Wildlife Film News - The International News and Information Resource for Wildlife Film-makers from wildlife-film.com

Jez riley French

Jez riley French
hydrophones, contact mics & coil pick ups.
East Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Email: tempjez@hotmail.com

Website: www.jezrileyfrench.co.uk

jezrileyfrench.blogspot.com & hydrophones.blogspot.com

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Jez riley Frenchfield recordist, composer, artist.

Having been active in contemporary music & the arts for over three decades my work has been performed, exhibited and published widely across the world. In recent years I have been artist in residence with organisations in Estonia, Belgium, France, Portugal, Latvia, Italy, Japan, Korea & Austria.

I am fascinated and passionate about the infinite detail and expanding vistas of life around us, its sights and sounds, often overlooked or hidden. My creative output focuses on this never ending, joyous exploration and has increasingly involved elements such as audible silences, active listening, stillness & the empathy of compositional lines.

hydrophones, contact mics & coil pick ups.

built by Jez riley French, an experienced field recordist & tutor on the Wildeye sound recording courses, JrF contact mics & hydrophones are used all over the world by artists, film & tv crews, universities, schools, wildlife trusts & fellow enthusiasts.

The driving ethos being to make quality, reasonably priced units, allowing anyone to access fascinating worlds of sound hidden from the naked ear.


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tadpoles and water beetles, recorded at Froghall Wharf, Derbyshire - June 2013 with 2 JrF d-series hydrophones into a Sound Devices 7-series recorder.

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