” which just wrapped a spectacular run at L.A.’s Wallis Annenberg Center.
As it happens, the “adventure” Slee has in mind is strictly of the educational variety, and while that may dissuade normal moviegoers from seeking out this exotic learning opportunity (which plays museums and science centers, rather than megaplexes anyway), parents and teachers of grade-school kids have reason to rejoice: Slee’s film boasts such a high level of writing, acting, and overall production polish that youngsters may be fooled into thinking they’re watching a mindless blockbuster, when in fact, they’ve actually been fooled into thinking.
Beginning in early 19th-century England, “Amazon Adventure” takes as its hero Henry Walter Bates (played here by Calum Finlay), a British naturalist who was the gotta-catch-’em-all champion of his era, at a time long before Pokemon Go! “My joy was collecting beetles,” he announces via voiceover, and soon enough, that obsession is fueling a trip to the still-unmapped inner region of Brazil. Bates lived at a time when the science world was scandalized by Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, which challenged the prevailing notion that species had been created in an ideal form for some divine power.
Bates idolized Darwin and hoped his own research might corroborate the idea of evolution, but the conditions in the Amazon were so taxing, he and native assistant Tando (Begê Muniz) spent much of their energy simply trying to survive. And yet, throughout his time in the jungle, Bates collected and cataloged thousands of insect specimens, which he sent back to England — and which, after he had returned thinking his trip was a failure, Bates would later use to make his most significant finding. (While not entirely surprising, this twist recalls another Amazon adventure, 1992’s “Medicine Man,” in which Sean Connery seeks a cure for cancer in rainforests threatened by slash-and-burn forces, only to realize at the last minute that a previously overlooked insect pest holds the key.)
Our Planet is a global event that reminds us we're all on one team. The series from Netflix—created in collaboration with Silverback Productions and WWF—features jaw-dropping nature stories, grounded in the best science, and highlighting the most pressing challenges facing nature today.
The eight-part original documentary series is now streaming globally on Netflix.
WWF have been running a campaign, alongside the streaming Our Planet on Netflix, to highlight the rich natural wonders, iconic species and wildlife spectacles that still remain, and reveal the key issues that urgently threaten their existence.
Today, we have become the greatest threat to the health of our planet. The Our Planet collaborative mission is to inspire people over the world to understand our planet - and the challenges it faces. If we can truly understand why nature matters to us all, and what we can do to save it, then we can create a future where nature and people thrive.
WWF have ensured the Our Planet series and all supporting content is supported by the latest science. Here are their supporting films:
New This Year at Jackson Wild:
Short Form Goes Big in Jackson Hole
from Jackson Wild
8 April 2019
Jackson Wild Media Awards Call for Entry Now Open!
Recognizing the explosive growth and impact of short films in nature, science and conservation media, we've created a shorts award for each of our content categories instead of a single giant category! The Short-form Series and Micro-Movie categories will remain. Content Categories include: Animal Behavior, Ecosystem, Earth & Sky, Conservation, People & Nature, Changing Planet, Science & Nature and Impact.
The Jackson Hole Wild Media Awards competition is unique in that each entry is reviewed in its entirety by 150+ judges who will screen more than 3000 hours. Each category is judged by separate juries specifically chosen for their expertise.
The Jackson Hole Wild Media Awards is unique in that each entry is reviewed in its entirety by multiple judges and each category is judged by a separate jury specifically chosen for their expertise.
Judges who complete assignments in the range of 20 or 40 program hours may earn credit towards discounted passes to the Jackson Wild Summit. Shorter assignments are also available. First round judging assignments will begin in June and continue with second rounds through July.
Now accepting applications! The Jackson Wild Media Lab will train and mentor emerging conservation media leaders in unique programs that directly engage them influential content creators.
Summit Speaker Call Out ... Rapid Fire Storytellers
Rapid Fire Sessions will begin each morning of the Summit and we're on the hunt for amazing speakers with compelling stories to tell in a fast-paced 10-min-or-less format. Nominate yourself or another (make sure they agree, first)! Topics being considered include:
Compelling Discoveries at the Ends of the Earth (the Arctic and Antarctic)
New Technology to Save the Planet
SNAFU: Funny, heartbreaking and heroic stories of resilience
Wild Women. Changing the world, because that's what women do.
Authentic: New Perspectives authored by unique local voices
Sustainability On Screen coming soon – May 5th and 6th 2019, Portobello Road, London
A film festival celebrating and showcasing environmental sustainability and veganism.
The SOS Film Festival is a trailblazing event dedicated to celebrating a sustainable and vegan ideal: a healthier, compassionate, environmentally friendly lifestyle. Thought provoking and hard hitting screenings of short and feature films, showing the impacts of our diet, consumption and how we live is affecting the world and local communities we live in. We will be screening award winning films and documentaries and Q&As with leading film makers, environmentalists and musicians. Topics include climate change, waste pollution, vegan and plant based diet and environmental sustainability. We aim to explore how our every days lives are affecting climate change, pollution and the health of communities.
We will be screening award winning films (including 2019 BAFTA Winner - '73 Cows' a 2018 PANDA Award Winner), from award winning directors and documentary makers- topics include vegan and plant based diet, climate change, animal conservation and environmental sustainability. We aim to explore how veganism can have a positive affect on climate change, pollution and the health of communities. Conservation and wildlife films include 'Love and Bananas - Elephant Rescue'; 'Down to earth' and Celine Cousteau's new film 'Tribes on the Edge'.
Visual Africa Films Publishes High-Tech Book Elephants Wear Ivory by Feisal Malik & Tanvir Ali by Jason Peters
31 March 2019
“Elephants Wear Ivory” is the first coffee table book of its kind in Africa and amongst the first in the world.
The book is being used as a brand ambassador by HP Asia Pacific, to showcase the prowess of their printing technology and it contains images with Augmented Reality.
This is technology whereby one points a smartphone to an image, and it extracts a video instantly and plays it on the smart phone.
To understand this concept visually, watch this short film, whereby you can see how the technology works in the book.
The book has 50 unique images of Elephants, that celebrate their beauty and majestic nature, along with 50 stories that accompany each picture.
The images are the size of the book, an A3 page. On the opposite side of each page we have text that talks about the unique features of Elephants and how specialized they are.
The pictures of the Elephants are from the Maasai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu, Tsavo and Meru National Parks.
It is an easy read, and one doesn’t have to read from start to finish to enjoy the contents of the book. The Augmented Reality images in the book are 9, one of which is a full length documentary on Elephant Poaching and the ivory trade, that we produced. It is called “The Last In Line.”
Spread across the book are videos behind the scenes shoots of the journey made to produce the book. Scenes of photographing Elephants and travelling in the wilderness of Amboseli National Park.
This book is clearly a labour of love and, as the subject matter deserves, it is expertly executed. Feisal Malik and Tanvir Ali have put together a wonderful collection of images and stories all of which are beautiful and fascinating.The augmented reality part of the publication is a fantastic addition and wholly bridges the divide between still and moving images. It is wonderful to be reading a book and instantly have the story brought to life with video via a smartphone app. The fact that this book is very much about conserving Africa's largest land mammal makes it an essential read, and watch!
Also read: Elephants Wear Ivory: Fusing technology with art to protect heritage: www.nation.co.ke
& Irish Ambassador launches ‘Elephants Wear Ivory’ in Kenya: www.britsinkenya.com
Elephant research scientist and activist against poaching, Jim Nyamu, said: “This book celebrates elephants through beautiful pictures, and showcases elephant safaris. It also highlights the harsh reality of elephant poaching through the documentary; an ideal way to get the conservation message across.”
New Spanish Festival, #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival – Call For Entries
The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is an initiative run by the Museo de Ciencias at the University of Navarra. It is a film festival that offers a refreshing, modern take on scientific knowledge.
The goal of the #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is to arouse scientific curiosity and convey a passion for science. The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival brings together the best audiovisual productions to help you delve into the world of science using a new approach, tailor-made for you.
No matter where you live, you can join our online screenings during the festival. The experience will transform you. Are you up for it?
The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival promotes the following values:
CURIOSITY: a desire to learn about the unknown.
CREATIVITY: a passion to create.
INNOVATION: the ability to offer innovative ideas to improve existing processes and products and open up new fields.
RIGOR: precision in and ownership of one’s actions.
PASSION: intense emotion that translates into enthusiasm or desire for something.
PROACTIVITY: the ability to act ahead of time, in a change-oriented manner.
COMMITMENT: a devotion to nature and human beings in pursuit of the common good.
Awards & Prizes
Best Documentary. Trophy and diploma.
Best Reportage or TV Production. Trophy and diploma.
Best Short Fiction Film. Trophy and diploma.
Best Internet or Social Media Video. Trophy and diploma.
Best Student Production. Trophy and diploma.
Best University Production. Trophy and diploma.
Audience Award. Trophy and diploma.
Passion for Science Award. Trophy and diploma.
The winners will be invited to take part in the festival. The organization will cover all travel and accommodation expenses for the trip to Pamplona, Spain, for one person per award.
1. Competition entries can take the form of documentaries, reportages, short fiction films, television programs and any videos designed for the Internet or social media. They must have been completed after January 1, 2016, and must focus on any science-related topic.
2. There are six categories:
a. Documentary
b. Reportage or TV Program
c. Short Fiction Film (<25 min)
d. Internet or Social Media Video
e. Student Production
f. University Production
4. The jury for the preliminary phase will select the finalists for each category from all entries.
5. All finalists must provide a three-minute excerpt of the nominated videos, which will be made available to the media to promote the festival.
6. The jury’s decision will be final. The jury may declare any of the awards null and void and may also award special mentions.
7. All winners will receive a trophy and a diploma.
8. The winners will be invited to take part in the festival. The organization will cover all travel and accommodation expenses for the trip to Pamplona, Spain, for one person per award.
9. All winning videos will be stored in the festival archives for research and information purposes only.
10. The film producers, whether or not they receive an award, will retain all rights to their films.
11. The festival may use clips from the videos, lasting no longer than three minutes, to promote the festival among the media. Videos selected for the final phase may be screened during other activities organized by the Museo de Ciencias at the University of Navarra, in addition to the festival.
