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Andrew O'Donnell

Andrew O'Donnell

Beluga Lagoon
34 Glenward Avenue
Glasgow G66 7EP
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7594 624 007

Email: belugalagoon.alba@gmail.com

Website: www.belugalagoon.com

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I have travelled as far as the Galapagos Islands and Borneo Filming and Photographing Wildlife.

I have done a lot of long lense work In the past. I am now experimenting with wide angles for filming wildlife, using an array of dolly and stabilizing systems for unique perspectives. I am also Using similar techniques for ever more Interesting Time-Lapses.

One of my films was recently shortlisted for the Eden Shorts Competition on Eden TV Channel. (See below)

I also volunteer with the Scottish Wildlife Trust and I have observed raptor behaviour in a very meticulous manor.

Music has always been a big part of my life, and I love having the skills to be able to put Audio to my own Visuals. I have collected a variety of exotic instruments on my travels and use these for creating unique textures in my compositions. I have qualifications in studio sound, and I am currently doing a field recording course in my spare time.

Andrew O'DonnellAndrew O'Donnell


Andrew says "In our latest film, we hope to take the standard to a higher level, while keeping the quirky narrative! We are also working with a larger crew than we had in "Rivers" and "Sullivan's Winter". So production will be more efficient, and safe... We will also be taking the music to a new level by recording an actual proper album! 12 tracks of Scottish Sounds which we hope will also hold it's weight as an independent piece of work. We also hope that the rewards are better value this time around too! These things seem to get easier after you've done it a few times. As we have said before... Unless we die or something like that, this project will be finished. We love making these films too much!"

Sullivan's Wild Scotland - Forests (Official trailer 2020)

Sullivan's Wild Scotland - The Coast (Official Trailer)

Support his campaign here: kickstarter.com/projects/1999606698/sullivans-wild-scotland-the-coast

Andrew O'Donnell

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