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Oceans Project

Oceans Project
Suite 34
New House
67-68 Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8JY
United Kingdom

Founder and Director: Sarah Weldon

Phone: +44 (0)7539 617 118

Email: sarah@oceansproject.com

Website: www.oceansproject.com

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Oceans Project is a UK registered charity that provides free, online, environmental and STEM education to young people aged 5-19 worldwide.

Each year, an ocean row is undertaken as a way of raising extra funds to provide education to children who would have no education without the support of Oceans Project, especially those who are denied access to school based on gender, poverty, war, or disability.

The Great British Viking Quest is the expedition for 2015. It is a 3000 mile, single-handed circumnavigation of Great Britain in a purpose built ocean rowing boat, retracing the oar strokes of Viking seafarers, warriors, and conquerors.

Oceans Project is a UK Registered Charity: 1156583

To donate to Oceans Project: Text: GBVQ00 £1 to 70070

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