12. Participation implies acceptance of all the above-mentioned rules.
Farming, Food and Nature: Respecting Animals, People and the Environment Edited by Joyce D’Silva and Carol McKenna
with the Foreword by Jane Goodall – An Important Book, Out Now!
Livestock production and its use of finite resources is devastating biodiversity and pushing wildlife to the brink of extinction.This powerful book examines the massive global impact caused by intensive livestock production and then explores solutions, ranging from moving to agroecological farming to reducing consumption of animal products, including examples of best practice and innovation, both on land and within the investment and food industries.
Leading international contributors spell out the problems in terms of planetary limits, climate change, resources, the massive use of cereals and soy for animal feed, and the direct impact of industrial farming on the welfare of farmed animals. They call for an urgent move to a flourishing food system for the sake of animals, the planet and us. Some offer examples of global good practice in farming or the power of the investment community to drive change, and others highlight food business innovation and exciting developments in protein diversification. Providing a highly accessible overview of key issues, this book creates a timely resource for all concerned about the environmental, social and ethical issues facing food, farming and nature. It will be an invaluable resource and provide inspiration for students, professionals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the general reader.
Joyce D’Silva is Ambassador Emeritus for Compassion in World Farming, the leading charity advancing the welfare of farm animals worldwide. She is co-editor of The Meat Crisis (second edition 2017).
Carol McKenna is Special Advisor to the Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming and organised the Extinction and Livestock Conference on which this book is based.
"A wide range of experts and policy makers explore innovative ideas and solutions for the future of the planet, with a focus on our health and food systems. I strongly recommend reading this book to anyone interested in a sustainable diet and a healthy environment, as well as animal welfare."
Hilal Elver, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
"The weight of evidence for changing the food system is now overwhelming, yet resistance to change is stubborn. We are all part of that. No one likes to think they aren’t in control of what they eat. How can we unlock this mismatch? This book is an important collection of arguments why we must and what needs to happen."
Tim Lang, Centre for Food Policy, City, University of London, UK
Wildlife-film.com Review:
"The October 2017 'Extinction and Livestock Conference' in London was a ground-breaking event attended by a broad spectrum of experts from many different sectors with varied interests in the impact of livestock farming. It was refreshing to see so many diverse people come together to try and find common ground in a attempt to come up with solutions to the many problems associated with intensive animal agriculture. This book collates those ideas and those of the many experts that were unable to attend this conference. It is an important book that could very well help bring about a fairer, more compassionate and planet-friendly food system, if taken notice of. The opening paragraph of the Introduction is: "There’s a sense of urgency in the air. The evidence for rapid climate change is growing; biodiversity and wildlife are obviously in trouble; the very soils on which we all depend for food are losing their vitality; water is becoming scarce and polluted; and, scandalously, poverty and hunger are still with us. Our planet itself is in turmoil." This urgency needs to be felt by all of us, not just those already in the know ... All decision-makers should read this book if they are ever going to get to grips with why a food-system so entrenched but so damaging needs to change. Lots of great ideas are put forward and the case for veganism is strong. Read this book, share the ideas and live in hope."
Jason Peters, Wildlife Film News Editor
The Extinction and Livestock Conference – the world’s first international event to explore the impact of livestock production on the future of life on Earth – took place on 5 and 6 October 2017 at the QEII Conference Centre in London.
Organised by Compassion in World Farming and WWF-UK, the #extinction17 event saw world-renowned speakers take to the stage to discuss how intensive livestock systems are at the heart of so many problems affecting health, food security, biodiversity, the environment and animal welfare.
The event was the beginning of what will become an international movement working to identify solutions to mend our broken food systems and to ensure that the current climate change targets and the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved in order to save the planet, and secure food for future generations. See www.extinctionconference.com for more information.
Lots going on at Jackson Wild from Jackson Wild
26 March 2019
Call for Entry: 2019 Jackson Wild Media Awards
Entry for the 2019 Jackson Wild Media Awards is open!
We have over 20 categories to enter and all projects completed since 6/1/17 are eligible.
Content Categories
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores animal behavior in a new, fresh, imaginative or authoritative way.
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores a unique habitat and its wildlife.
Awarded to the program that most effectively contributes to an awareness of timely and relevant conservation issues and/or solutions.
Awarded to the program that most effectively explores the interdependent relationship between humans and animals or the environment. ??
Awarded for the best examination of our changing planet, including human impact, the environment, sustainability and climate change.
Awarded to the program that most effectively incorporates science, the scientific method and scientific discovery into an understanding of some aspect of the natural world.
Awarded to the film that most effectively celebrates the impact of individuals, groups, organizations or movements committed to the protection, awareness or understanding of a species, ecosystem or some other aspect of the natural world.
Program Categories
Awarded to the non-broadcast or commercially distributed program that most successfully educates its audience on some aspect of the natural world. This includes projects created by government agencies, NGOs, universities and other institutions.
Awarded to the mini-series with episodes longer than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme. Individual episodes may be entered into other categories. Submit two episodes that best represent the series.
Awarded to the mini-series with episodes shorter than 20 minutes in length, that most effectively advances a natural history theme. Individual episodes may be entered into other categories. Submit three episodes that best represent the series.
Awarded to the program that most effectively inspires an appreciation of the natural world, or issues associated with animals and the environment to young people 6-12 years of age.
HOST / PRESENTER-LED Sponsored by: Vulcan Productions
Awarded to the program that makes the most effective use of a host or presenter in communicating an appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
Awarded to the program, between five and 20 minutes in length (including PSAs, music videos, and campaigns), that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world.
Awarded to the most effective and compelling project under five minutes in length (including PSAs, music videos, and campaigns), that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world.
Awarded to the program created for commercial distribution that best advances an appreciation or understanding of the natural world. This category includes programs distributed in theaters, BluRay/DVD or streamed via the internet.
STUDENT & EMERGING Sponsored by: HHMI Tangled Bank Studios
Presented in recognition of the best program produced by either a first-time filmmaker in the field of natural history production, or a student currently enrolled or no more than 2 years out of an academic program. All entering filmmakers will need to provide proof they are eligible for this category in the form of a student I.D. or statement and resume.
Awarded to the best natural history program created for the immersive platform of Virtual Reality.
Craft Categories
Awarded for the combined contribution of sound editing, musical score, production mixing and post-production mixing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
VISUALIZATION Sponsored by: Fujifilm and Fujinon Lenses
Awarded for the cinematography or computer generated visual storytelling that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part. If sufficient entries are submitted, organizers/judges may create separate categories.
Awarded for the editing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part.
Awarded for the writing that most enhances the natural history program of which it is a part through the union of imagery, storyline, dialog and narration.
Applications for the Jackson Wild Media Lab are LIVE!
Jackson Wild Media Lab is an immersive, cross-disciplinary science filmmaking workshop that brings scientists and media creators together to learn from leaders in the profession.
This highly competitive program will accept up to 16 participants, covering all expenses associated with travel, food and lodging during the workshop and the 2019 Jackson Wild Summit (September 21-27, 2019).
(Please note: Applications are open internationally!)
Jackson Wild believes in the power of media to inspire wonder for our living planet and action to restore and protect it through high-impact collaborations. Since 1991, Jackson’s Summits have drawn together international leaders in science, conservation and cross-platform media. Through its initiatives, Jackson Wild catalyzes original voices and amplifies innovative global collaborations between science, conservation, corporate, public policy and storytelling partners who share its urgency of purpose.
GREEN SCREEN INVITATION: "Pitching Session" 2019
14 March 2019
FRIDAY, SEP, 13 2019
Filmmaking story tellers of the natural world are invited to take advantage of this unique opportunity to pitch their planned project to a board of commissioners, producers and distributors at the PITCHINGSESSION of the International Wildlife Filmfestival GREEN SCREEN 2019.
To participate, the following must be submitted:
An Exposé, describing the project should be described, including approximate shooting time, locations and the people involved.
A short CV.
An approximate budget idea.
If available, a trailer or other footage.
The Pitching Session itself is open to the public and follows international rules:
The presentation of your project may take up to seven minutes.
After that the attending experts and decision makers are invited to evaluate the project and, if applicable, to express their interest.
If you have questions, do get in touch! Pitching directors Annette Scheurich annette@marco-polo-film.de and Udo Zimmermann udo.zimmermann@t-online.de are happy to provide further information.
The sooner we know who plans to pitch, the better, even if not all documents are ready.
A pre-selection panel will select 6 to 8 participants for the pitching session from the submitted projects
by 1st August 2019.
Some of the projects that have been presented in recent years are now in production! Participation is in any case an enriching experience!
As the promotion of emerging talent in naturefilm has always been a concern of GREEN SCREEN, submissions by newcomers and ambitious young filmmakers are expressly encouraged. Please feel free to spread the word!
See you at GREEN SCREEN in Eckernförde! September 11th-15th 2019!
There's a new international contest, a film & photo festival for both professionals and amateurs, in Mimizan in the South of France.
FIFPAN’s aim is to promote the work of women and men who devote themselves to the professions of wildlife photographer, audio visual technician, filmmaker ...
Diving tarantulas, camera-shy dingoes: how we filmed ‘Australia: Earth’s Magical Kingdom’
Australia has many fantastic beasts, but getting close enough to film them was a challenge, writes producer Tosca Looby
Natural history film-making can be distinctly unglamorous – we dress in appalling camouflage prints, our cast rarely turn up and, when they do, they may bite, spit or both – and in spite of its breathtaking landscapes and beauty, filming in Australia might well be the least glamorous of all.
We travel vast distances along dirt roads to reach nocturnal animals that scamper for cover at the slightest hint of movement. We take to shark-rich waters to record ocean creatures that may or may not have arrived for their seasonal migration. It’s a hard, frustrating and, mercifully, sometimes gloriously satisfying game of cinematic roulette. Here are some of the creatures we encountered Down Under ...
When asked to imagine Australia many people immediately picture its arid outback, but the continent actually boasts surprisingly varied landscapes.
