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Kimen: The Natural World

Kimen: The Natural World
(Kimen: El Mundo Natural)
Junín de los Andes

Pedro Leon Juliá and Juan Marcos Fernández

Producer/Cameramen: Pedro Leon Juliá and Juan Marcos Fernández

Phone: +54 911 56 463 489

Email: kimenelmundonatural@gmail.com

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Kimen: The Natural World

We are a small production team based in Argentina, currently working on a nature documentary in Neuquén Province, Patagonia.

It is our belief that contemplating, studying and connecting with the natural world around us makes us stronger as individuals and as a social collective.

We have substantial knowledge of wildlife and ecological conservation practices in the region so as to get close to the animals and cause minimal impact on the environment during fieldwork.

Our extensive experience travelling deep into the Andean Patagonian forest, by foot and canoe, allows us to reach rare and remote places in the mountain range.

We handle all aspects of production. 4K acquisition: aerial, underwater and terrain. Exclusive footage is available for purchase.

We are happy to be contacted for distribution opportunities of our current documentary film and for collaboration on future projects.

Kimen: The Natural WorldKimen: The Natural WorldKimen: The Natural World


Kimen: The Natural World (2020) | Official Trailer | Patagonia

Kimen: The Natural World

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