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Oropendola Productions

Oropendola Productions

Manchester, United Kingdom & Bologna, Italy

Directors: Nicholas Rodd & Greta Santagata

Phone: +44 (0)7742 960 995 (UK) & +39 370 1278264 (Italy)

Email: info@OropendolaProductions.com

Website: www.OropendolaProductions.com


Oropendola Productions is a dynamic production company that is dedicated to telling stories about Science and Nature through film. We love to explore those subjects that fill us with intrigue, wonder and amazement at the natural world and engage with the work of individuals, groups and organisations that harness the power and beauty of nature through sustainable practices.

We strive to represent Nature in all her beauty, complexity and fragility. We are particularly interested in the complicated, sometimes happy and sometimes difficult, relationship between Man and Nature. We believe that film is the most powerful way of creating a strong connection, providing a window into the work and product of those who endeavour daily to create and protect it.

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