Privacy Policy for Wildlife-film.com
At Wildlife Media Ltd, we are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.
This privacy notice explains where we collect your personal information, how we use it and how we keep it safe and secure. As a valued member or subscriber to Wildlife Film News, we will always be transparent about how we use your information, and will only use it in ways you would reasonably expect. We take data protection very seriously. We make it a priority to ensure that we have the right level of controls, interventions and processes in place to keep your personal information safe.
Whether you’re a member Wildlife-film.com, past or present, a subscriber to our newsletter, advertiser or supporter, we want to ensure you receive the right communications for you.
Please read our privacy notice carefully. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to the use of it in accordance with the conditions of this notice. In keeping with data protection legislation, we will not hold your personal information for longer than is necessary.
We may update this notice from time to time. If we make any significant changes, we will either get in touch to let you know (if we have your permission to contact you) or highlight the changes on our website and on this page.
If you have any questions on this privacy notice, please call +44 (0)1444 390 790 between 9am and 5pm (UK time), Monday to Friday or email us at info@wildlife-film.com
We’ll be storing your email information for our Wildlife Film News newsletter in our MailChimp account which has it's own Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Who we are
Wildlife-film.com is wholly owned by Wildlife Media Ltd, which is in turn owned and run solely by Jason Peters. The aim of Wildlife-film.com and it's monthly newsletter Wildlife Film News (WFN) is to inform and inspire those working in and/or interested in the world of wildlife, conservation and environmental film-making.
Where we collect personal information
We collect your personal information in the following ways:
When you give it to us directly. You may have provided us with your personal information directly.
Examples include:
- In person or through the post
- Enquiring about Wildlife-film.com through our website, email or by telephone
- Through social media
- Signing up to receive our newsletters
- Telling us about a film or other event that you’ve organised
- Applying for (updating or renewing) your membership of Wildlife-film.com
- Responding to product promotions, ordering resources or making a purchase from our online shop
- Placing an ad, including banner ads, or a news item on Wildlife-film.com and/or WFN
- Fundraising for us, paying a subscription or donating to us
- Applying for a job or volunteering with us
When you give it to us indirectly.
Your information might be shared with us through independent third party interactions. For example, through other organisations we work with, via members of the site or through fundraising platforms. These third parties will only provide us with your information if you have given your permission for it to be shared with us.
Occasionally we might work with trusted partners or suppliers who work with us or on our behalf and may ask you to provide your information under our instruction. This will remain within our privacy notice; your personal information will come through to us and won’t be held with the third party (for example, when you order resources from our online shop).
When you engage with Wildlife Media’s social media accounts, we might also obtain your personal information through your use of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, depending on your settings or the privacy notices of these social media and messaging services. To change your settings, please refer to their privacy notices which will tell you how to do this.
When you visit our websites or social media
When you visit our websites, we may gather general information about how you use them, as well as information about the type of device you are using to access them (e.g. phone, tablet, PC). This data helps us to create a better online experience for you; for example, make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for or fix elements that make the website difficult to use.
We may use cookies (text files that a web browser stores on your device which track, save and store information, and may or may not expire when you close your browser) to understand how you interact with our website and help improve how it works.
When your information is available publicly
So that we can tailor the way we communicate with you about our work and make our communications more relevant to you, we might gather publicly available information about you. We may gather this information from online articles and newspapers, and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. This information is only accessible based on the permission you give through these services. If you are unsure about what these permissions are, or would like to change them, check the privacy notices on their websites.
What personal information we collect
Members. We collect and store information supplied via membership application forms and updates sent via email, as per the terms & conditions. This might include (but isn’t limited to) your title, name, contact details and preferences, photographs, listing data, skills, work experience and CVs.
Supporters. We collect relevant personal information depending on the interaction you have with us. This might include (but isn’t limited to) your title, name, contact details and preferences, how you choose to support us, for example: membership, voluntary subscription, donating or fundraising, ordering resources, signing up to receive our email newsletters, taking part in competitions or surveys, registering to come to events or engaging with us through our social media pages or through our email addresses.
Personal information is anything that can be used to identify you as an individual. It can include your name, email address, postal address, telephone number, bank account details and credit/debit card details.
Credit, debit card payment information. If you use your credit or debit card to pay for membership, buy something from our online shop, make a donation or fundraise for us, we will ensure that this is done securely via PayPal. To find out more about PayPal privacy standards, visit their website at www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full. If details are taken over the phone or in person, immediately following the transaction, card details and validation codes are securely destroyed once the payment or donation has been processed.
