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Paul Redman

Paul Redman
Director, lighting cameraman, editor and activist.

Handcrafted Films

Handcrafted Films
22c Castlewood Road
London N16 6DW
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7887 557 464

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Email: paulredman@handcraftedfilms.net

Website: www.handcraftedfilms.net
& www.paulredman.net

Also see: www.ifnotusthenwho.me/who/paul-redman

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Paul has been a campaigning filmmaker in the environmental movement for over 10 years with the Environmental Investigation Agency and since 2006 with Handcrafted Films.

His work has involved directing, filming and editing a variety of films for advocacy on a range of issues including the trade in tiger parts, whale and dolphin trade, illegal logging and the ivory trade.

This work has involved extensive travel in hazardous environments as a small crew using both open and covert filming techniques.

His footage has been used in News features and for programming on BBC, Sky, CNN and a number of other major broadcasters.

He has also trained activists media-based campaigning techniques in Indonesia, Papua, India and Tanzania as part of extensive UK Government funded training programs.

His directing work with Handcrafted Films has produced a number of award-winning short films for major development funders (UK DFID, European Forestry Institute) and non-governmental organisations (Amnesty, WSPA). He has been nominated three times for the FFC filmmaker of the year award.

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