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Adrienne Gittus

Adrienne Gittus

Soulwater Productions

Soulwater Productions

Canggu Permai, Kuta Utara
Badung Regency, Bali

Phone: +62 82 247 179 035

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Media and production based in Indonesia.

Experienced underwater and topside camera person, documentary maker and award winning filmmaker.

Both pre and post production, rebreather certified to 100m, with all own dive and camera equipment.


Some local language and extensive local contacts.


Underwater showreel

Trailer: "A Fi$h Full of Dollar$" from Adrienne Gittus

Indonesia is the number one shark fishing nation in the world. Sharks are a targeted species at the Tanjung Luar fish market in Lombok, where despite world wide trends away from shark finning, the trade persists. Worldwide, fishing is pushing many species to the brink of extinction. Fishermen are forced further afield every year to satisfy the hungry demand of the Chinese and world market for shark fin soup. Manta fishing for gill rakers has also been a growing trade in recent years, and despite law changes banning their fishing in Indonesia, some fishermen consider the risks worth taking. This film addresses a global problem at a local level, investigating the impact of the worldwide massacre of sharks and rays on both the environment and the local community in Lombok. How will the depletion of shark and manta species in the Lombok area affect tourism and the lives of local people, who have depended on the fruits of the seas for generations. What will happen when this resource is exhausted completely? The trade of banned species in Indonesia is a complex issue with many financial stakeholders. There is no simple solution to this problem, but shark and manta fishing must stop now if we are to preserve the environment for future generations. We must not let this be our legacy. Go to: www.facebook.com/sharkfishingindonesia

Adrienne Gittus

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