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Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival


Innsbruck Nature Film Festival
INFF Location by Christian Stadler

Festival Director: Johannes Kostenzer
Film Curator: Katja Trippel
Festival Administrator: Martina Pranger
Media & Communication:
Astrid Nehls

Email: info@naturefestival.eu

Website: www.naturefestival.eu

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Innsbruck Nature Film Festival


Short or long, documentary or story, thought-provoking, factual, shocking, fascinating, or just simply beautiful: films that will be shown to the public at Innsbruck’s Metropol cinema this autumn at INFF!

The established international Nature Film Competition on the subject of nature, environment and sustainability features high quality projects from throughout the world and celebrates its 21st edition in 2022.

As an environmental film festival in the middle of the Alps, INFF pays special attention to networking and values in the sense of the European Green Deal. INFF is a European platform for the exchange of filmmakers, production companies and broadcasters from all over the world.

Feel free to join INFF personally mid of October 2022. For details head over to the website. #youarenature #wearenature


Innsbruck Nature Film Festival

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