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Georgina Barreiro

Georgina Barreiro

Buenos Aires

Phone: + 54 911 4079 6957

Email: georginabarreiro@gmail.com

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Georgina Barreiro is an independent filmmaker born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

She's been dedicated to documentary filmmaking for several years working for Canal Encuentro, INADI, Canal a, Proa tv, Discovery Channel, University of San Martín and National Library of Argentina.

Her first film 'Icaros', exploring the spiritual life of the shipibo in the Peruvian Amazon, was screened at more than 40 film festivals around the world.

She is now working on her new film 'The voice of the lake'. See her Indiegogo Campaign: igg.me/at/thevoiceofthelake

The film takes place in the fascinating Himalayas, portraying the life of the Bhutia and Leptcha people living in a remote community in Sikkim, India. Best known by its mystic lake, also called 'wish fulfilling lake', this town has been considered a sacred place for some of the most important spiritual teachers who have meditated in the caves currounding the lake for centuries. Every year this mystical village is the scene for a very important Tibetan Buddhist ceremony that takes place at the same time as a dancing and singing sikkimese competition. Pilgrims from all around come to the lake to join both celebrations.


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