How we use your personal information
We may use your personal information in the following ways:
- To provide support in relation to our services, products or other information requested by you, or in relation to correspondence entered into with us. For example, we use your personal information to look into, and respond to, enquiries, complaints, legal claims or other issues.
- To process membership payments, shop orders (as well as send them), donations, as well as to verify any transactions entered into with us.
- To administer events, online orders, donations, fundraising or any other support required or where required or authorised by law to do so.
- We use your information to keep a record of your relationship with us and for administrative purposes (such as our accounting and record-keeping). We also use your personal information to advise you on updates and changes to our services or policies.
- If you enter personal information into a form on our website (such as a membership form, donation or purchase) and start but don’t complete it, we may send you an email to check and see if there is any help we can give or any problems you encountered.
- To update you on our work at Wildlife Media Ltd - Wildlife-film.com, including that of members and the wider film-making world.
- To ensure we know how you prefer to be contacted.
- For marketing, campaigning or fundraising (e.g. raising awareness, inviting you to events, sharing posts, signing campaign actions, helping us raise money, donating to us) by mail, email, phone or social media to send you information about our latest news, campaigns and occasional fundraising activities.
- We may also use personal information to administer employment, volunteering and internship applications.
Legal basis for processing personal information
- When sending marketing information via email to you as an individual, we will only do so with your consent. This may include information about our work, our members and things that we believe you will be intereted in due to the nature of the site.
- If sending information and appeals by post, not currently undertaken, we will rely on ‘legitimate interest’ legal basis, sending information we consider may be relevant and of interest to you based on your previous interest in wildlife/conservation/environmental film-making. We will make it easy for you to opt-out of postal communications and fundraising activities at any time if you wish.
- If you would prefer we do not use your personal information in this way, or want to change the way you hear from us, please email us at info@wildlife-film.com
Analysis, research and supporter profiles
- Your personal data is not used for any analysis, automated decision making or profiling.
How we keep your personal information safe and who has access to it
- At Wildlife Media Ltd, we take data protection very seriously. We make it a priority to ensure that we have the right level of controls, interventions and processes in place to ensure we keep your personal information safe. However, the nature of information transfer - particularly online - is never fully secure, so we cannot guarantee the complete security and protection of it when it is outside of our control. Once we have your personal information, we do everything in our power to ensure that we have the systems and processes in place internally to safely send it.
- Only Jason Peters has access to your personal information, unless it is authorised to be displayed on Wildlife-film.com by a member (or is it already publically available), where it is available to all page viewers as per the terms & conditions.
.How long we keep your personal information
We will retain your personal information as long as reasonably necessary for the relevant activity and relationship you have with us, as well as for any legal or regulatory requirement. If you request that we stop sending you our newsletters, marketing, campaigning or fundraising communications we will keep a record of your contact details and appropriate information to enable us to comply with your request not to be contacted by us, we won’t keep any information that we don’t need.
You have the right to object to your data being processed if you wish – if so, please email us at data.protection@fairtrade.org.uk. To find a more detailed explanation of ‘legitimate business interests’ read the Guidance on the use of Legitimate Interests under the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
How to access correct or delete your personal information
Data protection legislation allows you to request a copy of the personal information relating to you which is kept by Wildlife Media Ltd / Wildlife-film.com. Please email us at info@wildlife-film.com if you would like to submit a request.
If your contact details change, or if you believe the information we hold about you is out of date or inaccurate, please get in touch and provide us with the correct details.
If you do not want to receive any further information or communications from us and would like us to remove your details from our mailing lists, please email us at info@wildlife-film.com or click the unsubscribe link included in all newsletters.
We endeavour to amend or update your contact details and communications preferences as soon as possible after you make your request, however timeframes will vary due to availability and workload.
Changes to this notice and questions about this notice
We will regularly review and update our privacy notice at our discretion. Any significant changes to the way we treat your personal information will be made clear on our website and/or we may contact you directly if possible. Any changes posted after these changes or updates will be taken to mean you are in agreement with these changes. Ensure you keep up to date with our privacy notice intermittently, or any time you provide personal information.
This privacy notice was last updated in May 2018. The date of the most recent revisions will appear on this page. If you do not agree to these changes, please do not continue to use Wildlife Media Ltd / Wildlife-film.com websites to submit personal information to us.
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Peters on +44 (0)1444 390 790 between 9am and 5pm (UK time), Monday to Friday or email us at info@wildlife-film.com.
Please also refer to our terms & conditions
Your confidentiality is protected under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. www.ico.org.uk Reg No: ZA026625
Wildlife-film.com publishes information and opinions as a service to its members and visitors/readers.
The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com are not necessarily those of the producer.
