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Arianne Kenworthy

Arianne Kenworthy

Flat 4, 16 Princes Street
South Glamorgan CF24 3PR
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)7595 470 011

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Email: arianne.kenworthy@live.co.uk & arianne.kenworthy@yahoo.co.uk

Website: www.ariannekenworthy.com

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Arianne is a recent BA (Hons) Television graduate from the University of Glamorgan, based in Cardiff with an intense passion for wildlife and conservation.

Throughout her course, she created a number of short films and documentaries including a short film about Lundy Island's marine conservation and a documentary about the effects of the recession on the UK's animals entitled The Price of Life.

Arianne is confident filming on HD cameras and owns a Canon 550D as well as editing on both Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro software. She is also a keen wildlife and animal photographer and is always looking for opportunities to expand her growing portfolio.

With such passion and interest in the natural world, Arianne has been inspired to want to combine this with her love of photography and filmmaking to help raise awareness of conservation projects and issues globally as well as closer to home.

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