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Kiran Ghadge

Vision Aquila Productions
A- 104 Kumbare Hermitage
Pune 411038

Phone: +91 98 22 531 657

Email: kghadge@gmail.com

Websites: www.visionaquila.com & www.gkiran.com

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Kiran Ghadge is a cinematographer & photographer with a unique creative eye. He specializes in wildlife and natural history.

Extensive fieldwork, conservation and assistance in researches associated with NGOs makes him familiar with the habits and behavior of birds and other wildlife. His films are not only visually rich and exciting but also enlightening, sending an awareness message through entertainment.

Kiran has a stunning collection of images and amazing video sequences made with the advanced camera technologies and techniques.

In addition to wildlife films Kiran has a feature length film and many short films to his credit apart from a documentary film under production for the Indian forest department.

Kiran Ghadge not only excels in cinematography but has highly qualified skills for film editing and story building. In short he is an all rounder as far as films are concerned and a one man army.


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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.