Travelling from the Snowy Mountains to Queensland, we discover how animals have learned to thrive across the continent’s harsh and beautiful extremes. Its unique wildlife includes tree-dwelling kangaroos, spiders that survive underwater and a bird that spreads fire.
Terra Mater Factual Studios and Off the Fence announce collaboration
14 March 2019
Terra Mater Factual Studios (TMFS), a subsidiary of Red Bull, and Off the Fence B.V. (OTF), a subsidiary of ZDF Enterprises, have agreed on a global, multi-year deal, which will see OTF distribute TMFS’ present and future TV catalogue.
As of the 1st of April 2019, OTF will begin representing TMFS’ programming and showcase the multi-awarded portfolio for the first time at MipTV 2019 in Cannes, where the two companies will welcome their clients and partners at their adjacent booths. TMFS’ top factual programming highlights for MIPTV include ‘Whale Wisdom’, guided by four-time Emmy-award winning director Rick Rosenthal, jaw-dropping ‘Borneo – Earth’s ancient Isle’ about a place not like any others and ‘The Sun – Inferno in the Sky’, showing latest developments in solar research.
The two factual content specialists share a similar vision and look forward to this groundbreaking partnership.
Terra Mater Factual Studios are one of the major players in the business of nature film. The production company, located in Vienna/Austria, is well known for its high-quality factual programming in the core-genres of Nature, Science and History. Since its inception in 2011, TMFS has created a diverse portfolio of more than 180 hours, honored with approximately 250 international awards including Wildscreen’s Golden Panda, Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival’s Grand Teton, and New York Festivals’ Grand Award. In 2017, its feature doc ‘The Ivory Game’ was on the Academy of Motion Picture of Arts and Sciences’ Shortlist for the Oscars. TMFS’ latest coup was the prestigious Audience Award at Sundance Festival 2019 for its fresh feature doc ‘Sea of Shadows’. The highly experienced and dedicated team behind this success story is headed by Walter Köhler, CEO and founder of Terra Mater Factual Studios. Köhler’s and his colleagues’ commitment to amazing storytelling, visual excellence, technical innovation and social responsibility shows up in engaging films about our planet.
Celebrating its 25th anniversary at MIPTV this year, based in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and with a catalogue of over 6,500 hours of premium unscripted content, Off the Fence is one of the world’s leading distributors focusing exclusively on high-end factual productions. The company already counts globally-celebrated brands such as the Smithsonian Channel, We TV, Tangled Bank Studios, Arrow Media, BBC Studios, National Geographic Television, Vulcan Productions, NHU Africa, Bonne Pioche, Windfall Films, and Aquavision/Lion Mountain Television, among many others, as part of the content it distributes. The company also runs Bristol (UK) and Amsterdam (NL)-based production studios from which it has produced over 500 hours of content, which has gathered over 80 international awards. Finally, Off the Fence announced at Wild Screen 2018 that it would soon be launching the WaterBear Network (www.waterbear.com), the world’s first VOD platform dedicated to our future on this planet, an announcement that was briefly followed by a second one celebrating its acquisition by ZDF Enterprises at the start of 2019.
TMFS and OTF productionsshare a common passion for high-end natural history, campaign-driven content, which spreads a message of conservation and aims to change audiences’ attitudes towards the natural world. Both companies acknowledge the need to show viewers the beauty of nature and highlight the urgency of saving life on our planet.
Walter Köhler, CEO of Terra Mater Factual Studios, stated: “If you bundle a 25-year-old distributor and a nearly 10-year-old production company with a team working in the market since another 25 years, you get a unique power pack full of experience, knowledge and dedication. I am very delighted that we found our perfect match in Off the Fence and can strengthen our business in the specialist factual TV market together, which is the next logical step in our development. It is a great relationship with like-minded people, which I am personally very happy to announce.”
Ellen Windemuth, CEO of Off the Fence, said: “We immensely look forward to this partnership with our colleagues at Terra Mater Factual Studios on the marketing and distribution of their beautiful films. This collaborative bond and the high and consistent quality of TMFS’ output, paired with our commitment to offer the best service in the business, constitute a watershed.
About Terra Mater Factual Studios: Terra Mater Factual Studios were founded January 1st, 2011 and are based in Vienna, Austria. The full-blown production unit is a subsidiary company of Red Bull and specializes in premium factual programming for TV, multimedia platforms and theatrical release. TMFS are committed to the highest production values regarding visual excellence, innovative technology and amazing storytelling. Core genres are nature, science and history presented in blue-chip primetime series and specials. The production company also brings together a wide array of genres and styles to create exciting new factual and entertainment formats. For the big screen, TMFS produce stories that are highly relevant and strongly rooted in reality: from the classical feature doc to wild drama, where nature plays the main role, further on to fiction films, where real stories are the matrix for our scripts.
TMFS’ diverse portfolio contains more than 180 hours, honored with almost 250 international film festival awards and 300 nominations. In 2017, its feature doc ‘The Ivory Game’ was on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Shortlist for the Oscars. TMFS’ latest coup was the prestigious Audience Award at Sundance Festival 2019 for its fresh feature doc ‘Sea of Shadows’..
TMFS collaborate with the best producers, cameramen and directors worldwide, who make TMFS productions a unique viewing experience by latest cutting-edge equipment, fascinating cinematography and unconventional editing. TMFS embrace state-of-the art recording technologies, from super-slow motion to super-time-lapse to reveal Nano-second events and processes normally invisible to the naked eye. Images generated by electron microscopes and computer animation explore the wonders of the microcosm. Special cameras turn night into day. Endoscopes and medical scanners take the viewers inside living organisms. And HDTV is enhanced by a new dimension – 4K at its best. All these ingredients are woven together by amazing storytellers, highlighting real-life-tales and using the dramatic narration dynamics of the feature film while upholding the principles of factual programming.
As dedicated nature filmmakers, Terra Mater Factual Studios are aware of their responsibility to shed a light on fragile parts of the world, to give a voice to threatened species and to make a positive impact on our precious planet. TMFS’ credo: We need to be able to learn from the mistakes that were made, for our own sake and that of generations to come.
About Off the Fence: Based in Amsterdam and wholly-owned by ZDF Enterprises, Off the Fence is one of the world’s leading factual distribution companies with a catalogue of over 6,500 hours of diverse programming across the Wildlife, Science, History, Travel, Crime, People & Culture and Lifestyle genres. With 25 years of experience, Off the Fence distributes high-quality programming to clients worldwide and has exclusive agreements with the Smithsonian Channel, We TV and also distributes its own content produced out of its Bristol and Amsterdam studios. Off the Fence Productions is an award-winning, producer of factual television and has created more than 500 hours of television content for a wide range of international broadcasters. Visit Off the Fence’ Website for more information.
Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival Goes Annual For Impact: A New Name & Mission from Jackson Wild
13 March 2019
The need for public action to influence policy-making has never been more crucial. Media engages public audiences as well as core influencers with important living science and conservation stories to protect and restore our planet while the window of opportunity to succeed still exists.
Evolving from its founding mission to celebrate and amplify excellence in nature filmmaking, the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival has now become Jackson Wild. Jackson Wild provides a dynamic platform for cross-sector collaborations in global conservation and high impact storytelling. The organization will direct its resources to ignite original voices, create and enhance innovative alliances between science, conservation, corporate, public policy and storytellers who share this urgency of purpose.
Staying true to its core mission, the Jackson Wild Board of Directors specifically identified the importance of convening the Jackson Wild Summit, (formerly the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival & Conservation Summit), annually rather than biennially. Two years between convenings is simply too long when media technology, distribution platforms and programming priorities shift so rapidly.
Board Chairperson Ellen Windemuth elaborated, “We unanimously decided that now is the time to concentrate on four pillars of engagement. These impact strategies will be evident at the Jackson Wild Summit each year and will be woven into several partner summits throughout the globe.”
Jackson Wild’s four pillars of engagement include:
The Jackson Wild Summit is an extraordinary annual convening where collaboration and innovation thrive, and new ideas are launched. Cross-disciplinary conversations on the critical issues facing our planet set the stage for strategic partnerships that happen nowhere else, as participants work together to address conservation and environmental challenges. In 2019, the conservation focus will be Living Oceans. Partner summits around the world will echo this conservation theme, broadening reach and deepening global impact.
Media today deepens understanding of the world around us, inspires commitment to protect and restore the natural systems upon which all life depends and empowers the radical changes that will be required. The nature equivalent to the Oscars®, the Jackson Wild Media Awards celebrate excellence and innovation in science and nature storytelling. In addition to media, the Jackson Wild Legacy Awards recognize visionary filmmakers, conservationists, scientists and thought leaders.
Stories connect us to the planet and to each other. It’s critical to bring diverse voices that bear witness to the world through unique and authentic stories. The Jackson Wild Media Lab will train and mentor emerging conservation media leaders in unique programs that directly engage them with the most influential content creators from around the globe. Beginning in Southern Africa and Latin America, Jackson Wild is working with local organizers to globalize the voices of young filmmakers.
Jackson Wild works with UN agencies and global partners to empower locally-driven engagement that inspires action. The annual World Wildlife Day Film Showcase creates a portfolio of programs selected from 250+ entries, that are presented globally at special screening events through Jackson Wild on Tour. Working closely with CITES, the UN Environment and UN Development Programme Jackson Wild furthers deep-impact media strands at a series of high level global convenings in 2019-20 where world leaders address critical environmental, social and economic challenges.
“Taking Jackson Wild to a global stage helps us do what we do best as we elevate conservation issues and the critical work being done to restore and protect our planet through the power of innovative storytelling” described Executive Director Lisa Samford.
Jackson Wild believes in the power of media to inspire wonder for our living planet and action to restore and protect it through high-impact collaborations. Since 1991, Jackson’s Summits have drawn together international leaders in science, conservation and cross-platform media. Through its initiatives, Jackson Wild catalyzes original voices and amplifies innovative global collaborations between science, conservation, corporate, public policy and storytelling partners who share its urgency of purpose.
