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Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Les Augrès Manor
La Profonde Rue
Trinity JE3 5BP
Channel Islands

Head of Marketing: Kelly Barker

Phone: +44 (0)1534 860 081

Email: kelly.barker@durrell.org

Website: www.durrell.org

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"We want to ensure a wilder, healthier, more colourful world for future generations..."

Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust strives to save the most threatened species in the most threatened places around the world.

Biodiversity is essential for human survival and our aim is to ensure we can persist alongside the myriad of plants and animals that inhabit our planet.

Durrell's new strategy concentrates on the rewilding of animals, the rewilding of ecosystems and the rewilding of people. Please join us on our journey and help us continue our work saving species from extinction.

As Durrell Wildlife head into their 60th anniversary year feeling optimistic and excited for what 2019 will bring, they share with us their new animated film, 'Conservation Works', a new animation narrated by Alexander Armstrong...

Conservation Works

Rewild Our World from Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust

Visit: durrell.org/wildlife/rewild-our-world

World's Rarest Bird Returns to the Wild

Read more: durrell.org/wildlife/news/history-made-worlds-rarest-bird-released-wild

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