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EcoTales Film Festival
2 Heron Rd
Middlesex TW1 1PG
United Kingdom

Directors: Louise Purnell & Joanne Churchman

Head of Media: Gaby Bastyra

Phone: +44 (0)7766 815 974

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Email: ecotalesfestival@gmail.com

Website: www.ecotales.co.uk

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The first EcoTales Film Festival was be held in Richmond Upon Thames, London on May 5th 2013.

This one day, family festival screened a program of entertaining and informative environmental films all shown on solar or pedal powered screens.

The films explored a range of environmental topics including food, energy, recycling, conservation, biodiversity and wildlife preservation.

Alongside the main programme, Young filmmakers aged between 7 and 16 were invited to enter their own environmentally themed, short films and be part of the festival.


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