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Shake The Tree Productions

Shake The Tree Productions
Keeper's Cottage
Rectory Road
Norfolk NR11 7ER

United Kingdom

Company Director: Caroline Brett
Company Secretary: Alan Miller

Phone: +44 (0)1263 731 659

Email: carolinebrett@mac.com or alanmiller@mac.com

The Highland Pony: A Celebration

The Highland Pony: A Celebration is a recent Shake The Tree production!

Caroline Brett (BSc Hons/Zoology, Bristol Uni.) is a highly experienced and award-winning producer/director/writer.

She worked for twenty-one years for the prestigious Survival series including in Arctic Canada, in the rain forests of Sierra Leone and on a remote Vietnamese island. She also produced the highly successful Predators with Gaby Roslin and Wild about Essex with Tony Robinson.

Caroline has recently made films on black caiman in Brazil, the history of the pearl trade in Bahrain, street children in India and ponies in Scotland, the later two she also filmed. She has photographs at the Specialist Stock Library, has numerous articles and seven books published and while working for Save Our Seas, the foundation won many wildlife film festival awards including Jackson Hole and Wildscreen.

She considers film proposals mainly on wildlife, animals and conservation for DVD, internet, TV and cinema.

Caroline BrettAlan MillerCaroline Brett

Download my CV

Website: www.alan-miller.co.uk

Alan Miller has been editing wildlife documentaries for twenty five years. BBC trained, Alan started editing wildlife programmes at Partridge Films and worked on many of their Wildscreen Panda award winners.

He has worked for many companies, including Granada, BBC, NHK Japan and Nature Conservation Films for whom he wrote, directed and edited a wildlife feature film and edited two other wildlife feature films. He has also written and directed many documentaries but remains passionately interested in editing.

He is experienced in both Avid and Final Cut Pro systems. Alan is a recent Wildscreen Panda award-winner and his recently completed independent feature film won best of category in 2012's London Independent Film Festival.


Alan Miller – Editor

The Native Pony Stallion

The Native Pony Stallion
By Caroline Brett

The Native Pony Stallion is a guide to handling and working with an entire pony. The book covers each stage from foal to maturity, and offers advice on how to care for a stallion and prepare him for various disciplines including showing and breeding.

It contains detailed veterinary guidance, information about stallions from the Native Pony Societies, useful tips and helpful insights on each British native pony breed gleaned from interviews with experienced pony people.

The book is published by Wildeye and is available from Amazon.co.uk

Alan and Caroline are also both Wildeye Tutors.

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