Established in 2001, Hairy Frog Productions is an independent wildlife production and educational company. It has an extensive Stills Image Library featuring a comprehensive selection of wildlife images and also a huge and varied range of flora, fauna, people and beautiful scenics from around the world. They have approximately 45,000 slides and 75,000 digital images and are growing daily.
Hairy Frog also has a large Sound Library and wildlife stock footage Digital Video Library (originally shot on Super 16 & DV Cam). Rates are extremely competitive. They are fully equipped to film and edit in full HiDef. They specialise in providing stills, video clips and factual content for iphone apps, Smart boards and tables and touch screen digital displays.
Mike is an highly experienced producer, director and cameraman with full HD kit (BBC specs) + GoPro hero in flat optic housing + video-microscope and endoscopes + Canon 7D time-lapse kit.
Over 400 credits mainly as a Producer for Survival/Anglia Television.
Now also producing Wildlife Interactive Touch-screens.
Over forty International awards to date.
Specialist in herpetology, entomology and UK wildlife.
Large video, sound and stills library. |