for your entry details... Welcome to membership!
Please email your Photo/Logo & CV/Resumé to
(For your Profile Page, please supply any photos and links to films/showreels etc.)
If you've opted to pay via PayPal select your member option below.
PayPal will take some credit card payments without an account.
Membership Payment
(UK£30 for one year)
Use the drop-down menu to choose multiple years. |
Membership Payment
(UK£100 for one year)
Use the drop-down menu to choose multiple years. |
Membership Subscription
(UK£30 per year) |
Membership Subscription
(UK£100 per year) |
NB. Subscription payments are taken by PayPal on the anniversary of your set-up date and will be sent to us on that date, so please be sure to make note of said date. You can unsubscribe at any time prior to it. T&Cs
Alternatively, and preferred by us, please send the appropriate amount by BACS (instant bank transfer) or set up a standing order to:
Sort code: 60-83-71
Account number: 59557492
With your name as the reference.
For payments from outside the UK you may also need the following additional information:
Starling Bank
Account name: Wildlife Media Ltd
IBAN: GB40SRLG60837159557492
We recommend using the TransferWise service for international bank transfers... It's fair, reliable and much cheaper in charges than the vast majority of banks. If you use this link, your first transfer will be free: :)
NB. Please be sure to pay all bank transfer charges so that the full amount owed reaches us.
Or a GBP(£) cheque (or GBP bankers draft) made payable to "Wildlife Media Ltd" and sent to:
Jason Peters/, 56 Vale Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 4JS, UK
If you have
any queries about your membership payment please contact