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Phana Monkey Project

Phana Monkey Project
Amnat Charoen Province

Phone: +66 45 46 3419 & +66 93 44 69 188

Email: phanamonkeyproject@gmail.com

Website: www.thaimonkeyforest.com & www.phanamonkeyproject.org

Like our Facebook Page

Aims of the Phana Monkey Project:

  • Promote the safety and well-being of the monkey population of Phana.
  • Make and promote recommendations for the maintenance of the forest habitat, the development of tourist visits and school visits, and the monitoring and control of visitors and provisioning of monkeys.
  • Produce and provide educational materials and opportunities for students.
  • Promote the Don Chao Poo Forest as a research and educational resource.

Don Chao Poo is the perfect place for taking pictures and making films of the monkeys in their natural habitat. The interaction of local residents and visitors with the monkeys is frequent, harmonious and non-aggressive from both sides.

Phana Monkey Project can provide cheap accommodation and experienced guides to the forest and the long-tailed macaques resident there.

Please see our website for more details.


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