Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com

Pridelands Films

Pridelands Films

Founder, Director: Fiona Tande

Phone: +254 722176 321

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Email: info@pridelandsfilms.com

Website: www.pridelandsfilms.com

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Pridelands Films is a Kenyan based wildlife film agent, as well as a platform to represent and champion for the inclusion and participation of local talent in natural history filmmaking. We believe the more African storytellers are engaged, the more inspired audiences at the grassroot levels will be and the more impactful wildlife and conservation films will be.

Pridelands Wildlife Film Fest

Pridelands Wildlife Film Fest

Pridelands Wildlife Film Fest, (PWFF), is the first of its kind film festival in East, West, North and Central Africa, dedicated to wildlife and conservation factual storytelling with African storytellers at the heart of the narrative. The annual event will be a convening of industry stakeholders from Africa and the world over, where opportunities to learn from each other, network and collaborate are fostered to produce groundbreaking series/films while promoting local engagement, inclusion and diversity in natural history filmmaking.

Go here to enter our inaugural Pridelands Wildlife Film Fest: filmfreeway.com/PridelandsWildlifeFilmFest

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.

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