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Native to Earth

Native to Earth Limited

United Kingdom

Company Director/Documentary Producer/Creative Director: Jordanne Wood

Executive Assistant/Production Assistant:Ariel Ropert
Documentary Co-director: Persia Babayan-Taylor – persia@nativeto.earth
Director of Photography/Media Manager: Darryl Peterson
Composer: Elliott Thornhill
PR Manager: Anne-Francoise Ropert
Researcher: Katie Jones
Publications Consultant: Tom Browne

Phone: +44 (0)7530 073 658

Zoom Meeting Bookings here

Email: jordanne@nativeto.earth

Connect with us: social@nativeto.earth

Website: www.nativeto.earth

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The Tica Project:

Jordanne Wood’s Personal Work Website (Production company collaborating with Native to Earth): www.theticaproject.com

Jordanne Wood

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Wildlife Conservation Documentaries and Media: Connecting audiences to the true guardians of the Earth.

Native to Earth is a collection of creatives passionate about conserving the natural world. We exist to unite audiences’ understanding of the Earth’s offerings, the truth about their misuse and vulnerability, and to empower everyone to make positive change. We aim to document the natural world whilst carrying a responsibility to communicate the truth about both the challenges and how to overcome them.

Our vision is for people across the globe to reconnect with nature and unite as Natives of the Earth through exposure to alternative perspectives of what it means to live sustainably, cherish nature’s offerings, and value the work it takes to protect and live in harmony with the natural world, enriching their lives in the process.

Our mission is:

  • To produce documentaries and interactive media that engage audiences with the challenges of the Biodiversity Crisis, from ecological breakdown to socioeconomic struggle.
  • To inform audiences of how and by whom the challenges of the Biodiversity Crisis are being addressed.
  • To empower audiences to contribute to solutions that make real change.

Persia Babayan-Taylor

Persia Babayan-Taylor, Director

Yorkshire / London

Website: www.persia-babayan-taylor.co.uk

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Persia trained at Guildford School of Acting. She has worked as a Producer, Director and Composer.  

Now working predominantly as a Director, Persia has worked with notable venues and establishments such as Theatre by the Lake and Guildford School of Acting.

In 2023, Persia is thrilled to be making her directing debut in documentary film-making and television.

Credits as a director include:

Swallows and Armenians (Cumbria Opera Group, 2022), As You Like It (R&D, Guildford School of Acting 2021), Cosi Fan Tutte (Cumbria Opera Festival 2021), Twelfth Night (Jupiter Theatre, 2021), Swallows and Armenians (R&D digital workshops, Guildford School of Acting 2021, ACE Lottery project funded 2020), Swallows and Armenians (Theatre by the Lake, ACE Lottery project funded 2019), Cymbeline (Bellaire’s Studio, 2019), Venus and Adonis (Eden Valley Opera Company, 2017) 


Upcoming docuseries: Native to Brunca: an ethnographic Wildlife Conservation Documentary Series inspiring and empowering audiences with the resilience and hope of the true guardians of the most biodiverse place on Earth.

Native to Brunca: A first glimpse

Updates can be found here: nativeto.earth/index.php/en/our-projects/docuseries-native-to-brunca

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