Exploring Beneath The Waves: Behind The Scenes of the “Over The Horizon” 10th Anniversary Music Video
Included in all 2019 Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the new Galaxy S10 line, this year’s version of the “Over the Horizon” theme marks the latest in a series that has seen renowned talents from all over the music industry concoct their own dynamic reworkings of the Samsung brand sound year on year.
Arranged by Academy Award-winning composer Steven Price, this latest orchestral reworking of ‘Over the Horizon’ includes an epic video featuring members of the London Philharmonia Orchestra performing against an awe-inspiring oceanic backdrop.
These stunning underwater shots were filmed on location just off of Sipadan Island, Malaysia, following Guinness World Record-holding free diver Ai Futaki as she explores the beauty, depth and majestic populations found in the world’s oceans.
Inspired by the wonder of life beneath the waves, the 2019 ‘Over the Horizon’ tune and music video bring to mind the importance of protecting our planet’s oceans so that they can be kept pristine for the next generation. In exclusive footage from the making of the music video, spreading the message of the importance of ocean conservation emerges as a cause close to the heart of all who were involved. “Hopefully we can inspire people to help the oceans themselves,” avows Price.
Take a look at the video below for a behind-the-scenes peek into how this astonishing film was made and the importance of its message, showcasing Price, Film Director James Brickell and the London Philharmonia setting up to record in the renowned Abbey Road Studios in London, as well as nature filmmaker Scubazoo CEO, Simon Enderby and Futaki on location at Sipadan Island.
UN celebrates marine species for World Wildlife Day with moving pictures ... Winners of Living Oceans Showcase announced at UN Headquarters via JHWFF, CITES & UNDP
1 March 2019
Jackson Hole WILD, the CITES Secretariat and UNDP announced today the winners of the World Wildlife Day 2019 Living Oceans Showcase. Captivating stories about marine species will now hit the big screen and your mobile devices as the world celebrates World Wildlife Day 2019 under the theme “Life below water: for people and planet”.
Ocean and marine wildlife have captured the imagination of humans almost since the beginning of civilization – and the rich bounty the ocean provides has sustained human development throughout the ages. Despite their importance for sustainable development, marine species are facing many threats and need our immediate attention if we want to ensure that they can continue to fulfill their important and multiple roles during our lifetimes and for future generations.
To emphasize the importance of this issue, Jackson Hole Wild, the CITES Secretariat and UNDP have come together once again to organize a film showcase for World Wildlife Day. This year, they put the world’s marine species under the spotlight to highlight the problems we are facing and the ideas we can use to tackle them.
These stories went beyond simply being visually mesmerizing and engaging. They show the challenges facing these iconic species, including destructive fishing practices, climate change and pollution, and they feature the front-line heroes and the solutions that are necessary if we are going to be able to reduce the threats to the species and the oceans where they live.
The film showcase attracted more than 235 entries, and they were reviewed by 65 preliminary judges to determine the 25 finalists. The short list then was passed on to the final judging panel, which selected the winners from among the 25 finalists.
CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero said: “We are immensely grateful to all the filmmakers for submitting their wonderful works of cinematography. By using the power of media, we can catalyze deeper understanding of the importance of life below water and the chances to ensure the sustainable use of marine species. CITES provides a safety net for our threatened marine life and it has a long history of regulating international trade in marine species to ensure that this trade does not threaten their survival. On this World Wildlife Day, let’s recognize the positive contributions that life below water makes to our everyday lives and – no matter who we are or where we are – make conscious decisions to ensure that it can continue to do so for generations to come.”
Jackson Hole WILD Executive Director Lisa Samford said: "It is not enough to just care about nature. Our aim is to inspire action necessary to restore and protect the planet's essential resources. These films do precisely that."
Andrew Hudson, Head of UNDP Water and Ocean Governance Programme, said: “Global efforts to increase awareness and catalyze new investments in marine conservation depend on powerful, evidence-based advocacy campaigns. This year’s winners of the Living Oceans Film Showcase demonstrate the power of film to touch our hearts and minds and move us to greater action.”
Winners of the Living Oceans Film Showcase in the 6 categories are:
Ocean Heroes:
Mission Blue- A Netflix Original Documentary-Insurgent Media-True Blue Films-Diamond Docs
A Feather to Kill - BlueVoice in association with Mundo Azul and OceanCare Chasing The Thunder - Brick City TV and Vulcan Productions, Discovery SHARK GIRL - Kaufmann Productions Pty Ltd
Humpback Whales: A Detective Story - Tom Mustill/Gripping Filmsfor BBC Natural World and PBS Nature Jago: A Life Underwater - Produced by James Reed for Underdog Films. In association with James Morgan Films, Fantomline Films and Vistaar Productions.
Ocean Issues and Solutions:
Sonic Sea- Discovery Channel presents a film by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Imaginary Forces in association with the International Fund for Animal Welfare and Diamond Docs
Huntwatch - Produced by IFAW Racing Extinction - Okeanos – Foundation for the Sea and Discovery Channel present an Oceanic Preservation Society Film In association with Vulcan Productions, the Li Ka Shing Foundation, Earth Day Texas, JP's Peace, Love & Happiness Foundation, Diamond Docs, and Insurgent Docs
My Octopus Teacher - Sea Change Project & Off the Fence - A ZDFE company SHARK-Episode 1 - BBC, BBC Worldwide, Discovery Whale Wisdom - A TERRA MATER FACTUAL STUDIOS production in co-production with DOCLIGHTS / NDR NATURFILM in association with ARTE FRANCE / Unite Decouverte et Connaissance produced by WILD LOGIC
Ocean Short (Tie - Two Winners):
A Voice Above Nature- Annie Moir in association with the University of the West of England
The Secret Life of Plankton - Parafilms, Tara Expeditions Foundation, TEDed A Place For Penguins - Tom Parry in association with the University of the West of England Treasures From The Tides - Catherine Brookes in association with the University of the West of England
Into the Deep Unknown - Novus Select /bioGraphic Our Underwater States of America - OceanX, Bloomberg Philanthropies Radio Free Orca - Great Big Story The Edge - Steer Films / 333 Productions The Snail-Smashing, Fish-Spearing, Eye-Popping Mantis Shrimp | Deep Look - KQED, PBS Digital Studios
Both winners and finalist films will be subsequently showcased extensively to raise global awareness of the importance of marine species and the critical challenges they face at community screening events presented by partners throughout the world, including free educational screening events for students as well as for local communities around the world to take action to protect and restore our planet’s oceans.
This video is produced by Taegen Yardley, a student at Stowe High School (Vermont, USA) to support the celebration of World Wildlife Day 2019 and to raise awareness of the benefits of marines species and the various threats facing them.
With 183 Parties (182 countries + the European Union), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) remains one of the world's most powerful tools for wildlife conservation through the regulation of trade. Thousands of species are internationally traded and used by people in their daily lives for food, health care, housing, tourist souvenirs, cosmetics or fashion. CITES regulates international trade in over 36,000 species of plants and animals, including their products and derivatives, to ensure their survival in the wild with benefits for the livelihoods of local people and the global environment. The CITES permit system seeks to ensure that international trade in listed species is sustainable, legal and traceable. CITES was signed in Washington D.C. on 3 March 1973 and entered into force on 1 July 1975.
About Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
Jackson Hole Wild programs promote public awareness and stewardship of wildlife and wildlife habitat through the innovative use of media. Since 1991, its annual conferences draw together international leaders in science, conservation, broadcasting and media. For three days in 2017, committed wild cats advocates convened for the Jackson Hole Conservation Summit (21-27 September), to share resources and strategies, address critical challenges and brainstorm innovative approaches for collaboration. They will join 650+ of the world’s most influential filmmakers and commissioners at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival to celebrate the world’s finest nature programming and explore innovative ways to integrate media centrally into the battle against global wildlife crime.
About UNDP
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in more than 170 countries and territories, UNDP offers global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations. www.undp.org
About the United Nations World Wildlife Day
On 20 December 2013, the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 3 March as World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora. The date is the day of the signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973. World Wildlife Day has quickly become the most prominent global annual event dedicated to wildlife. It is an opportunity to celebrate the many beautiful and varied forms of wild fauna and flora and to raise awareness of the various challenges faced by these species. The day also reminds us of the urgent need to step up the fight against wildlife crime, which has wide-ranging economic, environmental and social impacts.
World Wildlife Day 2019: The 15 Biggest Threats to the World’s Oceans ... And what you can do to help save them.
For the first time, the UN’s World Wildlife Day is highlighting threats to marine life. The theme of World Wildlife Day 2019, which takes place on March 3, is 'Life below water: for people and planet'. The title is a nod to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life below water, which focuses on protecting marine species.
“Oceans regulate our climate, produce half the oxygen we breathe, provide nourishment for [more than] 3 billion people, and absorb 30 percent of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere and fully 90 percent of the heat from climate change,” said Abdoulaye Mar Dieye, UN Assistant Secretary-General, in November when the theme was announced.
UN World Wildlife Day was established in 2013, with the first event taking place in 2015. Its mission is to “celebrate and raise awareness of the world's wild fauna and flora.” Activities, film screenings and art contests are taking place across the world to draw attention to this year’s theme, including an event at UN Headquarters in New York.
Oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and make up more than 99 percent of the planet’s livable habitat, but scientists say they’re in serious trouble. The first systematic analysis of marine wilderness, published in the journal Current Biology in 2018, found that the ocean has been extensively altered due to human activity, with only 13 percent left undisturbed.
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World Wildlife Day Film Showcase: Living Oceans - Finalists Announced! from JHWFF CITES & UNDP
14 February 2019
Jackson Hole Wild, the Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) announced the finalists of the World Wildlife Day 2019 Living Oceans Showcase, 3 weeks before World Wildlife Day (3 March). Final winners will be announced at U.N. Headquarters in New York at a high-level event on 1 March to celebrate World Wildlife Day 2019.
The ocean and “life below water” have sustained human civilization and development for millennia. Despite their importance for sustainable development, marine species are facing various threats and are in need of our immediate attention if we want to ensure that they can continue to fulfill that role during our lifetimes and for future generations. To emphasize the importance of this issue, Jackson Hole Wild, the CITES Secretariat and UNDP have come together once again to organize a film showcase for World Wildlife Day. This year, the theme “Life Below Water: For People and Planet” will spotlight threatened species, highlight the problems we are facing and the ideas we can use to tackle them.
