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The National Trust for Scotland Nature Channel

The National Trust for Scotland Nature Channel
The National Trust for Scotland
Hermiston Quay
5 Cultins Rd
Edinburgh EH11 4DF
United Kingdom

Producer/Editor: Simon Goodall

Phone: +44 (0)7771 814 405

Email: sgoodall@nts.org.uk

Website: www.nts.org.uk/Nature-Channel

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The National Trust for Scotland Nature Channel project has been developed to film and document the diversity of wildlife that can be seen by the public on our huge range of properties.

Through utilising the habitat, species knowledge and field-craft skills of the Trust’s rangers, ecologists and conservation specialists we have begun to capture fascinating insights and incredible stories about the wildlife of Scotland. We hope that you enjoy the selection of films already on the Channel and visit regularly as it grows.

As one of Scotland’s biggest landowners, the Trust conserves the land and habitats you can watch in these videos, so please support our work by donating or becoming a member of the National Trust for Scotland.


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