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CEEweb for Biodiversity

CEEweb for Biodiversity

General Secretary: Ágnes Zólyomi

Email: office@ceeweb.org

Website: www.ceeweb.org

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CEEweb for Biodiversity is a network of non-governmental organizations in the Central and Eastern European region.

Our mission is the conservation of biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development.

Green-Go Short Film Contest

Creative Contests Co-ordinator: Olja Radlovic

You care about nature? You want to be a part of a solution to challenges? You feel creative? Get inspired, find a story, do your research, get your team together, grab your camera and go outside to make your short film now! Send your film by 1 October 2017.

This year we have 3 exciting topics:

  • #1 Build Green, Live Green (green infrastructure)
    Science has proved that we are healthier and happier if we live in greener environment. Parks, gardens, tree lines, orchards, woodlands etc. have many and significant benefits for people, as nature makes us healthier and happier; helps us be fit and beautiful; makes us more creative and improves our memory. Plus, it is good for the economy as well. So what is stopping us from having more nature in our lives? Investigate the root of this problem, point out to its causes or show us a success story and offer a solution. Let your voice be heard!
  • #2 The Last Day on Earth? (Earth Overshoot Day)
    We are taking, we are consuming, and we are wasting without thinking about consequences of our actions. Planet Earth gives us enormous resources. Enormous, but not limitless. Did you know that Earth has to regenerate resources we are using and that we use more than can be reproduced? Every year, the date that marks the day when humanity has exhausted Earth’s natural budget (called the Earth Overshoot Day) arrives earlier and earlier. In 1987 it was on December 19 and last year it was on August 8. Now think, how can we help? We can bike to work or take public transport; we can consume less meat or become vegetarian; we can use less plastic; recycle; lower energy consumption… the choices are multiple. Tell your story about problems and solutions with your short film.
  • #3 Your Europe in 2050 (EU budget)
    Close your eyes and imagine Europe in 33 years from now… Where are you? Are you in a place you are happy to be in or are you somewhere you want to escape from? How the world around you looks like? Think about the problems Europe is facing today: social inequality, loss of animal and plant species, climate change, air pollution, management of water resources, waste, excessive noise and traffic… Will these issues be diminished, increased or will they remain the same? If the extent of problems will change, what is your vision of Europe in 2050? The answer to these challenges is directly related to the next EU budgets and their shape – what will money be spent on? We want to see a green budget, where public money is spent for public good. Send us your vision of Europe in 2050, your dream or your nightmare in a form of short film and let us know what you hope for or what you’re terrified of!

For more information, rules and how to enter, please visit www.greengofest.eu

If you have any questions, please make sure that you search for it first in the FAQs. In case you have not found it, please contact Olja Radlovic on the following email address: contest@greengofest.eu

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Green-Go Short Film Contest 2016

Green-Go Short Film Contest 2016

Green-Go Short Film Contest 2016 from CEEweb for Biodiversity


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