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#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival

#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival

Pamplona 31008

Co-ordinator: Javier Diez

Director: Bienvenido León

Phone: +34 69 902 7379

Email: info@labmecrazy.org

Website: www.labmecrazy.org

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#LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is an initiative run by the Museo de Ciencias at the University of Navarra.

It is a film festival that aims to raise awareness about science among young people by offering a refreshing, modern take on scientific knowledge.

2020 winners: unav.edu/en/web/labmecrazy/winners

2019 winners: unav.edu/en/web/labmecrazy/2019edition

New Spanish Festival, #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival – Call For Entries

The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is an initiative run by the Museo de Ciencias at the University of Navarra. It is a film festival that offers a refreshing, modern take on scientific knowledge.

The goal of the #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival is to arouse scientific curiosity and convey a passion for science. The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival brings together the best audiovisual productions to help you delve into the world of science using a new approach, tailor-made for you.

No matter where you live, you can join our online screenings during the festival. The experience will transform you. Are you up for it?


The #LabMeCrazy! Science Film Festival promotes the following values:

  • CURIOSITY: a desire to learn about the unknown.
  • CREATIVITY: a passion to create.
  • INNOVATION: the ability to offer innovative ideas to improve existing processes and products and open up new fields.
  • RIGOR: precision in and ownership of one’s actions.
  • PASSION: intense emotion that translates into enthusiasm or desire for something.
  • PROACTIVITY: the ability to act ahead of time, in a change-oriented manner.
  • COMMITMENT: a devotion to nature and human beings in pursuit of the common good.

Awards & Prizes

  • Best Documentary. Trophy and diploma.
  • Best Reportage or TV Production. Trophy and diploma.
  • Best Short Fiction Film. Trophy and diploma.
  • Best Internet or Social Media Video. Trophy and diploma.
  • Best Student Production. Trophy and diploma.
  • Best University Production. Trophy and diploma.
  • Audience Award. Trophy and diploma.
  • Passion for Science Award. Trophy and diploma.

The winners will be invited to take part in the festival. The organization will cover all travel and accommodation expenses for the trip to Pamplona, Spain, for one person per award.

Rules & Terms

1. Competition entries can take the form of documentaries, reportages, short fiction films, television programs and any videos designed for the Internet or social media. They must have been completed after January 1, 2016, and must focus on any science-related topic.

2. There are six categories:

a. Documentary
b. Reportage or TV Program
c. Short Fiction Film (<25 min)
d. Internet or Social Media Video
e. Student Production
f. University Production

Entries must be submitted online via the FilmFreeway platform.

3. The deadline for entries for the 3rd edition is June 6, 2021.

4. The jury for the preliminary phase will select the finalists for each category from all entries.

5. All finalists must provide a three-minute excerpt of the nominated videos, which will be made available to the media to promote the festival.

6. The jury’s decision will be final. The jury may declare any of the awards null and void and may also award special mentions.

7. All winners will receive a trophy and a diploma.

8. The winners will be invited to take part in the festival. The organization will cover all travel and accommodation expenses for the trip to Pamplona, Spain, for one person per award.

9. All winning videos will be stored in the festival archives for research and information purposes only.

10. The film producers, whether or not they receive an award, will retain all rights to their films.

11. The festival may use clips from the videos, lasting no longer than three minutes, to promote the festival among the media. Videos selected for the final phase may be screened during other activities organized by the Museo de Ciencias at the University of Navarra, in addition to the festival.

12. Participation implies acceptance of all the above-mentioned rules.

Visit: www.labmecrazy.org

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