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Richard Brock

Richard Brock

Brock Initiative & Living Planet Productions

Brock Initiative & Living Planet Productions
Dumpers Cottage
Dumpers Lane
Chew Magna
Bristol BS40 8SS

Phone: +44 (0)1275 333 187

Email: livingplanetproductions@gmail.com & richard@brockinitiative.org

Website: www.brockinitiative.org

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Wildlife Winners and Losers - Brock Initiative

Richard Brock worked in the BBC Natural History Unit for 35 years producing, among others, the highly successful Life on Earth and Living Planet series with David Attenborough. Concerned by the lack of willingness to address the real current state of the environment he left the BBC and started his own independent production company Living Planet Productions.

Richard Brock

Living Planet Productions has made over 100 films on a wide range of environmental topics, shown all over the world. As his archive of films and footage mounted up, Richard felt that there was something more, better, that could be done with this resource, so he set up the Brock Initiative.

Richard Brock

"I try to get stuff out there that will make a difference. There are now more ways of doing that than ever before. It can be in any format, anywhere, anyhow. I will provide free footage on wildlife and environmental matters from around the world. I am always interested in issues where "Filming with Attitude" might help the planet. Just let me know."

Richard Brock

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I was a Dog in Isiolo -- The Chinese, Roads, Steam, Rhinos, Elephants and Ivory. from brockinitiative

The latest about the greatest wildlife threat of our time.

Urgent and unusual, this short film tracks the trail of illegal elephant ivory and rhino horn and searches for solutions from Richard Brock.

Sadly, one truth about important and negative news stories is that, as the media continues to report them, they have a decreasing impact, verging on rejection. So called "fatigue". A classic example is climate change. It is, also, I believe, true of the elephant ivory and rhino horn tragedies and the public are so used to hearing or seeing about that they are increasingly dismissed... "Oh, I know about that. Isn't it terrible" And on the next, new, story.

So I made "I was a dog in Isiolo" in an effort to overcome that elephant and rhino fatigue. However many statistics you ventilate, however many mauled elephant or rhinos you show (and many people don't want to see those anyway), the information is diluted in the flood of today's media. "Dog" tries to overcome this. By tracking "The Chinese Connection" where dogs are eaten in Isiolo in northern Kenya, we follow Chinese road builders north where they move from dogs to elephants, not to eat but to steal their tusks -- Ivory. Illegal poaching is bringing Kenya's elephants to their knees. Not only the elephants will suffer but also Kenya's vital tourism trade, as the wildlife is stolen by Chinese greed. All over Africa "The Chinese Connection" is from Angola to Zimbabwe raping the resources in the name of 'progress'.

No doubt the whole World is waiting for the first 'International Poo Film Festival' – Richard Brock

When will it arrive and get the interest and appreciation it deserves? 

Will it include wildlife? 

Will it deliver? 

Well, here comes "Poodunnit? a Wildlife Detective Story" ...  One hour through one year right down the beautiful River Wye between Wales and England, using the heron and the wild duck, the mallard, as our guides.

It's got to be a first! 

It is.

Poodunnit? V21.mp4

If you'd like the password for this film, and are prepared to take the time to answer a questionaire giving feedback on it, please email info@brockinitiative.org asking Poodunnit?

Visit: brockinitiative.org/river-wye-work-in-progress

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Wildlife Winners and Losers - Brock Initiative

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Wildlife Winners & Losers - How to turn Losers into Winners!

Richard Brock

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