Wildlife-film.com - the international news and information resource for wildlife film makers worldwide with news and directories of producers, festivals, location managers, stock footage, training and freelance personnel.

Terms & Conditions

Wildlife-film.com was set up in the late 1990s to assist, inform and connect the wildlife film-making community worldwide.

By becoming a member of the site, you agree to the terms and conditions detailed below.

You must be fully aware of the fact that personal details and any other information supplied, which are consequently published on the site, will be available in the public domain for all to see.

Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that by submitting your details to us and becoming a member of Wildlife-film.com, you agree to the following:

All information supplied and included in your listing will be published and made publicly available through the Wildlife-film.com site, our monthly newsletter (Wildlife Film News) and potentially through other associated sites... Wildeye.co.uk, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Vimeo and YouTube etc.

Therefore, be mindful when supplying your information to make sure you only supply that which you are entirely happy with being available to the general public, worldwide.

If you have any concerns whatsoever, please make sure they are made known to Wildlife-film.com. (We are happy to limit the amount of information available publicly and can act as a go-between should you want to remain more private. You can tick a box that will limit your address to just town/city and country on the application form.)

The publication of your personal details are made entirely at your own risk and Wildlife-film.com takes no responsibility for any and all consequences of such publication. Please read our Privacy Policy

Wildlife-film.com does not attest to the truth or accuracy of any statement of fact or opinion given in the member listings, Profile Pages, home page, features page, Wildlife Film News or elsewhere on the sites.

Wildlife-film.com reserves the right to refuse, amend or remove a listing, if it is deemed inappropriate for whatever reason, at our discretion.

Wildlife-film.com reserves the right to refuse or cancel an application for membership at our discretion, without explanation. Likewise for current members.

Wildlife-film.com reserves the right to suspend or cancel membership for current members if information comes to light that shows bad practice, is out of line with the views of the director, reflects badly on the resource or has adversely affected other members or subscribers to the site's news outlets. If upon investigation any decision to remove or suspend a member is upheld, no refund of membership fees will be payable. If found that membership can continue, the period of time suspended from the site will be added to the current period of membership.

Wildlife-film.com will not be liable for any loss or damage (howsoever caused) arising out of the employment or hire of any freelancer listed.

All users of the information/contacts provided on the Wildlife-film.com sites do so strictly at their own risk, and on the understanding that Wildlife-film.com provides no warranty as to the competence, conduct or suitability of any of the candidates listed.

Email links on listings are BCC'd to member@wildlife-film.com with the subject line "Enquiry via Wildlife-film.com" so that we can keep track of the number of enquiries made through the directories and monitor spam. (If the communication is confidential, the sender can, of course, choose not to include the BCC and use their own subject line.)

Members can request that 'Contact via: member@wildlife-film.com' be added to their listings instead of their own email address. If this option is taken, all relevant emails, with spam filtered out, will be forwarded asap. Alternatively, a member can ask for a dedicated Wildlife-film.com email forwarder address. i.e. name@wildlife-film.com In this instance, all email will be automatically forwarded to the members' chosen email address.

Wildlife-film.com will do its' best to connect the various freelancers and organisations of the wildlife film-making community worldwide, but becoming a member does not guarantee success.

Membership fees are payable annually and banner advertising for a period of your choosing, on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis.

Membership and banner advertising fees are non-refundable unless payment is made in error. NB. If you have subscribed via PayPal upon joining, or at any point, this is of your doing and so it is your responsibilty to make note of when the next payment will be made, i.e. on the anniversary of signing up. PayPal subscriptions help with reducing admin at our end and so we do not send reminders, nor do PayPal. They simply send a reciept once payment has been taken. NB. We do not set up the subscriptions for you, this is done by you and so is your responsibility to cancel prior to anniversary payments being sent. In the event that the payment comes to us, but you do want to cancel, 50% of the amount received will be refunded as a gesture of goodwill. The other 50% will be levied against admin at our end. i.e. dealing with the refund and removing you from the site.

Your confidentiality is protected under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. www.ico.org.uk Reg No: ZA026625 Please read our Privacy Policy.


Free/basic members are allowed the following displayed in their listing(s):

  • name
  • country
  • email address

Paid/full members are allowed the following in their listing(s):

  • a comprehensive description of their services (in multiple sections, if appropriate)
  • complete contact details, including address, phone numbers, website and other links
  • social media/photo/video and sound platform icons
  • an image/logo or their choosing (different section-specific pictures are allowed)
  • downloadable CV/resumé or other document (references, flyers etc)
  • a showreel/promo, linked to their listing and/or uploaded onto Wildlife-film.com YouTube/Vimeo channels

Paid/full members also get:

  • a profile page with all of the above listing information included, plus additional photo's, embedded films, sound clips and anything else asked to be included, within reason
  • multiple section listings will link to the members profile page
  • a permanent link in the full online edition of Wildlife Film News (for the duration of their membership)
  • priority on their news items in Wildlife Film News (subject to the editorial)
  • priority on their articles submitted for publication on the features page (subject to the editorial)
  • priority on being interviewed for our interviews/q&a page
  • promotion on all Wildlife-film.com online platforms, when their news is available
  • unlimited listing updates/amendments allowance throughout the year
  • organisations get complimentary freelancer listings for their staff (if appropriate)
  • a printable certificate of membership (delivered by email)
  • a 'registered member' logo to display on their website (for the duration of their membership)

Discounted/promotional full membership will usually last for one year, unless agreed otherwise. If after the promotional year you wish to continue with full membership, the full and current amount for that membership will be payable on the first year anniversary of your date of joining, unless agreed otherwise. NB. Membership automatically rolls over to a new year, so if you do not want to remain a member following your first or consequent years, please inform us before the anniversary of your joining/renew date.

Please send any membership enquiries to membership@wildlife-film.com

NB. Member news will always get priority over non-member news right across the site, social media and in Wildlife Film News. Full-member news will get priority over that of free members. We cannot be expected to find all news ourselves however, although we do go to great lengths to keep up-to-date, so we ask you to please send all your relevant wildlife film related to us to be sure of having it reported on. Please send to news@wildlife-film.com (Whilst the editor will report on all wildlife film news that he thinks is newsworthy, i.e. the members/subscribers will find it of interest, it will not always be possible to cover everything due to time and space limitations. Also, if the news negatively impacts on or adversely affects full members, we will most-likely not report on it, subject to the editorial. The editor's decision is final.)

We post 'kit for sale' items for members and subscribers, on the site, in Wildlife Film News and on social media, as a service, but we do not attest to the truth of the wording, description, photo's or any other info' supplied. All liability is on the seller, not us.

Invoices must be paid within 30 days of the issue date. We will add 4% to the total owed if paid via PayPal, to cover PayPal fees. No additional charge for Standing Orders, BACS transfers or Cheques, therefore they are preferred.

Thank you for your support – We would not be able to continue this resource without our full members!

These terms, conditions and rules are subject to change without notice, so please keep a copy of the version that was current when you signed up! DOWNLOAD HERE.
Last Updated: 11/05/2018 NB. If you do not have a copy of the T&Cs, the current version applies.

Wildlife-film.com publishes information and opinions as a service to its members and visitors/readers.
The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com are not necessarily those of the producer.

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info@wildlife-film.com / about / terms & conditions / privacy policy / contact us
Wildlife-film.com is wholly owned by Wildlife Media Ltd




