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NaturVision Film Festival

NaturVision Film Festival
Arsenalstraße 4
71638 Ludwigsburg

Festival Director: Ralph Thoms

Phone: +49 (0)7141 9922 48-0

Email: info@natur-vision.org

Website: www.natur-vision.de

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22nd NaturVision Film Festival from 20–23 July 2023 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.

NaturVision is Germany's longest-running nature film festival, focusing on the natural world, wildlife, the environment and sustainability. Over four days we showcase powerful and absorbing nature and wildlife films on the big screen. We want to allow our viewers insights into unfamiliar worlds, inform them and reveal interrelationships and effects, so that they become aware of and inspired by nature and the environment. At the same time it is our wish to provide a forum for the genre, so as well as big productions there is also room in our programme for small filmic gems.

Unforgettable film images, emotional moments, critical information: NaturVision is THE film festival for nature and the environment. With our international film competition, each year we showcase the latest films around nature, wildlife and the environment, honouring the best among them with prestigious awards. NaturVision brings the beauty of nature to the big screen, shows the vulnerability of our world, and reports on new and promising solutions for environmental issues. NaturVision stands for the art of film, sustainability and future-proof development. NVision the future!

The 22nd NaturVision Film Festival will once again celebrate environmental and nature films in Ludwigsburg from 20–23 July 2023.

We hope your submissions will light up our exciting festival programme! It’s time to start submitting your films for a chance to win one of our renowned film awards!

Films that were completed after 1 January 2022 can now be registered via our website: natur-vision.de/en/wettbewerb/call-for-entries

The closing date for entries is 23 January 2023.

But it’s worth getting in early and taking advantage of our Early Bird Discount! 

Register your film by 18 December and get 50% off the entry fee.

For more information on the categories and regulations, visit natur-vision.de/en/wettbewerb

We look forward to your submissions and are excited to see which ones arrive first!

Best wishes, Ralph Thoms – Festival Director

See the 2022 Winners Here: wildlife-film.com/features/NaturVision-Film-Festival-celebrates-its-2022-winners.html

For more information on the categories and regulations, visit: natur-vision.de/en/wettbewerb/kategorien-preise Rules: natur-vision.de/en/wettbewerb/reglement


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