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Sound Off Films

Sound Off Films

Santa Monica

Directors: Annie Costner & Adrienne Hall

Phone: +1 850 566 8405

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Email: info@soundoff.co

Website: www.soundofffilms.com

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Sound Off Films was founded in 2014 by Annie Costner and Adrienne Hall, who met while producing a documentary about the oceans.

They lived together as roommates in a basement apartment in Boulder, Colorado. While Annie slept on a chaise lounge in the ‘living room,’ and both women opted for night hikes over the bustling CU undergrad scene, the two bonded over natural history production, advocacy communication, and good old fashioned storytelling.

SOUNDOFF was born of this time together in the mountains and on the sea. Implicit in our communication is the intention that our audiences to stand up, and sound off.


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