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California Academy of Sciences

California Academy of Sciences
55 Music Concourse Drive
San Francisco
California 94118

Head of Production: Tom Kennedy

Phone: +1 415 379 5181

Skype Me!

Email: tkennedy@calacademy.org

Website: www.calacademy.org

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The California Academy of Sciences is a renowned scientific and educational institution dedicated to exploring and explaining the natural world and addressing the challenge of sustainability.

Based in San Francisco, it is the only place on the planet with an aquarium, planetarium, natural history museum, and four-story rainforest — all under one living roof.

This unique combination allows visitors to explore the depths of a Philippine coral reef, climb into the canopy of a Costa Rican rainforest, and fly to the outer reaches of the Universe in a single day.

California Academy of Sciences


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The producer does not recommend or endorse any particular method, institution, product, treatment, or theory.
Opinions expressed on Wildlife-film.com and in Wildlife Film News are not necessarily those of the producer.

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