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Tim Marks

Timothy Marks

3 Arundel Road
Alexandra Park

Phone: +263 775 553 664

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Email: info@tdmarks.net

Website: www.tdmarks.net

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I grew up in Africa. Living in Zimbabwe for most of my life I have seen first hand what it means to be in the middle of an unfolding saga. The unique environment that I was brought up in has given me an appreciation of the beauty and splendour of the natural world. I love nature with a passion. I also love working with modern technology. By becoming skilled in film I to want to combine my two passions so that I can use one to help preserve the other. Through the power of creative storytelling (whether filmmaking or photography) I aim to contribute towards preserving, conserving and restoring the world we live in and hope to inspire other people to do the same.

Tim has over seven years experience as a camera operator, director, and photographer and has worked on a variety of programmes covering a range of different genres. A film & photographic graduate, Tim has a strong passion for the natural world and wants to increase his experience in wildlife film making. Tim has specialised in independent & natural history documentaries, but he also has extensive traditional documentary style and multi camera productions.

Skills Summary

  • Experienced first and multi camera documentaries, time-lapse, travel, landscape, and wildlife photography.
  • Formats: Full HD, Ultra HD, 4K, and Super 16mm film
  • Long experience traveling, rock climbing, hiking, and working with dangerous wildlife.

Tim Marks


Tim Marks

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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.