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Festival International du Film Animalier (FIFA)

Festival International du Film Animalier (FIFA)
55 rue de Birmingham
Picardie 80300

President: Thierry Courouble

Phone: +33 (0)322 754 888

Email: contact@fifa.com.fr

Website: www.fifa.com.fr

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Ce Festival, dans le nord de la France, est une rencontre grand public avec les meilleurs films et documentaires animaliers professionnels et amateur en compétition le temps du festival, et un programme nature de sensibilisation au coeur de la vallée de la Somme et de la Picardie.

This festival, in northern France, is a public meeting of the best professional and amateur wildlife documentaries in competition during the festival, and a nature education program in the heart of the valley of the Somme and Picardy.

The 30th International Wildlife Film Festival will be held from 14- 22th of March 2020 in Albert, France. The festival is an official competition in which each selected movie is presented to an international jury composed of personalities known for their competence, commitment and knowledge of wildlife and environment.

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