Features / Case Studies (Stories from around the wildlife film-making world!) Home
Apologies for the tardiness of recent newsletters ... Some life upheaval has got in the way, but I am trying to catch up! JP
NB. It is enormously challenging keeping this resource going, in all sorts of ways not least financially, so should you like to support my efforts, you can do so by chipping in here.
Any amount appreciated.
And, if you're a member and haven't paid your subs, you can do so here! :)
Wildlife Film News is published and available for free at the start of every month as a service to Wildlife-film.com members, our subcribers and followers. News is extracted from relevant media from all around the world or is sent in to us via all the various electronic/social means. Members can post their news for free, as part of their membership perks. We prefer that news is sent in via email to news@wildlife-film.com. Non-members can also send in their news, although this will incur a fee. Subscribe on the right.
To comply with new EU data protection regulations (GDPR), which came into force on the 25th of May 2018, we have had to to ask all subscribers to re-subscribe to Wildlife Film News ... As we are based in the UK/EU, even if you are not, we need all subscribers to re-subscribe. We love sending you all the latest from our members and the wider industry and would hate to lose you, so please re-subscribe!
Wildlife-film.com needs your financial support too! Love Wildlife Film News? Well, because of new regulations, producing it is going to be more expensive due to having to move to using a new email-sending server... i.e. we will be using MailChimp! Sending WFN, apart from much of my time and website running costs, has thus far been free! I very much want to continue sending the newsletter as a free-for-all resource, but for those that can afford to chip in, it would be so very helpful and hugely appreciated. Thank you from Jason! :)
Also see our 'Features Page' and our 'Interviews Page' for stories from around the wildlife, conservation and natural history film-making world... Plus, see our 'Jobs Page' for Internships / Volunteering / Footage Wanted, Competitions & other opportunities!
Wildlife Film News (WFN) is a monthly newsletter with an incredible reputation - it's read by thousands of industry professionals in over 175 countries. Wildlife-film.com has been bringing wildlife filmmaking news to your Inbox via WFN for more than fifteen years. Subscribe to the WFN ezine using the box to the right.
We regularly report on wildlife film festivals and calls for entry, which are important for amateurs and professionals alike. We'll let you know about important new films or book releases, training courses, jobvacancies and equipment for sale, as well as developments in the wildlife filmmaking industry and any other important wildlife news.
We work in partnership with Wildlife-film.com members (our listed freelancers and companies) to bring you the most relevant and up-to-the minute news from the wildlife filmmaking industry, but we also help out others looking for specific information or those with important news to share.
As many of you will know, Wildlife Film News is put together by me, Jason Peters, producer of Wildlife-film.com. The entire resource is run on a shoestring and is in dire need of a face-lift. I could also do with additional help with the day to day running of the site. That means a revamp of the site and newsletter, plus hiring someone to update content and assist with social media. Both of these things require funds and they are seriously lacking. Members pay to be onboard but I am reticent to increase the membership fees as many wouldn't be able to afford it.
I would very much like to give the site a complete over-haul this year, adding the ability for members to update their own Profile Pages for example, and I'd like to improve the newsletter in various ways. I'd like to update the logo too. Many improvements to be made. Suggestions always welcome.
So, whilst Wildlife Film News will always remain a free and open resource, available to all, it occured to me that some of our many subscribers might be happy to chip in a small amount each month to assist me in my aspirations. Wildlife-film.com is fast growing and so we obviously need to be as current and relevant as possible to keep up, and be the best resource for our members and subscribers.
If you are a non member with a news item that you would like included on our homepage, in Wildlife Film News/promoted on social media, please make a payment of £25 by using the button below and send all info, including photo's, to news@wildlife-film.com.
Non-member Job Posting or Wildlife Film News advert/item! (UK£25 per advert/item)
NB. Full members get free news postings!
We also publish Wildlife Film News Daily, which is a daily round-up of our tweets and the tweets of our members, compiled by Paper.li! This does mean that sometimes the stories are not always exactly wildlife film related, but it's a good representation of what our members are tweeting about... Subscribe here: paper.li/Wildlife_Film Click on 'Read current edition', subscribe top right!
See our 'Kit For Sale' page for items from members/subscribers!
If you have an item of kit for sale and would like it included on the 'Kit For Sale' page, in Wildlife Film News/promoted on social media, please make a payment of £5 by using the button below and send all info, including photo's, tonews@wildlife-film.com.
Kit For Sale! (UK£5 per advert - Grouped items classed as one ad'.)
Our pages are there to be enjoyed by anyone who is a wildlife fan, with a focus on wildlife film and photography. We regularly let you know about upcoming wildlife TV programmes, post videos of incredible wildlife footage, new wildlife film trailers or details of events related to wildlife filmmaking or photography.
If you'd like us to post something for you, email news@wildlife-film.com with your content.
See our 'Features Page' for stories from around the wildlife fiilm-making world!
The above visitors map was added on the 30th September 2016...