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Fabio Borges / Hydrosphera
Photo by Renata Larroyd

Fabio Borges

Fabio Borges / Hydrosphera

Fabio Borges Media House
Fernando de Noronha, PE

Phone: +55 (81) 99 994 8281

Email: Fabio.borges@videosub.com.br

Website: www.hydrosphera.com.br

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Nature and outdoor motion and still photographer (also underwater and drone). Over 25 years of TV / Cinema experience.

Fabio Borges / Hydrosphera

Working as a wildlife filmmaker and photographer for over 25 years, Fabio Borges has traveled the world, mostly (but not limited to) for underwater shoots. His footage has been seen in all major nature / wildlife TV channels, beside cinema (best photography awards in cinema) and advertising. He has also worked as local fixer and expedition leader for many multi-purpose projects (biology research and film-making, for instance).


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