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Stuart Westfield

Ranger Expeditions Ltd
62 Creek Road
Hayling Island
Hampshire PO11 9RE
United Kingdom

Expedition Leader -
Stuart Westfield

Phone: +44 (0)7890 620 274

Email: rangerexped@hotmail.co.uk

Ranger Expeditions Ltd

Website: www.rangerexped.co.uk

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Stuart is a qualified Mountain and Wilderness Expedition Leader (MLTUK) with expedition medic training (ECP). He is dedicated to sharing the wildlife and wilderness experience with a wider audience.

He has operated in diverse environments including Savannah, Desert, Tropical Forest, Volcanic, Altitude (6000m), journeying through countries such as Iceland (4X4 driving), Norway and the African continent (over 20 national parks and reserves), providing mountain services for world class adventure races, as well as working with NGO's on community based construction projects.

He has produced and photographed with MiniDV, supertelephoto & digital stills equipment.

Stuart's skills set complements the needs of remote filming projects both in the UK and overseas. He also provides pre-expedition and wilderness skills training courses as excellent preparation for overseas assignments.

Stuart works enthusiastically in support of project aims and expedition success in the following roles:

  • Expedition leader / assistant
  • Camera assistant
  • Photographer
  • Logistical support
  • Field assistant
  • Base camp services
  • 4x4 driving / navigator / spotter
  • Wilderness skills training

Ranger Expeditions Ltd

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.

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