Wildlife-film.com - the international news and information resource for wildlife film makers worldwide with news and directories of producers, festivals, location managers, stock footage, training and freelance personnel.

Freelance/Crew Membership

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Member CertificateWildlife-film.com is an online resource for those working in the wildlife film-making industry wanting to source freelancers. As you can see from the menu on the right, we list freelancers in all areas of wildlife film-making, both amateur and professional. We also list the staff of our organisation members here. Wildlife-film.com is visited in over 185 countries, so industry exposure through the site is exceptional. We frequently receive emails from companies/organisations looking for crew, interns, stock footage etc. We direct all enquirers here.

We offer a free, basic listing to everyone - simply give us your name, email address, country, the category you would like to appear in and a little background information by completing this form, but for those looking for greater exposure we offer paid membership to Wildlife-film.com
, which means a full directory listing on the website (in all appropriate sections) and a link in our newsletter, Wildlife Film News, which goes out every single month to thousands of subscribers. You'll receive a certificate of membership, a 'registered member' logo for your website and priority for news items you'd like to share in our monthly newsletter, across the site and social media.

We have also introduced Profile Pages, meaning you will get a dedicated page with a personal URL where you can have a Twitter and Facebook feed, display photo's, embed films/sound and generally promote your services.

This is outstanding industry exposure for only £30 per year.

If you're an Organisation, go here!

How does your paid listing appear in our monthly newsletter?

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What do other freelancers say?

"My happy return from a job via Wildlife-film.com
On my way home after the most amazing two weeks in Baja. I met amazing people, learned lots from a very talented cameraman and the coolest and most amazing Biologist. I remembered my love to wildlife filmmaking and last, but not least, added a new check on my bucket list (mobulas flying!). Thank you Jason Peters and Wildlife-film.com, I am very proud to be a part of this international group of wildlife filmmakers. What a surprise to have worked for a South African production company in my own country. Thank you, thank you, thank you Jason Peters!" - Karla Munguia Colmenero is a wildlife Camerawoman, Journalist and Presenter from Mexico!
Contact her by email: karla.munguia@gmail.com

"I got my latest job through Wildlife-film.com...
I've just picked up my latest job - a live interview as a wildlife presenter and expert on Sky News - through being listed on the Wildlife-film.com website. The Sky News producer was searching the web for a wildlife presenter who might be able to comment on a topical wildlife issue at short notice. When you google 'wildlife presenter', Wildlife-film.com comes really high in the ranking - which is how he found me. He then checked out my professional website (listed in my profile) and texted me on the number I'd included. We went from there - the next morning, I was being interviewed live on Sky News! That interview led to another, pre-recorded discussion (shown on Sky later in the same day). It also really helped to raise my profile in the industry, and gave me some great new material for my showreel. So, what can I say - the site really works - thank you! It makes it really simple for industry professionals to find and contact you, particularly at short notice." - Serena Cowdy is a wildlife presenter and journalist. You can contact her via her agent, Gerry Granshaw at David Foster Management.

“I got a job through my Wildlife-film.com listing...
I was commissioned to write the soundtrack for a short film titled 'Light Of The Sea', the subject was Puffins on the Isle of May, Scotland. The producer mentioned that she had found my details through the Wildlife-film.com website. She then linked to my site and felt my music style would suit her project. This was actually the first time I had been commissioned to compose music for someone I'd never met, I'd only worked with people I knew, or friends of friends. Being in my late 20s at the time I was still relatively young to the whole industry and also because I'm self-taught it always felt a bit harder to gain guidance and confidence in my music working in the industry. I have a passion for wildlife film, so the opportunity to provide my details on a website like Wildlife-film.com has proven valuable in terms of working with like-minded people." - Fraser Purdie is a Freelance Music Composer. You can contact him on fraser@fraserpurdie.com.

Where do you sign up?

Complete the form below with the information you'd like us to feature in your listing. Use the menus on the right to see listings that are already active. If you'd like us to include your photo in the listing please email it as a .jpg to membership@wildlife-film.com. You can pay by card, which will be processed by PayPal, by UK cheque (or bankers draft in GBP) made payable to Wildlife Media Ltd and sent to Wildlife-film.com, 58 Vale Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4JS, UK, or by BACS (bank transfer) - email for details or see the page following submission of your form.

Full Freelancer Membership

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Email Photo(s)/Logo & CV/Resumé to membership@wildlife-film.com

NB. The information supplied above will be made available in your listing, so if you'd like to limit published information (like your address or phone number as examples), please be sure to let us know.

By joining as a member you are agreeing to the T&Cs, so please read them before submitting your application form.
Also, be sure to read our Privacy Policy.

Disclaimer: Wildlife-film.com publishes information and opinions as a service to its members and visitors/readers.
The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com are not necessarily those of the producer.

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