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Take Your Shoes Off Productions

Take your shoes off Productions

Phone: +46 700 300 609

Email: info@takeyourshoesoff.se

Website: www.takeyourshoesoff.se

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Take your shoes off Productions is an independent film company based in Sweden and Norway. We do not make films or exhibitions for people to enjoy them and then continue their everyday life afterwards. We make films to inspire people to get up, go outside and explore.

The company was founded by Grethe Hillersöy and Tony Meyer (see below) in 2013.

Grethe studied marine biology and natural resource management in Australia and Norway. After having worked several years as research assistant, wildlife guide and a nature interpreter she decided to go full-time with wildlife film making and nature interpretation through film and photo.

Tony has a very varied background, including work in the Swedish Search and Rescue Society, dive instructor, guide and boat driver at Orca safaris, Svalbard guide and dog sledge musher. Tony has worked as a professional photographer since 2001, and this is today his full-time occupation.

We can provide footage on land, underwater and from the air, using our own equipment and experience.

Take Your Shoes Off Productions

Website: www.tonymeyer.se

Email: post@tonymeyer.se

Tony has a very varied occupational background. He has advanced boat certificates, experience from the Swedish Search and Rescue Society, and is also educated as a dive instructor.

Tony is educated as a Svalbard guide and has worked on two wildlife expeditions to Svalbard. Working as a dive instructor, guide and boat driver has also lead him to work on killer whale safaries in northern and central Norway for over ten years.

Of the more land-based occupations are the jobs as a wildlife host with wolves in Kolmårde Safari Zoo and dog sledge musher.

Tony has worked as a professional photographer since 2001. This is today his full-time occupation.

He is an experienced photographer, filmer and editor. He can film on land, under water and from the air (drones) with his own equipment.

He is mostly active in Sweden and Norway, but available for work anywhere.

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