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Japan Wildlife Film Festival

Japan Wildlife Film Festival
205 Ranjo

Executive Director: Yoshiharu McNicoll

Phone: +81 (0)3 6419 7504
Fax: +81 (0)3 6419 7510

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Email: jwff@naturechannel.jp

Website: www.naturechannel.jp

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Holding its first festival in 1993, JWFF is organized biennially - every odd year in Toyama prefecture, Japan.

With the cooperation of Wildscreen in Bristol, U.K. and Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival in Wyoming, U.S.A., it has become the largest event of its kind in Asia and Pacific Rims.

The festival receives over 400 film entries from over 40 countries and is attended by some 40 thousand members of the public who come from all over Japan.

The Japan Wildlife Film Festival is a four-day event, where nominated films are screened at several theatres and open to the public free of charge.

The Festival gives the Japanese public an excellent opportunity to view high quality natural history films. In addition to the screenings, we invite several of the nominees and other filmmakers to give special seminars on the making of their films.

The 13th Japan Wildlife Film Festival wasl held in Tokyo from the 2nd- 3rd April 2018... and the Winners are: wildlife-film.com/features/JWFF-Winners-2017.html

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