Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com

Esprit Film

Esprit Film and Television Limited

Gloucestershire, GL2
United Kingdom

Company Director: Dave Blackham

Phone: +44 (0)1452 741 240

Email: daveblackham@espritfilm.co.uk

Website: www.espritfilm.co.uk

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Esprit Film and Television provide advanced, state of the art Location Filming equipment and Filming services to create must watch content for the worlds best Film makers and Broadcasters.

Whilst Esprit are leaders in Underwater Cinematography Esprit also work in the most remote, hostile but beautiful locations, filming the creatures and people with which we share our planet.

We also facilitate recording wildlife sound and acoustic music.

Esprit work to the highest standards creatively and technically, using both off the shelf equipment and also our own specially developed systems for stills, 2D and 3D photo-cinematography.

Clients of Esprit can hire equipment and services as a package or we can design and build systems and facilities for individual projects.

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.

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