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Brock Initiative

The Brock Initiative & Living Planet Productions
Dumpers Cottage, Dumpers Lane,
Chew Magna, Bristol BS40 8SS

United Kingdom

Living Planet Productions

Executive Producer - Richard Brock

Phone: +44 (0)1275 333 187

Email: info@brockinitiative.org & livingplanetproductions@gmail.com

Website: www.brockinitiative.org

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Wildlife Winners and Losers - Brock Initiative

Richard Brock worked in the BBC Natural History Unit for 35 years producing, among others, the highly successful Life on Earth and Living Planet series. Concerned by the lack of willingness to address the real current state of the environment he left the BBC and started his own independent production company Living Planet Productions.

"These days it's simply not good enough to use the old response... "If people know about it they'll care for it and do something". Wrong. They'll just go on being conned that it's all perfect out there, with endless jungles, immaculate Masai Maras, and untouched oceans. What planet are they on about?"

Richard Brock and Living Planet Productions have made over 100 films on a wide range of environmental topics, shown all over the world. As his archive of films and footage mounted up, Richard felt that there was something more, better, that could be done with this resource.

"When you consider the miles of footage and thousands of programs sitting in vaults out there unused, it seems tragic that the very wonders they celebrate are dwindling, often because no one tells the locals and tries to help. That is why I believe its Payback Time for the wildlife television."

Richard went on to set up the Brock Initiative so that he could try to make a difference, and today Living Planet Productions and the Brock Initiative strive to do just that, together!

The Brock Initiative

"making films that WILL make a difference"

Richard Brock worked in the BBC NHU for 35 years, producing the highly successful Life on Earth and Living Planet series with David Attenborough, gaining international recognition as an accomplished producer. Concerned by the Corporations lack of willingness to address the real current state of the environment however, he left the BBC and started his own independent production company, Living Planet Productions. He then made over 100 films on a wide range of environmental topics, shown all over the world, and determined to make a difference, he decided to set up the Brock Initiative, to use his archive of footage, and to ask others to do the same, to create new films, not made for a general TV audience, but made for those who are really connected to the situation in hand.

"Showing the truth on some minority channel is not the answer. Showing it where it counts, is."

The Brock Initiative has successfully completed numerous projects in different countries. Aside from making a real difference in these areas the Brock Initiative hopes to encourage and assist others, both film-makers and those who can use film in their work, to do the same.

Wildlife Winners and Losers - Brock Initiative

No doubt the whole World is waiting for the first 'International Poo Film Festival' – Richard Brock

When will it arrive and get the interest and appreciation it deserves? 

Will it include wildlife? 

Will it deliver? 

Well, here comes "Poodunnit? a Wildlife Detective Story" ...  One hour through one year right down the beautiful River Wye between Wales and England, using the heron and the wild duck, the mallard, as our guides.

It's got to be a first! 

It is.

Poodunnit? V21.mp4

If you'd like the password for this film, and are prepared to take the time to answer a questionaire giving feedback on it, please email info@brockinitiative.org asking Poodunnit?

Visit: brockinitiative.org/river-wye-work-in-progress

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