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The Complete Camera Company

The Complete Camera Company
18 Roseburn Cliff
Edinburgh EH12 6AL
United Kingdom

Company Director – Paul O'Connor

Phone: +44 (0)7789 816 994

Email: paul@thecompletecameracompany.com

Website: www.thecompletecameracompany.com

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The Complete Camera Company are a camera consultancy and crewing company. We are here to provide you with truly objective advice on the best camera solution for your production. As a group we have decades of experience in every area of the UK television market.

We have provided crews to many of the leading facilities and production companies and have worked on Bafta and RTS award winning shows.

The company was co-founded by cameramen Paul O'Connor and Ben Hoffmann. Between them, they have over 25 years of experience providing companies with a vast range of specialist camera solutions.


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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.