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Philli Grandfield

Phillip Grandfield

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7415 612 519

Email: phillipgrandfield@yahoo.co.uk

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I am a passionate Stills Wildlife Photographer and have a keen interest in wildlife, conservation and adventure.

In my spare time I love the great outdoors and go out on my boat or photograph anything from nature and wildlife, to landscapes and portraits.

Using my Nikon D7000 DSLR and Canon XA10 Video Camera I gain practical experience, creating different images.

From using my Prime, Telephoto or Macro lens, myself and my partner Tracey (also listed) work as a team and send our photos to BBC Wildlife Magazine, Wild Travel Magazine, Springwatch, BTO and media publications.

I am a volunteer breeding bird/beach bird and wetland bird surveyor for the British Trust for Ornithology and RSPB. Me and Tracey also take care of the photography for special events such as the Bristol Festival of Nature, Avon Gorge and Downs Project, and Community Fun Days.

Our website and business cards are being designed at the moment (website link to follow in due course).

As someone with experience in Lightroom editing software and a range of lenses and kit for any occasion I would love to be involved in more wildlife photography opportunities, and exciting projects around my job so feel free to contact me.

See our Flickr photos

Credit: Tracey Clark & Phil GrandfieldCredit: Tracey Clark & Phil Grandfield

Photo Credit: BTO/WEBS Waterbirds in the UK 2013/2014, The annual report of the Wetland Bird Survey. 33rd annual report/May 2015.


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