The judges – professional filmmakers, marine biologists and stakeholders from around the world – chose the finalists from more than 235 entries in 6 categories:
Ocean Heroes
People and Oceans
Ocean Issues and Solutions
Marine Life
Ocean Short
Ocean Micro-Movie
The full list of finalists is indicated below. Both winners and finalist films will be subsequently showcased extensively to raise global awareness of the importance of marine species and the critical challenges they face at community screening events presented by partners throughout the world, including free educational screening events for students as well as for local communities around the world to take action to protect and restore our planet’s oceans.
CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero said: “We are most grateful to all the filmmakers for submitting their wonderful works. By using the power of media, we can catalyze deeper understanding of the importance of life below water and the chances to ensure the sustainable use of marine species. CITES provides a safety net for our threatened marine life and it has a long history of regulating international trade in marine species to ensure that this trade does not threaten their survival. On this World Wildlife Day, let’s recognize the positive contributions that life below water makes to our everyday lives and – no matter who we are or where we are – make conscious decisions to ensure that it can continue to do so for generations to come.”
“We applaud the storytellers behind these visually beautiful and evocative films,” says Jackson Hole Wild Executive Director, Lisa Samford. “The power of media is certain to draw attention to the urgent threats facing the world’s ocean ecosystems and species and inspire action necessary to restore and protect them.”
World Wildlife Day Film Showcase: Living Oceans Finalists are:
ECOSTREAMZ - the new streaming service for the ethically minded viewer, one year on. By Jason Peters via ECOSTREAMZ
1 February 2019
ECOSTREAMZ launched in February 2018 as a new digital streaming platform, similar to Netflix and Hulu, whose solitary goal is to provide easy access to important films and media dealing with environmental, social justice and wildlife conservation issues. In this day, when so much is happening at breakneck speed, it is now more critical than ever to be well informed. ECOSTREAMZ’ mission is to become THE media clearinghouse for the activist community to learn from, grow and come away being able to make a positive difference in this world.
One year on and the platform is going from strength to strength.
When it comes to environmental and human rights-themed factual content, ECOSTREAMZ is the quintessential source, if not at the forefront, catering to the wildlife conservationist, the environmentalist, the activist. An all-access streaming facilitator for must-watch documentaries to learn, grow, and contribute to our global sustenance.
ECOSTREAMZ is committed to keeping its viewers well fed by streaming content that covers wide-reaching topical subjects from activism, biodiversity, climate change and the environment, to social justice and human rights. It’s all there for any streaming subscriber who cares; the typical ECOSTREAMZ audience.
According to ECOSTREAMZ Founder and CEO, James Branchflower, “While we are living in a time with more available content, it comes however with more clutter and confusion than ever. Viewers seeking a subscriber-friendly, go-to source on a specific issue can now easily find important awareness raising documentaries of choice via our innovative streaming platform.”
ECOSTREAMZ sets new standard. As the proud host of critically acclaimed films, ECOSTREAMZ features stories that matter, touch the spirit, and make a difference. The top- ranked streaming provider is recognized as a one-stop clearinghouse offering must-see eco- social digital programming and other media. All part of its mission to awaken humanity with awe, wonder, and an innate potential to do more.
A prime example of doing more, and sharing in the ECOSTREAMZ vision, is Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and UN Messenger of Peace – who joined the streamer’s Advisory Board last Summer.
Subscribe. Learn. Act. ECOSTREAMZ’ groundbreaking wave of documentary storytelling further expands its playing field with distinguished streaming partners – some of the most renowned documentary and independent film festivals in the U.S. and abroad. Subscribers can enjoy and benefit from many award-winning films shortly following their initial festival run. Some currently featured films enjoying high demand on ECOSTEAMZ include: “Blood Lions,” “God in Shackles,” “Tainted Love,” “Ofir: A Wildlife Crime Documentary,” and “Silencing the Thunder,” among a whole line-up of other must-watch highly praised films.
Participating partners further include: Wild and Scenic Film Festival, Animal Rights Film Festival, International Wildlife Film Festival, DC Environmental Film Festival, The Borneo Project, International Primate Protection League, and the Freeland Foundation, among others.
ECOSTREAMZ is a staunch advocate providing filmmakers the means to get their projects out to the public. “These passionate auteurs have important messages to convey, whether inspirational or cautionary, about our world,” states Branchflower. “We are there to help promote and distribute their films to the widest possible audience.”
Partnerships – We’re not just a collection of movies. If you browse our site, you will notice we are aligning ourselves with organizations all over the globe covering a wide variety of issues. Through these partnerships, we provide organizations a wider audience by hosting their videos on our platform which can ultimately translate into more donors for the non-profit. Additionally, we promote our partners in newsletters and all appropriate press material. Organizations even have the opportunity to receive quarterly royalties based upon viewership of their videos during the prior period, see below. Some of our current partners include: International Primate Protection League, Ape Alliance, Gorilla Foundation, ALERT, CAPE (Center for Animal Protection and Education), SYRCL (South Yuba River Citizen’s League), the Borneo Project, In Defense of Animals, WildAid and most recently IISD (the environmental reporting service for the United Nations).
Revenue Share – We give back. In fact, we give back more than most streaming services….80% of net revenue goes directly back to the filmmakers and/or organizations through a quarterly revenue share of films and media viewed during that period. Most streaming services only offer royalty percentages of between 25% and 50% net.
Member discounts – We offer our partner’s members discounts on subscriptions to ECOSTREAMZ. Anywhere from 25% to 50% off the already low monthly subscription rate of $3.99.
Singular Focus – Our only concern is making the world a better place. We are accomplishing this by presenting the most diverse collection of issue-related content anywhere. For that reason, our platform contains films both short and long and from all parts of the world. Some have received awards and some may be well known. But most you will never see anyplace else but on our site. This is due to the fact that we do not acquire films based on their popularity, but rather, on what they can offer the world in terms of a change message.
If you are interested in having ECOSTREAMZ host your films or if you wish to become a sponsoring organization, please contact Founder and CEO, James Branchflower, at: info@ecostreamz.com.
Tom Mustill's Humpback Whales - A Detective Story By Jason Peters
31 January 2019
Wildlife film-maker Tom Mustill was almost killed by a Humpback Whale while kayaking in California. Now he turns detective to try to find the whale and discover what it was doing.
On the 12th of September 2015 in Monterey Bay California, a 30-ton humpback whale breached and landed on Tom Mustill and his friend Charlotte Kinloch as they paddled a sea kayak. Incredibly, both survived the incident. This near-death experience haunted documen- tary maker Tom, and left him wondering if the whale was deliberately trying to hurt them.
To find the answer, in 2018 Tom returned to California to investigate. He meets those who’ve survived similar hair-raising encounters, and the experts who know the whales best – and what he discovers raises far bigger questions - not just about what happened that day but also about our relationship with whales and their future alongside us.
In 2015, Tom Mustill was kayaking in Monterey Bay with his friend Charlotte Kinloch when a 30-ton Humpback Whale leapt out of the water and landed on top of them, dragging them underwater.
They somehow survived. Their near-death experience was filmed by a tourist and the video went viral, making headlines across the world.
The story might have ended there, but Tom is a wildlife film-maker - his job is to film science and animal stories – and he became obsessed with trying to figure out what happened to him. Now Tom returns to California on a detective mission to figure out who the whale was, and why it almost ended his life.
A Gripping Films Production for BBC and THIRTEEN PRODUCTIONS LLC in association with WNET
Directed and produced by Tom Mustill
Series Producer: Holly Spearing
Series Editor: Roger Webb
The film takes place in Monterey Bay, California. This is one of the global epicentres of whale-watching and whale research. The coast used to be a centre for whaling activities, but now whale populations have been increasing.
Running through Monterey Bay is a huge underwater canyon, on the scale of the Grand Can- yon - this canyon runs right to the shore. Here, there is an enormous and rich food chain, from algae to sharks to enormous schools of fish and jellyfish to sea otters to whales. The bay is so rich in marine life it is known as the Blue Serengeti.
But humans use these waters too, container ships drive across it, fishermen fish in it and tourists are drawn in their tens of thousands. Sometimes the lives of the whales and the humans collide. But the opportunity to see whales in such reliable numbers has meant sci- entists have been making extraordinary discoveries about the whales here too.
Tom is a 35 year-old wildlife and science filmmaker. He specialises in telling stories about where humans and the natural world meet. He’s worked with David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Fry and wildlife heroes across the world.
His films have won over 20 awards and they include other BBC Natural World programmes such as smash-hit Kangaroo Dundee, The Bat Man of Mexico and Giraffes: Africa’s Gentle Giants which was nominated for an EMMY.
Before then he directed the special episodes among others of the genre-busting BAFTA, RTS and Broadcast-award winning series Inside Nature’s Giants.
We asked Tom a couple of questions:
In your bio it says that you "specialise in telling stories about where humans and the natural world meet” … How important to you is the human element in natural history story-telling?
The human element is the most important for me in natural history story-telling. Without it how can we feel part of the same world, and feel connected to nature rather than just spectators of it? As well as showing the world as it is - a tangle of humans and other living things - I think it's very important to show humans who have an intimate connection to it themselves. By telling stories about nature that follow people I hope that I can connect wider and more diverse audiences to these stories and animals. And I think that these stories can be moving and powerful wildlife films, without having to anthropomorphise or make soap operas of animals lives.
So far it’s been kangaroos, bats and giraffes … very different species conservation stories, with equally different humans. How will you go about finding your next filming subject … Does it usually start with the animal, as surely it did with the whale, or can it start with the human?
