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Wildlife Sound Recording Society

The Wildlife Sound Recording Society

Email: secretary@wildlife-sound.org

Website: www.wildlife-sound.org

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The Wildlife Sound Recording Society was formed in 1968, and now has over 250 members in Britain and throughout the world. Its objects are to encourage the recording of wildlife sounds, and to support projects which aim at furthering the knowledge of natural history sounds, the techniques of recording these sounds and other allied subjects. In addition to the Annual General Meeting and Society's Spring Meeting, workshops are held twice a year and other local meetings are held throughout the country from time to time. The Society publishes a journal, Wildlife Sound, twice a year - and a Sound Magazine in CD format of member's work, four times a year. The Society welcomes complete beginners as well as experienced recordists.

Please contact the Membership Secretary for further details about joining the Society at enquires@wildlife-sound.org

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