Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com




President: Jorge Camilo Valenzuela

Phone: +33 64 762 9882

Email: jorgecamilo.valenzuela@fifpan.org

Website: www.fifpan.org

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The organization of the FIFPAN festival is managed by the “WNA” (Wildlife & Nature Awareness), an association which aims to raise public awareness of issues relating to the preservation of flora and fauna, develop education about the environment, and improve awareness of native cultures and peoples.

In this context, the Association created FIFPAN: the International Wildlife and Nature Film and Photography Festival in Mimizan - France.

One of FIFPAN’s unique characteristics is that it highlights the global nature of these artistic and technical professions. These professions enable the creation of pictorial and cinematographic works dedicated to animals that are photographed and filmed in their natural environments. The festival also aims to highlight the work carried out by associations around the world with a view to preserving and protecting nature, fauna and flora.



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