With all of these stories it started with the human. Natural Worlds are an hour long, sometimes it's not enough to just have an animal people are excited to watch - you also need an engaging and sympathetic character, and you need to follow them while something unusual and challenging is happening. When I met Brolga (Kangaroo Dundee), Rodrigo (The Bat Man) and Julian (Giraffes: Africa's Gentle Giants) in each case I thought 'fantastic! the elements are there'. It's also really important to get on well with the people you decide to pitch films about - you're going to be spending a lot of time together. I've learnt a great deal from the humans in all these films, as well as from being around the marvellous animals. With the whale film it was definitely different - the whale chose me! But again, the story hinged on people. With this film rather than having a single protagonist I wanted to try and make a film about a community - like Robert Altman often did in his feature films, and I wanted to link them together with the whales they so love.
Borneo Jungle Diaries – Back for a second season, fronted by Alexandra Alexander! By Jason via Scubazoo
31 January 2019
The world's wildest scientists are back! Joining them to unravel the mysteries of the jungle is Borneo native, actress and student Alexandra Alexander.
But out of her comfort zone, how will she cope in the second season of Borneo Jungle Diaries?!
Despite Borneo being home to up to 21 different primate species, there is one that stands head, nose and shoulders above the rest... the famous proboscis monkey. Alex joins primatologist Maz on a mission to spot the world's weirdest looking monkey.
STROOP - journey into the rhino horn war … Members Susan Scott and Bonné de Bod on a mission to make a difference in the South African rhino poaching crisis. By Jason Peters via SDBFilms
27 January 2019
Two film-makers stop their lives to make a film about the rhino poaching crisis in South Africa. Carving out six months for the project, the women quickly find themselves immersed in a world far larger and more dangerous than they had imagined, only emerging from their odyssey four years later.
Two first-time film-makers explore the war for rhino horn. Initially setting out on a six-month project, the duo leave their jobs, sell their homes, even move in with their mothers while they quickly find themselves immersed in a world far larger and more dangerous than they had imagined, only emerging from their odyssey four years later.
In this roller-coaster ride between Africa and Asia, the women embed themselves on the front- lines of a species genocide where they are given exclusive access to the enforcement aspect of the fight. From rangers, pilots and K9 units patrolling the hardest hit national parks to elite police units raiding wildlife trafficking dens in major cities... they find themselves in some hair-raising situations.
They also take an uncomfortable look at the role that apartheid played in marginalizing indigenous people who have been excluded from their wildlife heritage but live side-by-side with ranger families while poaching syndicates operate in their villages. These bush frontier areas are also home to packed courtrooms where the surrounding community come out to support their local “Robin Hood”. Unprecedented access is given over the years to the state prosecutors working in these dingy courtrooms who must fight well-oiled and wealthy defense teams in a flawed justice system.
Survivors of rhino poaching, also challenge the system and come in two versions. Both are hard to spend time with, but this is done through the eyes of the saviours: the vets who choose not to euthanize but use groundbreaking techniques to give patients a second chance. Then there are those who have been orphaned after watching their mothers die at the hands of humans. And yet, they must accept the help of humans to live. One such human suffers a brutal attack when poachers return to the orphanage to kill the survivors.
At the demand site in Asia, the women venture deep undercover, filming in repressed, totalitarian regimes where every day means staying ahead of communist party monitors as well as enduring dangerous encounters with illegal wildlife dealers. On their return, they work with a Vietnamese researcher bravely trying to expose rhino horn sales inside African markets. Like the filmmakers in her hometown, she now takes great risks in their city to show that illegal trade is everywhere.
Desire for rhino horn is made all the more complex by the journey the filmmakers take to the countryside where ownership... of land and rhinos, is viewed as a right. Desperate to trade legally the farmers sue the government but on the other side of all of this is an activist’s journey to fight legal trade. She also takes it to the courtrooms and then on to the streets with protest marches. Internationally a red line of trade has been set-up by nations tussling with each other and the filmmakers wade right into this no-go area, spending time with the elite power-brokers who can change, for better or worse, the plight of the planet’s last living rhinos.
Award wins to date:
San Francisco Green Film Festival - The Green Tenacity Award
Santa Cruz Film Festival - Spirit of Action Feature Film Award
San Pedro International Film Festival - Best Documentary Award
Glendale International Film Festival - Best Female Filmmaker Award
LA Femme International Film Festival - Special Focus Documentary Award
San Diego International Film Festival - Best Documentary Award
Mystic Film Festival - Best International Documentary Award
Wildlife Film Festival Rotterdam - Newcomer Award
Berlin Courage Film Festival - Best Documentary Award and The Courage Award for Most Courageous Film
Susan and Bonné have been mindfull of different events around the world focussing on rhinos:
September is World Rhino Month while World Rhino Day is on September 22nd.
The Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference (#endwildlifecrime) was held in London on the 11th and 12th October 2018
CoP CITES 18 will be held in Sri Lanka in May 2019. It is here that the world will vote to allow legal international trade in rhino horn. STROOP focuses on the battle between both sides to sway voters at the next CoP.
South Africa has had a decline in rhino poaching numbers over the past two years and in January next year, the stats for 2018 will be released and it is expected that they will be lower. This may be due to fewer rhinos though as the Kruger census results are also delayed.
China recently lifted their 1993 ban on TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), stating that rhino horn would be used as medicine in state hospitals. This TCM usage features heavily in STROOP, and after a week of public outcry the Chinese government announced they would postpone the lifting of the ban.
STROOP focuses on the usage of libation cups in Asia and the history behind the antique cups for sale at many prestigious auction houses around the world. Bonhams auction house in Hong Kong have now halted sales of rhino horn libation cups after public outrage.
Director's Statement
In making this film about the rhino poaching crisis, I initially thought it would be all about the rhinos, but it’s actually become about the people around the animal. Those whose lives have been irrevocably changed because of conditions brought about... not ecological management or natural events... but wholly due to anthropogenic activities. So while the animal, the rhino, is the basis for the story, the structure of the film is interwoven between us - the filmmakers as well as the key characters who help us understand the gravity of the situation and how rhino poaching is impacting human lives. Gaining access to characters was almost impossible at the beginning of the shoot, as many feared that the criminal syndicates would watch the film. So the challenge was to film the story without giving anything away in terms of security. We have managed to do this through gaining trust over time with the characters, and not cluttering the narrative with the “how” but rather telling “how it impacts”. The characters not only gave us access to national parks, courtrooms, farms, orphanages and undercover traders in Asia, they also let their walls down to show their own personal journey in the war.
I do think the fact that we were women helped immensely! We were trusted easily and many times in filming in sensitive locations with nervous characters, it was just myself behind camera and then Bonné with the character/s. Bonné is well known as a credible wildlife presenter/ journalist in South Africa, so the two of us were able to get the intimate moments we needed to tell this never before seen story.
I took a decision early on not to have drones, big cameras, elaborate equipment... as I wanted a tight, close and rough handheld feel to our journey with these characters and it somehow works. We’ve managed to achieve it. By working with small, unobtrusive cameras, we have been able to capture incredible scenes filled with raw emotion.
I was an editor for nearly two decades, so I know that any film is made in the cutting room. While we are cutting the film, we are focusing on two initial things: subtitling and pacing of emotion. Subtitling is key as there are six languages in the film and some of the major emotional moments are driven in a non-English language. So rather than subtitling at the end, we are subtitling in edit to allow the pacing of reading to inform the narrative which impacts the shot flow. Vectors are vital in this process. This time spent in edit, creates comfortable vector flow not only within the frame, which is hugely influenced by where the eyes are in reading a shot... which means of course, there has to be a flow between frames. So this inter and intra-frame balance is vital in delivering all the information given in a comfortable way. In very difficult, tough to witness moments, we, the audience will view the scene through the eyes of the character through stylized moving art that has been created by our art director. I felt it was vital, as it allows us in to these awful moments without turning away from the brutality of it.
Coming from a broadcast background, it was important that Bonné and I make this film without commercial influence. STROOP has been self-funded, crowd-funded and grants sourced, due to the highly politicized trade issue. We have been offered funding for the film from organizations on either side of the issue and we have refused funding from those organizations as we cannot have the film influenced in any way. It’s taken four long years, but I know we have the soul, the essence of the rhino story here.
Susan Scott
Q&A with Bonné de Bod
South African's and others know you as an award-winning television presenter Bonné, but what is your story!?
We all wish to leave the space we occupy in a better place and although it’s trite perhaps to say we can make a difference... I guess for me it was the ability to take my passion and love for the natural world and share this with people on-screen. Television and film has a huge impact on the world and we can use that to make people all over the world understand and appreciate the beauty of nature. Without looking into the eyes of a rhino or an elephant through the stories we tell and the pictures we show, a lot of people will not know what we are talking about and just would not care. And I don’t know why there has been a split recently between conservation and nature... it’s simple, without conservation, nature fails.
So yes, from a young age, I had a passion to bring nature’s wonders into living rooms, and hopefully change people’s perspective of the natural world. Nature is not separate from us, it is us. The dignity of a rhino is everywhere, in all things. All that society needs is a little reminder. As far as a pivotal event regarding rhinos, I mean we are all aware of the rhino poaching crisis and especially me as a wildlife television presenter on SABC for the past decade on the national broadcaster’s flagship environment program, 50/50. It was actually during one of these stories I did on the rhino poaching crisis, four years ago, when I realized that I needed to do something more.
We were filming a story in the Kruger National Park and we were taken to a double carcass. When we got the crime scene, the producer of the story told me to sit in between these two carcasses and deliver my lines to camera, a link, something that will link the viewers at home to the scene around me. At that moment I was confronted with so many emotions and questions... How can humanity be so unbelievably cruel? And how can we allow this? It was right there and then when I knew that I had to do something to slow the slaughter and the eradication of this beautiful, iconic animal. And that’s where the idea for a documentary feature film on the rhino poaching crisis was born. An independent film with no censorship or broadcast sensitivities, a publicly owned film where we can show all the aspects surrounding this very complex situation.
I believe the film has taken four years to make?
STROOP was initially a six month project, but I think when myself and the director of the film, Susan Scott, started filming we had no idea just how many layers the rhino situation really has. So, four years later, quitting our jobs with broadcasters, selling our homes, cashing in our investments and moving in with our mothers... well, it has certainly become that cliché... a passion project!
