Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com

Kiril Ivanov

Kiril Ivanov

Ovrazhnaya 24/15-70
Moscow 141420

Phone: +7 9154 345 572

Email: videodiver@mail.ru

Website: www.videodiver.ru

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  • Underwater and topside filming with Sony cameras of MiniD, DVCam & HDV formats.
  • Video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro and Sony Vegas Studio.
  • Three star diver CMAS.
  • TDI Advanced Nitrox diver.
  • Diving instructor EANx IANTD.
  • Specialized in dry suit diving. Over 15 years of experience of diving and filming in cold waters and under the ice.
  • Experienced handling small boats and inflatables.
  • Fluent English.


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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
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