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Chris Watson

Chris Watson

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7976  794638

Email: chrisw@filmcrew.co.uk

Website: www.chriswatson.net

Chris Watson

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Chris Watson is a very experienced sound recordist specialising in wildlife - He has worked closely with two of the most high-profile natural history presenters in the business, David Attenborough and Bill Oddie. He is Oddie's favourite sound man and the TV veteran says of Watson: "I don't know anyone who is so intense yet so splendidly frivolous."

Chris WatsonChris Watson

Chris became a sound recordist in 1981 when he joined Tyne Tees Television and is now widely regarded as one of the most creative sound artists in the business. His recent credits include the hugely popular Springwatch and Autumnwatch,The One Show, Bang Goes The Theory (Can you hear a snail?) and he received the Wildlife Film Asia Award for the BBC's Galapagos: Born of Fire. He also creates for the radio, with credits including Soundscape: The Sea Swallow, Watersong and The Estuary, all for BBC Radio 4, and he recently won the BPG 2012 "Radio Personality of the Year" Award for The Wire.


Chris WatsonChris Watson

He also finds time to be a Wildeye tutor, runs courses in wildlife sound recording and post production at the BBC Natural History Unit and lectures internationally on location sound and sound design.

You can purchase his fantastic CDs through touchshop.org or download via chriswatsonreleases.bandcamp.com.

Listen/purchase on iTunes too:

Chris WatsonChris Watson

Chris Watson

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