STROOP is an in-depth look at the world of rhino poaching and everything in between. From the battlegrounds in the Kruger National Park and Hluluwe iMfolozi in Kwa-Zulu Natal, the two hardest hit areas in South Africa, where we have been given unprecedented access to the rangers, forensic teams and crime scenes, to the dingy court rooms where we follow the work of three state prosecutors working against well-paid defence teams and a justice system that is slow at the best of times. We follow the police on busts and spend time with private rhino owners. We follow the journey of little orphans who have lost their mothers to poaching and the rehabilitators who try everything to get them back into the wild. We look at the controversial topic of legal trade in rhino horn and then we take the viewer straight to the dark underground backrooms of Vietnamese and Chinese smugglers and of course directly to the rhino horn users.
STROOP looks at the heart of the crisis and gives answers to the questions we all have. We are making this film so that no one can say they didn’t know. And I guess that’s why it took so long... we had to make sure we had covered it all. Susan always said, it doesn’t have to be in the film, but we have to know about it and understand the complexities... and then it can die on the cutting room floor. She is an editor after all, so she wants to have all the story intricacies at her fingertips before refining... but I did put my foot down when she wanted to film another aspect during our colour grade!
What has been the hardest thing?
I’ve had many ups and downs investigating this ‘world of greed’. The most difficult part is witnessing what we, as humans, are capable of. But I’m optimistic at heart. If I wasn’t I couldn’t continue. But having said that, it does get to one, I cannot hide that. I’ve attended the scenes of many murdered rhino, I’ve seen rhinos still alive with half hacked off faces...what unbelievable pain. It shocks you to your core to see that, to witness that, to hear that terrible sound of suffering. The cruelty is totally beyond anything I can think up. Pure evil and human greed. And I do sometimes wonder when, if ever, we will defeat it. But then I remember why I’m doing this, why I’m making this film. This is a creature of God. Such a beautiful creature... the second largest animal on land. We, as humans, have a moral responsibility to protect them, to protect all living species, it is simply the right thing to do. You step away from yourself, from the ego and selfishness that’s within us all...it’s not about us, it’s about them. And as soon as you do this, it becomes easier to deal with all the heartbreaking scenes we capture on camera.
Seeing a little orphan calf crying while standing next to his mother’s dead carcass, is probably the worst scene I’ve had to witness in this poaching war. My faith plays a big role in my life...it’s my rock, it’s what keeps me moving forward. And so many people won’t or don’t talk about their faith and I respect that but for me, I believe we are fighting spirits of darkness here. The poachers are using dark evil magic to go about their business. They have muti they put on their body so they think they go unnoticed by the anti-poaching units and rangers... they believe the rhinos can see them cutting off the horns so they cut their eyes out, they cut off tails and pieces of legs to make more muti. These poachers are calling on spirits of darkness to do their work, they kill, maim, break all sorts of laws, bribe, and let’s not forget they are quite prepared to kill humans as well as rhinos. The international criminal syndicates who the poachers report to are usually also involved in other massive criminal activities like human trafficking and arms smuggling. So these people are truly breaking our society for greed.
Your most memorable experience working with rhinos?
Without a doubt the dangerous undercover filming work we did in Asia. We knew that we couldn’t make a film about the rhino poaching crisis without capturing the demand for the very thing they are being slaughtered for... the horn, on camera. And I have to say that the massive demand for rhino horn really took me by surprise. Sure, we’ve all heard the Vietnamese and Chinese consume and acquire rhino horn but to actually see how it is used... and the mythical, powerful properties they give it... wow, quite something to see and film. The desire for rhino horn is huge and I met people who quite honestly told me that if they had the wealth to get it, they would. So all levels of wealth in South East Asia want rhino horn. Now of course filming in a communist country like Vietnam brings with it it’s own challenges as the communist party controls all forms of media. Vietnam is ranked 175th out of 180 countries with regards to freedom of information and is one of the biggest prisons for journalists and citizen bloggers in the world. So in order for us to capture the “illegal” side of things, well, we basically had to become illegal ourselves. Without giving too much away as I want you to watch STROOP when it’s released!... I think the fact that we came into the country as female tourists meant that we really did slip in undetected with all our filming gear. We saw and filmed rhino horn in all shapes and sizes. From off-cuts used in traditional medicine to jewelry worn as status symbols, to sitting in the home of a rhino horn user showing me how it’s done. I realized that in order to stop the demand in Asia, we have to stop the flow from the source site. It’s that simple. The demand will stop when there is no more source material and I just don’t want that to be when rhinos in the wild are extinct.
The biggest reward?
I have met amazing people on my journey and I’ve spent days on end with the people at the front- lines. There are people who deeply care and have given up their life of safety and comfort to save our rhinos. I’ve been working closely with three female state prosecutors who spend their days putting criminals behind bars. I would look over my shoulder every single day if I was them, but they don’t... they are fearless and I am in such awe of that determination. Rangers and their dogs tracking poachers days on end, not knowing if they will survive the day and see their family again. Vets who are suffering from severe stress because of the trauma they see on a daily basis and from being in armed conflict zones, but when the alarm goes off first thing in the morning to help these animals, they don’t hesitate to get there. These are the true heroes in this crisis, and showing their work to the world in a film is my biggest reward.
You say complex, talk through some of these complexities.
Well, I always say that some call the rhino poaching a crisis, some call it a war, and others even... a campaign. I call it a genocide. The word is defined as the ‘intent to destroy, in whole or in part’. and this applies to the mass slaughter of our rhinos. And if we do call it a genocide, we the people, will take it more seriously.
I have seen just how complex the rhino issue is. It is a multi-layered problem starting with an ancient mind-set of millions of people hundreds of kilometres across the ocean, who believe that rhino horn can cure disease and uplift status. On the ground in South Africa it begins with poverty as many poachers come from poor communities surrounding our national parks. As Kruger National Park is home to the most rhinos in the world, obviously it has the most number of poachers targeting rhinos, with an estimated 15 gangs of poachers in the park every day. As it borders Mozambique we do get Mozambican citizens crossing our border and into our parks, which brings unique but difficult diplomatic issues between countries. Our rangers are arresting and shooting back at poachers who enter into our park, and for Mozambicans this is not even over human beings but animals.
So it’s a contentious issue and I think we aren’t even aware of the cross-border talks going on in the background. Scam artists ‘fundraising’ for rhino protection who are putting the money into their own pockets. Private rhino owners have also told me that bureaucratic sluggishness has crept to an all-time high which affects them when they want to dehorn their rhinos for safety measures.... as well as the practice of selling their dehorning permit information to poachers looking for an easy target. Corruption has infiltrated throughout the system. Rhino poaching like other wildlife crime is deeply-rooted yet an ever-changing crime that takes advantage of the set, secretive structures put in place.
Wildlife crime as a whole has transformed into one of the world’s largest transnational organized criminal activities, alongside trafficking in drugs, arms, and human beings. Criminal groups are using the same routes and techniques for wildlife trafficking as for smuggling other illicit commodities, exploiting gaps in national law enforcement and criminal justice systems.
These are serious crimes, driven by demand, facilitated by corruption, and linked to organized crime and militias in many countries, as well as terrorist networks. In Asia I met with representatives from the US government who are fully aware of illegal wildlife trafficking and the terror groups it funds. You may have heard the saying, “there is no silver bullet” and it’s true. There is no one solution that will save the species from extinction. A multi-pronged, multi- disciplined and a multi-agency approach is needed from government’s side, including transnational collaboration and cooperation. And then as for the individual...when people are serious about something and they come together, movements happen. The greatest victories in history didn’t happen because of governments but because of the people. The people made it happen.
We are all on social media, it’s free and really does get noticed by the decision makers. In fact, we’ve had magistrates and judges refuse filming in their courtrooms, but when we mail them our request, we include our crowdfunding and social media comments from people all over the world who want to see this film, and we get permission to film. How powerful is that?!
The public’s support of rhinos carries weight where you’d least expect it. On Facebook share, like and comment on posts that are important to you and of interest to you. Twitter is also a great place to directly target policy makers. And if you’re not on social media, use old fashioned mail, seriously! Someone, anonymously of course, told me that the Chinese embassy in Pretoria was embarrassed by all the mails they received with finger and toe-nail clippings, so they sponsored the rhino security at the nearest zoo. So write those letters, attend marches, any marches in your area with posters of rhinos, talk about the issue so it gets noticed! If you feel strongly about saving our rhinos, let your voice be heard. Ultimately this will I think, make the difference.
We certainly hope that it does.
Film-maker Bios:
Bonné de Bod - Talent: Self and Producer
Bonné is well known as an award winning wildlife television presenter. She has been on South Africa’s popular wildlife and environment programme 50|50 for seven seasons and is also a special correspondent for SABC's Newsroom. In addition, her series 'Rhino Blog' is on DSTV's People's Weather where it is currently ranked the most popular show.
Bonné also co-produced STROOP, a documentary feature film on the rhino poaching crisis. Winner of an ATKV Mediaveertjie, Bonné has also been awarded the prestigious Kudu Award for Best Journalist, which she won in recognition of her passionate, balanced reporting on wildlife conservation issues as well as keeping the public updated and informed about environmental issues in South Africa.
Her in-depth knowledge on the rhino poaching crisis from four years filming on the ground and doing undercover work in Asia has led to Bonné facilitating discussions on illegal wildlife trafficking for the United Nations Environmental Programme as well as talks on radio,
at film festivals and wildlife symposiums.
Susan Scott - Director, Producer, Cinematographer and Editor
Susan Scott is a film-maker in Johannesburg, South Africa where she produces stories on wildlife
issues for various broadcasters around the world. Prior to her directing work, she was a film editor for 17-years cutting for some of the best wildlife filmmakers on the planet.
Susan studied in the United States graduating from Baylor University with a degree in
Telecommunications. She won an editing apprenticeship in Washington DC with Tony Black
A.C.E. where she went on to edit with him for several years before heading back home to South
Awarded the prestigious acronym from the editors guild of South Africa, Susan has gone on to
win several awards for her work, among them 3 SAFTAs, a Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
award as well as winning at the SAB Environmentalist of the Year for her writing and photography.
She directed her first documentary feature film, STROOP - journey into the rhino horn war.
Runtime: 133 minutes
Languages: English as well as Afrikaans, Chinese, Shangaan, Vietnamese and Zulu with English subtitles.
Director: Susan Scott, SDBFilms. scott@sdbfilms.com +27 82 400 5525
Wildlife-film.com review: STROOP is a powerful film, expertly and beautifully put together. Bonné and Susan have created an holistic film that is so engaging and emotive, undoubtably because of their personal investment in the film, meaning it will undoubtably resonate with all who watch it, wherever they watch it. Out of respect for these courageous film-makers and their subjects, we think that everyone should watch the film and if they do it will surely help put an end to the poaching of rhino for their horns.
Busted: China Customs Dismantles Major Ivory Trafficking Syndicate via EIA
11 January 2019
LONDON: Three men involved in running a major international ivory smuggling syndicate have been captured following enforcement action by China Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau.
During almost three years of undercover work, EIA investigators infiltrated one of the leading syndicates based in the obscure Chinese town of Shuidong, said to be a major Chinese hub for poached ivory smuggled from Africa.
The Shuidong Connection identified the three main culprits in the syndicate as Wang, Xie and Ou; EIA shared its findings with relevant Chinese Government agencies in a confidential briefing ahead of the report’s publication.
Enforcement action based on that intelligence was launched by the local Anti-Smuggling Bureau on 6 July 2017 when about 500 officers raided locations in Shuidong and surrounding areas. Wang was caught during this raid and subsequently jailed for 15 years; Xie was located in Tanzania and voluntarily returned to face trial, at which was jailed for six years.
Chinese authorities have now confirmed that Ou was repatriated from Nigeria to China on 5 January 2019 under an INTERPOL Red Notice. He will now face trial in China.
“We are very pleased to see such robust enforcement action taken by the Chinese authorities in response to the information provided by our investigators,” said Julian Newman, EIA Campaigns Director.
“During the investigation, this syndicate had claimed involvement in multiple shipments of illegal ivory tusks from Africa to China and had been directly involved in the trade for years, so dismantling the operation has put a major dent in global illegal ivory trafficking operations.”
Action by the China Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau based on EIA’s intelligence has now led to the dismantling of two ivory trafficking syndicates spanning Guangdong and Fujian province in southern China.
Nor were China’s efforts focused only on the thee syndicate members identified by EIA – by February 2018, 11 suspects had been convicted by the local court, with jail sentences ranging from six to 15 years imprisonment.
“EIA applauds this achievement; the Chinese authorities are to be congratulated for their collaborative and co-ordinated approach,” added Newman.
We are very sad to report the sad and untimely death of Dean Burman. By Jason Peters
4 January 2019
We are so very sad and shocked to report that longtime member/supporter Dean Burman passed away in his sleep on the 31st of December.
The coroner has been unable to decipher the cause of death at this time. What we do know is that Dean spent his last day visiting his daughter Willow, then went back to his hotel where he showered, lay on the bed, presumably went to sleep but didn't wake up. His ex wife was expecting him the next day to see Willow again, but he never turned up. Dean is survived by his daughter Willow, whom he absolutely adored, and his heartbroken parents Edith and Sam.
The service starts at 2pm, so if you are attending please be there well before.
The family have requested family only flowers, but should you wish, you can make a donation to a charity Dean supported.
Two charities Dean supported were the Oxford Transplant Foundation www.justgiving.com/otf and Midlands Air Ambulance www.justgiving.com/maac Both have just giving pages if you wish to donate in his name and write a message. You can also write a cheque out to either charity and post to Merstow Green Funeral Home, 20 Merstow Green, Evesham, WR11 4BD, mark the envelope on behalf of Dean Burman.
We extend our warmest condolences to all of his family and all of his friends and say R.I.P. to Dean.
Dean the Diving Decorator from Dean J Burman A short film the BBC NHU made about Dean in 2007 whilst he was filming pike behaviour for his film Lair of the WaterWolf
Message from Wildeye and Wildlife-film.com founder Piers Warren:
"I remember when Dean came on our Introduction to Wildlife Film-making course in 2003. When we came to introduce each other, most in the group were highly qualified with relevant degrees, PhDs etc. Dean was the last to speak and said "Well I'm a painter and decorator from the Cotswolds and I think I'm in the wrong place!". But it was clear, even that weekend, that he had the passion and motivation for filming wildlife, especially underwater, to make him stand out. Always fun and friendly it's been a pleasure to know him and follow his career over the years. We have shown the BBC film 'Dean the Diving Decorator' to hundreds of students over the years as an example of how passion and determination are key to success. RIP Dean, we miss you."
Message from friend and colleage Andy O'Sullivan:
"You could always rely on Dean to put a smile on your face. With a warm heart and a passion most could only dream of."
Tribute from Mike Linley:
“This is such a tragic loss. He was such a talented cameraman and excelled at filming freshwater fish through sheer determination, real enthusiasm and self-taught skill. My heart goes out to all his family and friends. Great bloke and from all his regular posts on Facebook a caring and loving dad.”
UK ivory ban becomes law – ‘best Christmas gift UK could have given world’s threatened elephants’ via EIA
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) today (20th December, 2018) welcomes the UK Government’s ban of ivory sales, shutting down one of the world’s largest legal domestic ivory markets.
Along with nine partner organisations, we are delighted that the Ivory Bill received Royal Assent today and has now become law, meaning that in future most ivory sales in, to and from the UK will be treated as criminal offences.
Mary Rice, Executive Director of the London-based EIA, said: “Following on the heels of China’s closure of its own domestic ivory market at the start of the year, this is the best Christmas present the UK could have given the world’s threatened elephant populations in Africa and Asia.
“The Ivory Bill becoming law is an important move which recognises the need to take firm action to protect elephant populations from poaching and ivory trafficking. After years of sustained campaigning, EIA welcomes the news and hopes that countries which still have legal domestic ivory markets will see this as the standard to aspire to.”
Its ground-breaking 2017 trade study revealed the UK to be the biggest legal importer of ivory in the world – and the largest exporter of legal ivory to the trafficking hotspots of Hong Kong and China. Between 2010-15, the UK exported more legal ivory than any other country, underlining the significant role it plays in the international ivory trade.
The Government’s subsequent public consultation on a proposed ivory ban resulted in one of the largest-ever responses. More than 70,000 people and organisations participated, with more than 88 per cent in favour of a ban.
The UK’s new Ivory Act is one of the strongest ivory bans in the world and covers the vast majority of items in trade, subject to certain narrow exemptions.
Rice added: “Now that the legislation is in place, we strongly urge the UK Government to provide the necessary resources for its proper implementation and enforcement.
“Wherever legal domestic ivory markets may be, the evidence clearly shows they provide easy opportunities for the laundering of illegal ivory and also sustain demand for ivory among consumers.
“With the UK ban now in place, we urge the European Union and Japan – two of the biggest remaining legal markets for ivory – to put their own houses in order and outlaw all domestic ivory sales.”
Wild Orchid Man in the Devil’s Realm is finished and at the duplicators! Filmed in Tasmania in October 2017 by Darryl Saffer, he started editing in December 2017 and finished the film and music a year later. This is the 5th film in the Wild Orchid Man series. DVD copies will be available at the premiere January 16th. Complete January Wild Orchid Man schedule below!
The Wild Orchid Man Stig Dalström just returned from a three week trip to the cloud forests of Colombia where he, together with likeminded aficionados, successfully traced down several localities where plants of the extraordinary beautiful orchid Odontoglossum crispum still is abundant. This orchid was heavily exploited during the nineteenth century when hundreds of thousands of plants were stripped from the wild and shipped to auction houses and commercial nurseries in Europe. Most of the plants perished during the transportation. Fortunately, this orchid appears to be prolific in reproducing itself and is fairly safe today, protected in various national and private reserves throughout its distribution along the eastern cordillera in Colombia. Many of the areas visited by Stig and his orchid friends were until very recently impossible to visit due to hostile terrorist activities. Thanks to an uneasy peace treatment between the FARC guerilla and the prior government of Colombia many of these areas are now relatively safe again, but nobody knows for how long.
Stig is trying to finish the last chapter for his and several co-authors epic scientific treatment of this orchid genus by getting more photographs from the habitats. The title for this publication, which is scheduled to be available next summer, is appropriately named ‘The Odontoglossum Story’ featuring chapters of history, classification, cultivation and more. Parallel to this project Stig is illustrating another scientific treatment, this time the orchid genus Stelis in collaboration with Dr. Carl Luer, the world renown guru for this types of orchids.
There was also time to visit a remote area in southern Colombia where a Polish scientist is working on creating a new orchid reserve. Stig can testify that this particular area is immensely rich in biodiversity and well worth protecting.
January Wild Orchid Man Events:
January 2: Master Gardeners will show “Wild Orchid Man in the Land of the White Bear.” Stig Dalstrom (The Wild Orchid Man) and Darryl Saffer (filmmaker) will be in attendance, introducing the film and taking questions from the audience.
10:00am, Twin Lakes Park. 6700 Clark Road. FREE but RSVP recommended. gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/mastergardener/events
January 5-6: Sarasota Orchid Society Show. Stig Dalstrom and Darryl Saffer will be at the show to answer questions and talk about their films. Stig’s art and DVDs will be available for purchase.
9:00M-5:00 pm, Municipal Auditorium, 801 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. $5.00 admission fee. sarasotaorchidsociety.org/2019-show-and-sale-for-the-love-of-orchids
January 10: Bay Village of Sarasota will host a Q/A with Stig Dalstrom and Darryl Saffer about the Wild Orchid Man films.
10:00am, 8400 Vamo Road, Sarasota. For more information call Kristine Korngut at 941-966-5611.
January 16: Sarasota Orchid Society will host the premiere of the newest Wild Orchid Man film: “Wild Orchid Man in the Devil’s Realm.”
Doors open at 6:00pm, Selby Gardens, 900 Palm Avenue. FREE admission (with suggested donation) sarasotaorchidsociety.org/wild-orchid-man-film-premeire
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